Anybody want to talk about Houston Marathon?

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Joe the Middle Aged Athlete

Jan 21, 2010, 11:10:10 AM1/21/10
to Fdip Group
I have been flirting with developing a Race Report podcast for a
little over a month. I would like to try to create an episode
documenting several runner's experiences about a specific race. Since
the Houston Marathon was this past weekend, and since I was a
participant, I thought I would start with it.

Is there anybody out there who ran the 2010 Houston Marathon and would
you be willing to be a part of an interview or group round table?
Written reports are good, but hearing the voice of the marathoner is
so much better. Please contact me at if you
are willing to be a part of this.

Cris Dopher

Jan 21, 2010, 12:36:46 PM1/21/10
Joe, I didn't run it this year...well, haven't run the Houston Marathon ever, but I did run the Houston Half Marathon a couple years ago with my sister. For portions of the route, you are parallel with the marathon route and mid-packers can actually see the front-runners go by. Then, of course, they both start and end at the same place. I'd be happy to offer some commentary on the quality of the route and race logistics. Though the weather was a cool 50, cloudy, and started to rain at the end of my run, that one survives in my memory as one of my top five runs of all time.


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Harvey Toni (DECC EDU)

Jan 22, 2010, 1:44:41 AM1/22/10

Want to do a Runners Round Table on Feb 3rd on the Houston Marathon?? I'd gladly host if a few people will promise to call in at 4pm Eastern time? Let me know? Regards, Toni

Joe the Middle Aged Athlete

Jan 22, 2010, 2:13:17 PM1/22/10
to Fdip Group
That would be awesome, but I have a problem with work related
scheduling on Wednesdays (one of the reasons I have never been able to
participate in the RRT. I thought I saw last week that the call was
at night. I can probably do almost any time after 5pm Central time if
that is at all a possibility.


On Jan 22, 12:44 am, "Harvey Toni \(DECC EDU\)"

Jason Zacher

Jan 24, 2010, 9:53:52 PM1/24/10
I'm not big on writing race reports for 5K races, but this was my first race
since my knee reconstruction back in June.

You can read my entire report on my blog: The Palmetto Runner.

Clifs Notes version? I broke 30 minutes -- more than 5 minutes off my PR,
but I'm calling it my post-surgery PR. It was 4 minutes faster than I
planned to run the race, so that was a great feeling. I'd only run a few
10-minute miles on the treadmill.

Thanks to everyone for this community and helping me recover from this major
surgery. Feeling this good after a 5K is a long way from running the Goofy
Challenge last year, but you all, Fdip, Zen Runner, and everyone I read and
listen to on a regular basis helped keep me motivated to get back on the

Thank you for every blog post, podcast, and e-mail you all have posted
during my recovery.

See you in Cincinnati in May!

Jason Zacher
Greenville, SC


Jan 25, 2010, 11:26:58 AM1/25/10
Way to go Jason. I will be looking for you at The Pig!


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