Many of the API methods specifically indicate fields that may be stored. For example, food_id and serving_id. I find this confusing because it would not really be possible to implement an intuitive food log without storing additional nutrition information and at the very least, the name of the food. Not to do so would mean that this data is these are being repeatedly fetched in real time when the user navigates the application, and also would make the application nearly unusable offline.
I see there are several conversations in the group that indicate Fatsecret allows for storage of some data on the local device. Is this still true? And if so, does this extend to backups of their data stored online? My application syncs their individual food log to the cloud associated with their user account. This is not usable as a substitute for Fatsecret's API in any way, but a narrow reading of the Fatsecret guidelines and API documentation seem to preclude this usage. If this is not allowed, then I will need to fetch this data as it is pulled to the local device during sync, which might cause their historical data to become inaccurate if a product's nutrients or descriptions change later.
Before I commit to using Fatsecret, can I confirm that I am allowed to store the following data elements on the user's local device, and also store it in a database in the cloud associated with that user's user account, not accessible to any other users' accounts?
* Food id
* Food name
* Brand name
* Serving id
* Serving description
* Calories
* Protein
* Fat
* Carbohydrate
* Food image URL
Thank you