ImportError: No module named functools_lru_cashe

瀏覽次數:15 次

Gary Wang

2020年7月24日 清晨5:20:012020/7/24
收件者:Fatiando a Terra
Operating system: LINUX
Version of Fatiando: fatiando 0.5
Python distribution: own install
Python version: Python 2.7
Script I ran: import fatiando
The error message: see the screenshot below

Leonardo Miquelutti

2020年7月24日 清晨7:20:222020/7/24
Hi Gary,

I have a Windows solution that usually works. You may give it a try.
  1. Download this file.

  2. On your Anaconda Prompt, type the following: conda config --set restore_free_channel true

  3. And then: conda-env create -n fatiando -f=path\to\fatiando.yml

    1. Replace path\to\ for the proper path where you put the fatiando.yml file

  4. Incompatibilities issues may arise. Check the packages that originated the incompatibilities, and edit the fatiando.yml file removing what is in front of the package name. For example:

    1. Change qt=5.6.2 for qt

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Leonardo Guimarães Miquelutti
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