Fedora Newsletter: February 2023

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Arran Griffith

Feb 13, 2024, 12:52:07 PMFeb 13
to Fedora Leaders, Fedora Community, Fedora Tech, Fedora Committers, Fedora Member Liaisons, samvera-...@googlegroups.com, isla...@googlegroups.com


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Welcome to 2024. This year is off to a great start and I look forward to sharing our accomplishments as we move through the year. This newsletter is a great place to stay informed about all that is happening with the technology and the community. Read on to hear about how we are kicking off 2024!





New Commiters


As a way of kickstarting 2024, last month we officially welcomed two new committers to the Fedora Committer team — Demian Katz from Villanova University and Thomas Bernhart from DocuTeam.


Demian and his team were instrumental in the development of the camel toolbox. Demian is a regular attendee and contributor at the weekly Fedora tech calls bringing migration support and insight, suggestions for documentation, and assistance with reviewing process-related initiatives. Villanova completed a Fedora 3 to 6 migration just over a year ago now, so Demian has been a strong advocate for the migration tooling and is always more than willing to provide migration assistance .


Thomas also regularly attends the weekly tech call and he, along with his colleagues at DocuTeam, are large contributors to the maintenance of the Fedora Docker images that the community relies on. Thomas has been involved with the tech team for several years and brings a wide range of integration expertise to the group. DocuTeam is in the process of migrating many of their clients to Fedora 6.x and the feedback they provide will benefit the community at large.


Please join me in welcoming Demian and Thomas to the Fedora Committer Team!



Fedora 6.x - A Growing Community of Users


With the release of Fedora 6 back in 2021, the adoption and migration efforts toward 6.x sometimes felt slow or even non-existent as institutions struggled with increasing workloads, decreased resources and changing priorities. But as we reflect on all the elements that are involved in undertaking migrations of this magnitude, we have a lot to celebrate.


As of January 2024, there are nearly 20 known institutions on, or migrating to, Fedora 6.x. This does not count institutions not actively participating in the community who may additionally have instances of Fedora 6.x that we are unaware of. Being an open-source program we don’t always know where our software is being used, but being able to celebrate these institutions using Fedora 6.x is certainly an achievement.


Collage of Fedora 6 Users' logos



Technology Updates 


Fedora 6.5 Release


This month the Committers and Tech Team are working toward a Fedora 6.5 release. This release will contain many overdue upgrades and fixes that have been committed. 


Core changes from 6.4.0 and highlights for 6.5 will include:

  • Updates to Hikari Database configuration connection pool allowing users to provide a file of all of their copies (see ticket)
  • Past versions of deleted, but not purged, resources are now accessible (i.e., objects with a tombstone)
  • Logging/messaging on a transaction conflict now include transaction IDs
  • Fedora registry banner now added to logs
  • Added fcr:systeminfo endpoint to provide version and commit information
  • Added ability to add custom WebAC access controls to the transaction endpoint
  • Enabled PairTree identifiers
  • Tomcat reindexing resume capabilities added


Along with fcrepo core, we will be issuing releases for fcrepo-camel toolbox, fcrepo-migration-utils, fcrepo-upgrade-utils, fcrepo-import-export and fcrepo- migration-validator.



Let's Talk About Fedora


As a focus for the upcoming conference year, the Fedora Program team is looking to you for inspiration. In the last few years, with the return to in-person conferencing, we have been very fortunate to have presented at some well-attended events and have used these opportunities to connect with our users. But this year we are recruiting YOU to help us spread the word about Fedora even further!


As one of our conference goals for the upcoming conference season, we want to support and encourage you, as Fedora users, to showcase your work. We are encouraging Fedora users to consider how you can contribute your expertise to the broader community through conference talks, workshops or posters. 


To help, we have created a space on the Fedora wiki where individuals who may have interest in collaborating on a conference proposal can outline their idea and see who else might be interested in participating. The Fedora team can help arrange discussions, coordinate meetings and even assist with proposal writing and submission. Find out more.


Fedora Governance Members at CNI in Washington, DC in December, 2023.


Photo Caption: Fedora Governance Members at CNI in Washington, DC, in December, 2023.



What's Happening in Our Partner Communities



  • Samvera Connect 2024 Call for Local Hosts open

·         Details can be found here.

  • Valkyerized Hyrax Community Effort Recap

·         Heather issued an update on the community effort surrounding Valkyerized Hyrax. The notes and details from this update can be found on the Samerva Wiki.

  • Hyrax User Group is seeking input on Web Accessibility Standards.

·         All questions and input can be forwarded to Heather Greer Klein at hea...@samvera.org.



  • Alan Stanley, Islandora Ambassador, has been awarded the responsibility of monitoring and maintaining the Islandora Sandbox at sandbox.islandora.ca

·         The site is running the most current Drupal 10 Islandora Starter Site release

  • ISLE (legacy) 1.5.28 Released

·         Note: This is for ISLE 7 (legacy), Drupal and Islandora 7.x only, not ISLE 2 (current)

  • Full release notes can be found here.





Fedora is an open-source, community-supported program funded entirely by membership contributions. Your funding supports our staff who work to develop, teach, engage and support all active Fedora users. Without our members, we would not be able to support the preservation of the vital content contained within the repositories of our users. Find out how you can help. Learn more and become a member today! 


Read more about changes made during the FY23-24 membership year and how you can take advantage of them during this pilot phase.




Fedora Registry


Part of our mission with Fedora 6.0 is to better understand our user install base. As a result, we are reaching out to the community now to help with these efforts. Is your institution in our registry? If so, are all the details up to date? Check out the current Fedora Registry. 


Need an update or need to add your instance? You can do so here.


By understanding our install base and what versions of Fedora are being used, we will be better prepared to provide the support necessary for our entire community. 






Fedora is designed, built, used and supported by the community. Join the conversation on our Fedora Slack channel or sign up for our Fedora community mailing list to stay in the loop. You can find more details here.


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