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Incorrect information in the database that is claimed to be verified?? Please correct.

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Nancy Benovich Gilby

Mar 13, 2024, 5:50:35 PM3/13/24
to FatSecret Platform API
Hi Sebastian,
In another forum, you mentioned that all your data was verified. But an important item to the users of our application is in no way correct and couldn't have been verified, how do we trust this isn't the same for other items?

Users of our app, who are being seen by MD's and nutritionists, need to have verified information that is correct, they are counting on it.

Can you please correct this?
Current FatSecret Entry:
FS Z-pro.jpg

There are several Z Pro 25 protein shake packets, none of them have this nutrition info (calories, saturated fat) Can you please add these, remove the existing entry (and add the g weight as well?) Some of the patients are on an extremely strict <5g Sat Fat per day so it makes a difference to them when these are incorrect.Z-pro 25 stb vanilla.jpg

Z-pro 25 chocolate.jpg

Mar 13, 2024, 7:15:38 PM3/13/24
to FatSecret Platform API
Thanks for following up.

All database entries are manually verified by one of our team members prior to publication.

There are however products that get updated quite often over time and if these are not frequently consumed/eaten or purchased products then any updates to these products will take some time to be actioned.

The products listed above and all the products from this manufacturer/brand have just been updated to reflect the latest changes.

Kind regards,
The FatSecret Platform API Team
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