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Mailing list for FDesktopRecorder
Why this?
This is an attempt to make it easier to get in touch with me and for me to get in touch with translators and everybody else.

How do I become a member of this list?
By login in and sent a request.  Why? To prevent spam mails :)

Mailing list e-mail:

What topics are welcome?
As long as it has something to do with the FDesktopRecorder, everything is welcome. Although I'am doing this project in my spare time, so if you have some criticism - please be constructive.. :-)

I'm no translator or developer, am I still welcome to follow this mailing list?
Of course, everyone is welcome to write an read from this list - as long as it has something to do with this project :-)

FDesktopRecorder? What?
FDesktopRecorder is a program that can video record a single window or your entire desktop using ffmpeg.

Where can I download the FDesktopRecorder?

I want to translate the project?