LABjs or not LABjs?

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Andrea Mangiatordi

Aug 4, 2011, 6:27:39 AM8/4/11

> Surely we would need to include the code in farfalla.js. I didn't try
> yet, but it should work flawlessly. I've already integrated it in
> Melange[0] and we use it currently without any issue at all.
> However I'll try that and let you know.

I want to share this thought: I used to include jquery directly in
farfalla.js in order to have the $.load() method active. Then I tried to
clean up the code, to free it from clutter and to make it more easily
understandable. But now it does not work in IE.

I see two options:

1. including jquery again in farfalla.js and then simply call the
remaining two scripts with a $.load()

2. including labjs to call the three scripts.

As one of the objectives of farfalla is to be lightweight, solution 1.
schould be preferable. Actually, minified LABjs only weights 8k, so it
shouldn't be a real problem, but is it necessary? AFAIK, $.load() is
enaough for the rest of the project to work.

Again, any idea from the experts?


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