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Bloglines and Email Subs Not Reporting

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Greg Verdino

Dec 10, 2008, 12:03:23 PM12/10/08
to FeedBurner Help Group - Feed and Web Statistics
For several days running now, my feed count been down. The gaps seem
to be:

1) Bloglines isn't reflected at all
2) My email subs are missing as well

Not sure what else might be missing, but the net effect is a 25% or so
drop in the overall sub count.

Are other people seeing this or is it just me? And any idea what
Google is doing to right the course?


Dec 10, 2008, 1:12:03 PM12/10/08
to FeedBurner Help Group - Feed and Web Statistics
Yes, my bloglines are missing as well, and contrary to what feedburner
says, my subscription to my own blog in bloglines is not updating,
whereas in google reader it's fine.
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