Guidance in the New Age

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Nov 5, 2008, 11:20:41 PM11/5/08
to Fr Joe: Questions & Answers
I am in need of guidance with Obama as President, Catholic Groups
Stating they're happy for his victory and the Pope seemingly
supporting his victory. I feel we have been abandoned by our church
leaders in order to be polite. Obama's win is not historic in any way,
except for the millions that will be murdered or persecuted by his
regulations (i.e. abortion any time, jail time for those who do not
have health insurance, etc) while we struggle to pay for his ways. The
one candidate that should have been elected would have made history by
his strong catholic faith, concern and just happened to be African-
American; referring to Alan Keyes. With the Pope's statement I feel
even more left on the banks of a raging river in a tied bag waiting to
drown. How are we to respond to a President so callous and with great
effort is so completely against life and faith. Clinton at least
ignored many of the issues with his adultery, but Obama, I am for the
first time scared to be a Catholic without guidance. I live in a city
where a priest that supports the true values of faith is almost non-
existing. Will there ever come a statement for those of us who try to
hold to the truth of the church or are we really on our own only to be
told to just be polite?
Thank you for your consideration
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