subscribers have dropped to 0 for nearly a week

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Amish America

Aug 14, 2008, 5:34:48 PM8/14/08
to FeedBurner Help Group - Feed and Web Statistics
Subscriber count dropped from abou t 390 to 0 last Thursday, has been
that way since. have had one-day drops to 0 before only to have it
return to normal the next day.


Aug 15, 2008, 5:45:17 AM8/15/08
to FeedBurner Help Group - Feed and Web Statistics
I have the same problem here:

All subscribers, both RSS and email are gone.

Amish America

Aug 15, 2008, 12:05:35 PM8/15/08
to FeedBurner Help Group - Feed and Web Statistics
still at zero today. here is the link to the feed:

Amish America

Aug 15, 2008, 12:21:16 PM8/15/08
to FeedBurner Help Group - Feed and Web Statistics
have been burning since early 2007, so not a recently burned feed
situation. first time this has happened in that year-and-a-half. new
posts are not being delivered to email subscribers. help please

Matthew Cornell

Aug 15, 2008, 1:43:53 PM8/15/08
to FeedBurner Help Group - Feed and Web Statistics

I saw something this morning I think is related. My feeds dropped from
1500 to 750 - I almost wet my pants. This has got to be a glitch, say
somewhere on FB's site? Question: Do FB reps read this group and
reply? I'd love to know what's going on.


Amish America

Aug 15, 2008, 2:09:03 PM8/15/08
to FeedBurner Help Group - Feed and Web Statistics
yeah it is a bit frustrating--i found out in a roundabout way that (I
assume) the reason my subscribers have been stuck at zero for seven
days is because my feed size is over 512k, so i followed the
instructions on this link to reduce it:

but that did not work--for some reason, it won't allow me to save the
'max-results' addendum to the end of the original feed--just repeats
the message that my feed size is over 512k. well, i already know
that, that is why I am trying to change this max-results thing! so
going in a bit of a circle here. I'm starting to think I would rather
pay a couple bucks a month and actually have someone respond when
there's an issue--and this is my first issue in 18 months on FB, I
should add. These forum things seem to be sort of a crapshoot


Aug 16, 2008, 10:54:11 AM8/16/08
to FeedBurner Help Group - Feed and Web Statistics
Are you sure you aren't looking at the "daily" subscribers? I thought
I lost all of mine too, then realized it said "new subscribers for
today". If I go to show totals, they're all there :)


Aug 16, 2008, 11:05:54 AM8/16/08
to FeedBurner Help Group - Feed and Web Statistics
feed stats at zero again today - this has been going on for several
weeks now - system corrects itself mid day most of the time -
obviously a glitch they have been unable to correct and is upsetting
to many users.


Aug 16, 2008, 11:42:29 AM8/16/08
to FeedBurner Help Group - Feed and Web Statistics
This is becoming very keeps happening to a few of my
sites as well.

Amish America

Aug 18, 2008, 9:21:56 AM8/18/08
to FeedBurner Help Group - Feed and Web Statistics
no this is not the daily subscribers, this is the main stat they show
you when you log in. it basically dropped off the planet about 10
days ago. My problem is that I'm getting a message that my feed size
is over 512k. So I follow the instructions for reducing feed size
(adding the 'max-results' bit to the end of the 'original feed'. But
for some reason it won't let me change this--it just spits the same
message back, that my feed size is over 512k. So i try enterin the
change again...and end up just going in circles. Perhaps I'm doing it
wrong? I'm following exactly what it says (it says it is for blogger
but that it should be similar for other services-I use typepad)

Well essentially the service for me has been rendered mostly useless,
and, well I am more Amish-oriented than computer-oriented so I'm
basically twiddling my thumbs until I can find someone to help, or I
suppose I can change services. It hasn't corrected itself, it has
been on a solid 0 for about 10 days, after having 350-400 for a good
while now


Aug 18, 2008, 9:32:17 AM8/18/08
to FeedBurner Help Group - Feed and Web Statistics
same mine is 0 up and down for the past 2 weeks

it is known, but feedburner should keep its users informed of the


Aug 18, 2008, 12:56:06 PM8/18/08
to FeedBurner Help Group - Feed and Web Statistics
Yep, it's happening again...

On Aug 18, 6:32 am, littleubuntu wrote:
> same mine is 0 up and down for the past 2 weeks
> it is known, but feedburner should keep its users informed of the
> progress

Amish America

Aug 19, 2008, 10:26:43 AM8/19/08
to FeedBurner Help Group - Feed and Web Statistics
it seems like i've finally figured out some sort of a solution, but
had to do it through typepad in the end--on typepad I switched my
settings to 'post excerpts' rather than full posts and that seems to
have done the trick; feed reader delivery has resumed again, and I
believe that email delivery has as well. I was not able to reduce the
amount of posts delivered in my feed as FB suggests in this link:

I really could find no other way to solve it through feedburner. If I
tried to reduce the number of posts or to activate SummaryBurner, I
was simply given the message over and over that my feed size was too
large--over 512K, which was baffling, as according to the info I'd
found, I thought I was doing exactly what I needed to do to reduce
that feed size by taking those actions.

I know that feedburner is under google but my only suggestion would be
to have more information in the help section on how to reduce the
number of posts included in the feed, as it seems they only give info
for blogger, and that really didn't work for me as I am on typepad(see
above) and ended up causing a lot of frustration. I guess I'm fairly
dumb when it comes to solving these sorts of tech issues--up til now
FB has seemed very user friendly, and I think generally it is, except
apparently in this type of situation.

You can definitely search for people with similar problems in these
discussions, but it seems like it would be helpful and a big time- and
frustration-saver if feedburner would give you more problem-solving
and troubleshooting information in a centralized place on their site.
Just an idea if anybody from FB reads this. Thanks
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