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Fcitx5 5.1.2

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Weng Xuetian

Nov 2, 2023, 8:40:49 AM11/2/23
to fcitx, fcitx-dev,
Hi all,
In this release, we mainly introduced some corrections in Pinyin, some
fcitx5-qt compatibility issue with Qt 6.6.0, which may triggers a bug
in Qt that causes application freeze
(, or largely increase
the blinking issue

With that being said, it is recommended NOT to use the fcitx im module
and use native wayland text input protocol wherever it is possible. In
this release there will be some warning that is shown on fcitx start
up if it detects that you are not setting the environment variable in
the optimal way.

Other changes are mainly to make fcitx5 packages buildable for android.

Despite the fcitx5-chinese-addons, Fcitx5 Android now includes anthy
libthai, rime, chewing, sayura, hangul support. Not all of them are
available on f-droid/play store right now, but you can always get the
nightly version via the updater:

fcitx5 5.1.2
1. Fix dbus signature template parsing for certain signatures
2. Add environment warning message under Wayland, to help
- user to set it right
- Act as a warning to distro (fedora/debian) that their tools do not
work under wayland properly.
3. Fix virtual keyboard event not flushing wayland connection
4. Add option to allow configure auto save behavior
5. Make wayland event reading in a separate thread.
6. Fix portal value not being read at start up.
7. Add an option to allow use of the input method in password field
8. make file system API respect umask settings, especially for safeSave
9. Support bulk candidate list without a known size.

fcitx5-chinese-addons 5.1.2
1. Pinyin prediction may also show words from pinyin dict, not just
from the model.
2. Add an animation for cloudpinyin loading
3. Allow table to use other key for select default candidate other than space.

fcitx5-rime 5.1.3
1. Show rime option in status area
2. support virtual keyboard candidate list better
3. add an option to control how the rime state is shared, default
behavior is changed to share in all clients.
4. Restore rime schema / option when saving.

libime 1.1.3
1. reduce user model weight and unigram weight.
2. new pinyin prediction API to allow prediction from dictionaries.
3. Add more pinyin correction for wrong order e.g. (hzi -> zhi)
4. Fix exact match mode in table.

libime-jyutping 1.0.8
zstd compressed dictionary file.

Enjoy typing!
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