Weng Xuetian
unread,Nov 24, 2022, 6:54:08 AM11/24/22Sign in to reply to author
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to fcitx, fcitx-dev, fcitx-a...@googlegroups.com
This hotfix release is to fix some bugs found recently in the new
release, or found during testing with the new GNOME release. For the
detailed information see below. Sorry for the inconvenience.
fcitx5 5.0.21
#661 :Setting Share state to "All" may make "Active by default" not working
#663: Fix a random sigsegv fault when using the sni tray icon upon start up.
fcitx5-gtk 5.0.21
Workaround a mutter bug that client side input panel may freeze
nautilus if typing in rename dialog.
Workaround a gtk4 bug that breaks the cursor position calculation when
typing in the gtk popover window.