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Marci Glotzer

Feb 21, 2010, 3:09:13 PM2/21/10
to Fdip
Hi, everyone,
I wanted to take a second and give Steve a shout-out. Steve, if you hadn't mentioned Vibrams, I never would have thought to try them, and now that I have, I'm never going back to regular running shoes. They've brought back my running mojo in a way I never thought possible. They may not be the right shoe for everyone, but they sure are for me!
You can read all about my Vibram experience on my latest blog post,
I'm curious to know how many other Fdippers wear them, and what your experience has been.
Good running,

David Peach

Feb 22, 2010, 11:59:17 PM2/22/10
I have been wearing them for shorter runs. I have suffered from a set
of stress fractures in the metatarsals of my feet over the last year.
My hope is that the Vibrams will give me more muscle strength in the
feet. I wear them only for short runs right now; between 2 and 5
miles. I try to run in them once a week.

I can say that it seems to have helped my form. I have one pair of
shoes that were starting to break down and cause knee discomfort.
Since getting the Vibrams I have continued to run in those shoes
another 50 miles without any problems. I used to throw my right knee
out away from the body as I pulled my leg forward very slightly. Not
sure why I did that nor why the Vibrams seem to have helped, but that
was the knee I was having problems with. In my spinning class I was
also throwing my right knee away from the bike, but that has been
remedied too.

I read Chi Running shortly after I got the Vibrams too. So a
combination of the Chi Running book and the Vibrams can probably take
more of the credit than just one alone.


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