[Fdip:3990] Now what have I gotten myself into?

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Marci Glotzer

May 22, 2010, 12:50:19 PM5/22/10
to Fdip
Okay, folks,
I'm doing the insane.
I'm going to do both Chicago AND New York this year. It's for charity, but that's a tale for another day. The trick is, they're three weeks apart.
My question is for those of you who have done similar things. How did your training differ? DID your training differ? How did you approach each of the events?
I'm already overwhelmed by this decision -- I can barely run one -- but if that's what it takes, that's what I'll do. So, any advice besides, "Drop one"?

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May 22, 2010, 2:45:19 PM5/22/10
to fdip...@googlegroups.com
Treat the first one as training and go about 2 min per mile slower than you normally run. In galloways training plans you run a 26-28 mile long run three weeks before the race! One marathon will be way slower than the second

Sent from my iPod

Tory Klementsen

May 22, 2010, 3:25:25 PM5/22/10
to fdip...@googlegroups.com
I have done two in two days and lived to tell the tale! Just train for Chicago like normal, recover after like normal and you'll be fine for NYC. Don't plan for time on either. Just listen to your body.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


May 23, 2010, 1:58:57 AM5/23/10
to fdip...@googlegroups.com
time on your feet.
recovery, including hot/cold bath and sauna if available.
focus on a "finish", less on "speed"
moon, pa

Joe the Middle Aged Athlete

May 23, 2010, 10:56:32 AM5/23/10
to Fdip Group
I ran 7 marathons in 54 weeks, and yes, I have done this before. I
did exactly what Nancy recommended. I treated the first one as a
training run, and ran it about 30 sec/mile slower than race/goal
pace. I made sure to take a couple extra days of recovery, and it
wasn't until Thursday where I put in a significant 10 mile run. Then
it was the typical taper for me. 16 mile long run 2 weeks out. 10
mile long run the week before. You can view my exact plan at
http://buckeyeoutdoors.com/training/traininglog?viewid=5089. The
first marathon was on Oct 24, 2009 and the second was November 15th.

You have the opportunity to run two of the best marathons in the
country! Do not cancel one of them! Good luck and please let me know
if you have any more questions.

Good luck!


On May 22, 11:50 am, Marci Glotzer <marci...@earthlink.net> wrote:
> Okay, folks,
> I'm doing the insane.
> I'm going to do both Chicago AND New York this year.  It's for charity, but that's a tale for another day.  The trick is, they're three weeks apart.
> My question is for those of you who have done similar things.  How did your training differ?  DID your training differ?  How did you approach each of the events?
> I'm already overwhelmed by this decision -- I can barely run one -- but if that's what it takes, that's what I'll do. So, any advice besides, "Drop one"?
> thanks,
> Marcihttp://marcirunsthemarathon.blogspot.com
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