Is there still a chance of an update and or rewrite of our beloved FBCMD?

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B. Henry

Dec 22, 2014, 1:39:21 PM12/22/14
The subject pretty much says it all.

I'm still hoping for that rewrite Captain Dave...smiles, or anyone else who knows there way around php and the FB api system.
I can actually still do almost everything I want with fbcmd, but would go for some more groups
A few other things are of course broken in the 1.x branch, and all the extras that were in the beta? I don't think I ever got the beta to run, or
perhaps once I did.
I'm really quite poor these days, but would come up with $5 at least if some work were to be done on FBCMD, and if half of us who use it could do the
same, (yeah, a pipe dream I know), then we'd actually be able to make it worth Dave's while to put some energy in to my favorite way to interface with
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