API limit within a short time

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Oct 16, 2024, 5:39:32 PMOct 16
to fatsecret Platform API
When I was testing the app, sometimes I fetched the food multiple times within seconds. Then I can't fetch food anymore because of json parsing error. I need to wait for a few seconds, then I can fetch the food again.

Does the API has a limit within a certain amount of time? Or is it my code issue?


Oct 16, 2024, 7:18:34 PMOct 16
to fatsecret Platform API
Hi Jason,
Thanks for reaching out. There is no such limit as part of the API i.e. you can make thousands of queries every second. Latency will be around 50-100ms. It sounds like there is a limitation in your code.
Kind regards,
The fatsecret Platform API Team


Oct 17, 2024, 1:14:13 AMOct 17
to fatsecret Platform API

Thank you. I got this error. {"code": 12, "message": "User is performing too many actions: please try again later" } What does this mean?


Oct 17, 2024, 1:15:56 AMOct 17
to fatsecret Platform API
It seems you hit the daily limit for the free Basic account of 5,000/calls per day.
We provide unlimited API calls for start-ups and non-profits.
Please get in touch with our API team and upgrade to the Premier Free account
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