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Experiment for evaluating mobile applications over 5G for QoS

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Sumit Soman

Jun 5, 2020, 9:26:34 AM6/5/20
to fed4fire-experimenters
I am new to the 5G domain and wanted to know if there are any resources available that I could use to perform experiments for my problem statement. 

The objective is essentially to evaluate the QoS parameters for a mobile application running on Android devices that pertains to URLLC applications. I was able to find this for the Triangle testbed ( but I'm not exactly sure of how to use it with the Fed4FIRE+.

At the application level, we have an apk file which has features for voice-to-text and communicates with a web server over RESTful web services. We need to emulate a RAN and evaluate QoS parameters for the performance of this application. What would be the best way to go about this?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you
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