Issue with Parsing EXIT code 30

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Shivam Goel

Jan 28, 2021, 8:28:57 AM1/28/21
to Fast Downward
I am using the fast-downward. I get the error as posted below as the parsing error.
However, when I use the same domain and problem file using this as suggested by users I get the final plan. I can also get the plan if I use MetricFF to plan.  I want to use fast-downward because I want to use the action costs. I have uploaded the PDDL files at this link for the reproduction of the error.

Any help in this would be helpful.

INFO     Running translator.
INFO     translator stdin: None
INFO     translator time limit: None
INFO     translator memory limit: None
INFO     translator command line string: /usr/local/opt/python/bin/python3.7 /Users/goelshivam12/Desktop/research/research/SAIL-ON/code/polycraft-tufts/downward/builds/release/bin/translate/ /Users/goelshivam12/Documents/pddls/domain.pddl /Users/goelshivam12/Documents/pddls/problem.pddl --sas-file
b'Traceback (most recent call last):\n  File "/Users/goelshivam12/Desktop/research/research/SAIL-ON/code/polycraft-tufts/downward/builds/release/bin/translate/", line 727, in <module>\n    main()\n  File "/Users/goelshivam12/Desktop/research/research/SAIL-ON/code/polycraft-tufts/downward/builds/release/bin/translate/", line 686, in main\n    domain_filename=options.domain, task_filename=options.task)\n  File "/Users/goelshivam12/Desktop/research/research/SAIL-ON/code/polycraft-tufts/downward/builds/release/bin/translate/pddl_parser/", line 33, in open\n    return parsing_functions.parse_task(domain_pddl, task_pddl)\n  File "/Users/goelshivam12/Desktop/research/research/SAIL-ON/code/polycraft-tufts/downward/builds/release/bin/translate/pddl_parser/", line 297, in parse_task\n    = parse_domain_pddl(domain_pddl)\n  File "/Users/goelshivam12/Desktop/research/research/SAIL-ON/code/polycraft-tufts/downward/builds/release/bin/translate/pddl_parser/", line 349, in parse_domain_pddl\n    requirements = pddl.Requirements(opt[1:])\n  File "/Users/goelshivam12/Desktop/research/research/SAIL-ON/code/polycraft-tufts/downward/builds/release/bin/translate/pddl/", line 68, in __init__\n    ":derived-predicates", ":action-costs"), req\nAssertionError: :fluents\n'
translate exit code: 30

Driver aborting after translate


Patrick Ferber

Feb 26, 2021, 10:07:06 AM2/26/21

Dear Shivam,

I am sorry for the late reply. Sadly you were marked as spam. As far as I see it nobody has answered you so far.

You speak about MetricFF. Is the "fluent" requirement related to numeric planning? Fast Downward does not support numeric planning. The error you see is that Fast Downward reads the requirements from your domain file and stops, because it does not support the "fluent" requirement.

Currently, your "simple-domain.pddl" file uses only things which are supported by Fast Downward. You can remove the :fluent requirement and Fast Downward will accept your "domain" file.

There is another issue with your problem file, Fast Downward expects the different blocks of the problem file in a specific order. Once you moved the "(:metric ...)" block after the "(:goal ...)" block, the problem file will be successfully parsed too.



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