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Can I whitelist all IP addresses?

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Patrick Chasco

Nov 4, 2024, 4:17:34 AM11/4/24
to fatsecret Platform API
My hosting provider's network infrastructure does not guarantee that any hosted application will have a specific outgoing IP address (this is especially true when scaling out, because my container app may run on any number of machines in any AWS region). I want to avoid any issues with my backend API services being unable to reach Fatsecret due to it using a non-whitelisted IP address.

Can I allow all IP addresses with and ::/0? I've seen others mention this but it is unclear whether this is allowed by Fatsecret based on the responses in the groups.

Mikael Tenshio

Nov 4, 2024, 5:25:34 PM11/4/24
to fatsecret Platform API
yes that is why it is recommended to use your server to request data in fatsecret so no matter how machine with different ip you use they all use your server to request data to fatsecret

Patrick Chasco

Nov 6, 2024, 6:52:43 PM11/6/24
to fatsecret Platform API
I do not think I made my question clear. The servers I use do not have permanent fixed IP addresses. I think I can whitelist all IP's though, so it should be OK.
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