Replacing sheep with trees in the uplands

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Bill Grayson

Sep 17, 2020, 6:16:00 PM9/17/20
to FCRN Forum
I've just seen this item setting out the economic case for converting hill
grazing for sheep to forestry. They reckon it makes better financial (and
carbon) sense if done by natural regen once the basic payment has been
removed and replacing it with carbon credits calculated at the going rate:

One thing they haven't considered is a wood pasture option based, preferably
on grazing
with cattle which can stimulate seed germination and have less impact on the
saplings than sheep because cattle are less selective browsers.

Also continuing grazing of the understorey will help guard against
loss of the carbon back to the atmosphere when the trees fall victim to wild
fires which, with increasing frequency and
intensity of UK summer heat waves will become more of an issue here as time
goes on.

best wishes
-----Original Message-----
From: Tonia Armer
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2020 8:39 AM
To: Bill Grayson
Cc: Peter Leeson ; Stainer, Simon ; martin wain ; Webb, Simon
Subject: Re: Wood pasture meeting change of date

Just had a message from Rob P saying he is not going to join us, so if you
could join us Simon W, that would be great.

Sent from my iPhone

> On 15 Sep 2020, at 22:47, Bill Grayson <> wrote:
> THat's still ok for me, Tonia.
> -----Original Message----- From: Tonia Armer
> Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2020 10:37 AM
> To: Peter Leeson
> Cc: Stainer, Simon ; Bill Grayson ; martin wain ; Webb, Simon
> Subject: Re: Wood pasture meeting change of date
> Great stuff. It looks as if we are all still free.
> My original idea was to discuss how to get some dynamism into woodlands,
> and see how we could make that work for ELMS. After going to Germany and
> seeing beavers in the landscape, I think there is an easy answer! Other
> ideas for discussion would be very welcome, so please send some ideas to
> share.
> I did ask Rob Pocklington from NT if he would like to join us, he’s still
> on furlough and I’m struggling to get in touch with him again. I will let
> you know when he replies, but if he can’t come we will only have 5 people
> and it would be great if you could come along Simon W.
> Is 2 pm in the Brigsteer woods car park ok for everyone? It going to be
> awesome seeing live people again!
> Tonia
>> On 15 Sep 2020, at 09:02, Peter Leeson <>
>> wrote:
>> All.
>> I can do the 22nd .
>> It means missing an RSPB webinar on woods for climate and nature....but
>> hey ho!
>> Pete
>> ________________________________
>> From: "Stainer, Simon" <>
>> Sent: Tuesday, 15 September 2020 07:51
>> To: Bill Grayson <>
>> CC: Tonia Armer <>,martin wain
>> <>,Peter Leeson
>> <>,"Webb, Simon"
>> <>
>> Subject: Re: Wood pasture meeting change of date
>> Hi Bill,
>> I can still do 22nd. There is some ‘stuff’ going on re upland wood
>> pastures and CS at the moment at a more senior level within NE ( and
>> elsewhere) which probably won’t be resolved by the 22nd but we could
>> talk about the issues.
>> Simon Webb and myself may have more clarity on this in a couple of weeks,
>> but the timescale is a bit unclear.
>> Simon
>>>> On 14 Sep 2020, at 22:39, Bill Grayson <>
>>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Tonia
>>> Just wanting to check if we are still ok to meet on 22nd. And if so what
>>> time? Is it just for an informal chat or will we have any specific
>>> questions, issues or concerns to address? Is there something going on at
>>> Sizergh that merits our scrutiny?
>>> A related aside: I thought you all might be interested in this session
>>> of the Northern Real Farming Conference:
>>> 'This workshop will be an opportunity to share perspectives on what
>>> carbon efficient, biodiverse and food productive farming could look like
>>> in the Northern uplands.'
>>> It pertains to the attached summary of an article (co-authored by Simon)
>>> in which some very persuasive points are raised relating to this whole
>>> topic.
>>> I've included Simon Webb as well, following a chance meeting a few weeks
>>> ago when he made clear his interest in this topic and wish to be
>>> included if it goes on to gain any kind of momentum. Which I very much
>>> hope it might.
>>> best wishes
>>> Bill
>>> -----Original Message----- From: Tonia Armer
>>> Sent: Friday, August 14, 2020 7:27 AM
>>> To: Simon Stainer
>>> Cc: ; martin wain ; Peter Leeson
>>> Subject: Re: Wood pasture meeting change of date
>>> Thanks Pete
>>> Simon, can you make Tuesday afternoon (or morning) on the 22nd of
>>> September?
>>> Tonia
>>> Sent from my iPad
>>>>> On 13 Aug 2020, at 17:51, Peter Leeson
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Tonia,
>>>> Pm 22nd September works best for me. And I could avoid a meeting that
>>>> morning too..
>>>> The 15th and 17th, sorry no can do.
>>>> Pete
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Tonia Armer []
>>>> Sent: 11 August 2020 11:57
>>>> To: Simon Stainer; Peter Leeson;
>>>> Cc: martin wain
>>>> Subject: Wood pasture meeting change of date
>>>> Hi all
>>>> Martin can no longer make the meeting on the 25 of August. (he had
>>>> forgotten he had booked a holiday before a jolly to Germany) Could we
>>>> rearrange it please. Could you let me know if you are available on the
>>>> mornings or afternoons of Tuesday 15, Thursday 17 or Tuesday 22
>>>> September please?
>>>> Thanks, Tonia
>>>> Sent from my iPad
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>>>> The Woodland Trust is a charity registered in England (No. 294344) and
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>>> <3449 Reimagining the Lake District.pdf>
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>> Thank you.
>> The Woodland Trust is a charity registered in England (No. 294344) and in
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>> A non-profit making company limited by guarantee.
>> Registered in England No. 1982873.
>> Registered Office: Kempton Way, Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG31 6LL.

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