Using fast text to compute word similarities on the fly

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Pranav Lal

Apr 24, 2020, 8:19:05 AM4/24/20
to fastText library
  Hi all,
I want to use fast text in my chat bot. I have a list of questions and answers from stackoverflow. These are already in a csv file.

Here is the algorithm I plan to use for the bot.
1. I store the tokenized questions.
2. I capture the question from the user and tokenize it.
3. I hen use key words to narrow the list of questions I need to search.
4. I then use text similarity to find all the questions similar to the question entered by the user.
5. I assemble the answer.

I have already implemented this in spacy but want to try fast text because I suspect it may be a faster library. How do I calculate text similarity? I understand how to do the rest.


Apr 25, 2020, 4:30:23 AM4/25/20
to fastText library
For text similarity you can use fuzzy match there is one python library called "fuzzywuzzy", using that you can get similarity between 2 string. It uses Levenshtein distance .

May 1, 2020, 11:42:08 PM5/1/20
to fastText library
When you say text similarity you means sentence similarity? With fastText you can tokenize, classify (including language detection), find word/Ngram similarities, but you need more to answer questions. I don`t know if we can indicate a link here.
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