File not found: /webtop/content/sidebar.cfm

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Gavin Stewart

Aug 22, 2008, 3:31:10 PM8/22/08
to farcry-dev
Hello there,

I have just installed farcry5. I downloaded it from
Everything is working fine except when I click on the Content tab i
get an error in the left window panel saying that File not found: /
webtop/content/sidebar.cfm. When i look in that folder there isn't a
file called sidebar.cfm. Am I missing something here. Have i got the
latest version?

Cheers in advance

Jeff Coughlin

Aug 22, 2008, 7:09:48 PM8/22/08

Are you using an outdated plugin? How about the farcrycms plugin?

Jeff Coughlin
Web Application Developer

Gavin Stewart

Aug 23, 2008, 12:32:42 AM8/23/08
to farcry-dev
Yes your right Jeff, I had to change my plugin. Cheers mate

On Aug 23, 12:09 am, Jeff Coughlin <> wrote:
> > I have just installed farcry5. I downloaded it from

Scott Conklin

Mar 4, 2014, 9:44:43 AM3/4/14
I have never worked with farcry before and was tasked with upgrading from v 4.0 -> 5.0 and now to 6.2.3. I followed to docs on migration and it seemed to have gone well short of a few quirks that I need to resolve.... one of which is the exact issue referenced in this thread.. .

Can someone explain to me how I can identify  potentially outdated plugins and update them?  (i don;t think i saw anything like this in the webtop app)


Geoff Bowers

Mar 4, 2014, 4:54:08 PM3/4/14
On Wednesday, 5 March 2014 01:44:43 UTC+11, Scott Conklin wrote:
I have never worked with farcry before and was tasked with upgrading from v 4.0 -> 5.0 and now to 6.2.3. I followed to docs on migration and it seemed to have gone well short of a few quirks that I need to resolve.... one of which is the exact issue referenced in this thread.. .
Can someone explain to me how I can identify  potentially outdated plugins and update them?  (i don;t think i saw anything like this in the webtop app)

You can see which plugins are registered for the application by reviewing the ./myproject/www/farcryconstructor.cfm file.  There will be a list of specific plugin names here that refer specifically to plugins installed under ./plugins directory. If its not on the list the plugin is not being loaded by the app even if its in the ./plugins directory.

As to whether or not a plugin is out of date, that's a little bit trickier, and depends how you installed the plugin in the first place.  If you are on a known tag that makes life a lot easier.  Given the age of your app I suspect you have a straigh download of a pre-FarCry 5 version of your plugins, or were referencing the now retired SVN repository.  Easiest thing would be to let us know what plugins are installed, and what your current version of core is -- we can probably work out what version of the plugins you should have at that point.

Hope that helps,


Justin Carter

Mar 4, 2014, 5:10:51 PM3/4/14
During the upgrade process of FarCry Core I don't think the versions of plugins will matter too much (some things may not work in the webtop like the original error in this thread, but that won't stop you from continuing the upgrade process).

Once you get Core up to 6.2.x you'll want to grab this version of the farcrycms plugin (assuming you're using it):

You should be able to find other plugins on GitHub as well:

If there's something you can't find, let us know.

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Jeff Coughlin

Mar 4, 2014, 5:24:06 PM3/4/14
This is why I've suggested the manifest.cfc (or something similar) track things like plugin version number.  It really is difficult to manage plugins in scenarios like this (I have different clients often on different versions of FarCry and plugins).  Instead I sometimes have a to keep a spreadsheet listing the infomation for each client (not ideal).

Here's a way we did it with the FarCry Solr Pro plugin to make it easier for ourselves:  As an example, you can see how it checks the version number for you from the webtop (within the plugin options).  We also use the related struct info (bottom of manifect.cfc) to populate the json file we keep on the plugin website (hosted by github) - which dynamically populates all the links, references, and the changelog used within the github pages for the plugin: and is also referenced when you are within the webtop to check and tell you if there is a newer version of the plugin available.

Jeff Coughlin

Scott Conklin

Mar 4, 2014, 5:41:32 PM3/4/14
 Thanks Geoff for your quick response

the answer to your questions are: 
1) You are currently running version 6-2-8 

for the list of plugins with  folder dates that probably have not been touched since the installation,

Note:  i am upgrading the farcryCMS next plugin per Justin's recommendation as I believe that is causing the sidebar.cfm not found issue... 

are the others ok? 

Geoff Bowers

Mar 4, 2014, 5:46:10 PM3/4/14
what is the plugin list in your farcryconstructor.cfm


Justin Carter

Mar 4, 2014, 5:48:04 PM3/4/14
I'm not sure if the "farcrycfximage" plugin will work with 6.x (that functionality was largely replaced by improvements to Core) and the same goes for "farcryxstandard" - I'd remove both of those from the farcryConstructor.cfm for a start.

After that if you have any issues you may need to check to see if anything from those plugins was extended in the project (probably not, but still possible - see how you go first).


Scott Conklin

Mar 4, 2014, 5:49:51 PM3/4/14
<cfset THIS.plugins = "farcrycfximage,farcrycms,farcrygreybox,farcryverity,farcryxstandard,googleMaps" /> 

Jeff Coughlin

Mar 4, 2014, 5:49:56 PM3/4/14
Agreed. That makes the biggest difference.  Otherwise some of these plugins are not used anymore - or will definitely need to be upgraded or changed.  Also, what version of ColdFusion are you using?  The Verity plugin will not work on CF10+ as Verity no longer comes with CF as of ver 10.

Jeff Coughlin

Scott Conklin

Mar 4, 2014, 5:51:43 PM3/4/14
thanks Justin for the rapid fire help... doing this now

Scott Conklin

Mar 4, 2014, 5:52:51 PM3/4/14

Scott Conklin

Mar 4, 2014, 5:54:31 PM3/4/14
Justin -

This solved the missing sidebar.cfm page in the webtop app...


Jeff Coughlin

Mar 4, 2014, 5:59:40 PM3/4/14
Just an FYI: If you get this working, you might want to consider just upgrading to FarCry 6.3.x (currently 6.3.2) as there is little difference between 6.2 and 6.3 other than mostly bug fixes.  If that is not an option, I would at least consider upgrading to the latest 6.2 version.  I'm not sure you'd need a newer version of the CMS plugin (not sure as I don't use it).  Perhaps Justin or Geoff can chime in on that one.

Jeff Coughlin

Scott Conklin

Mar 4, 2014, 6:01:52 PM3/4/14
That is interesting.. just following the advice of removing two plugins and updating the farcrycms plugin seems to have stopped the strange behavior on the nav links om the public site showing pages without any styles .. a few links not all were not redirecting correctly. i thought it had to do with these xxx/go links
now they seem to work properly: 

eg clicking on the about us link on was showing  the link in the url as  .which is not a real page. now it is redirecting..

Scott Conklin

Mar 4, 2014, 6:05:36 PM3/4/14

Jeff Coughlin

Mar 4, 2014, 6:06:07 PM3/4/14
You likely have old code and new code.  FarCry's native friendly url system makes it easier and no longer requires /go (that is from a much older system from maybe 7 or 8 years ago).  The new friendly url (FU) system is smart in that it will attempt to allow you to keep your old FUs while creating the newer ones to work in harmony.  My advice though would be to clean them up and get rid of the old ones (setup 301 redirects to the new ones).  The ability to do this is all built into FarCry.

Jeff Coughlin

Geoff Bowers

Mar 4, 2014, 6:06:35 PM3/4/14

On 5 March 2014 09:49, Scott Conklin <> wrote:
<cfset THIS.plugins = "farcrycfximage,farcrycms,farcrygreybox,farcryverity,farcryxstandard,googleMaps" />

Immediately upgrade to 7.0.x; it's ready to go if you don't need the installer.

farcrycfximage <-- deprecated; replaced by farcry core functionlaity ie. remove
farcrycms <-- upgrade to the HEAD of master *only* if you are running 7.0.x
farcrygreybox <-- are you using some sort of lightbox effect? remove or replace plugin is not needed
farcryverity <-- just get the HEAD of the master branch; probably no changes in years
farcryxstandard <-- deprecated; core has the latest tinyMCE. ie. remove this 
googleMaps <-- this is no longer actively developed; probably remove if you are not mapping stuff

Hope that helps,


Scott Conklin

Mar 4, 2014, 6:09:54 PM3/4/14
Geoff -

I thought 7.0 was still not in stable release. are you saying i should go ahead and upgrade to 7.0? 
and i don't need an installer . i.e. i can just replace the core folder and it should work? 

Geoff Bowers

Mar 4, 2014, 6:12:50 PM3/4/14

On 5 March 2014 10:05, Scott Conklin <> wrote:

Not really.  It's a warning only that the precision of these fields should be updated but the standard schema progression code cannot make the change.  Possibly there is a manually placed custom index or something like that on the table that FarCry does not understand.  If you really want to get to the bottom of it hit the show sql and debug options and try and run in a desktop sql client, and manually fix the columns.

The other "conflicts" are potentially destructive changes.  For example, it might be removing a field that is no longer used.  We don't automate that process as it could lead to catastrophic data loss ;)  So you need to check each one and confirm you want to drop the relevant properties.  If you don't have any specific customisations in the area you can probably just drop away.  Backup your db to be sure and get rid of all the old schema cruft.


Scott Conklin

Mar 4, 2014, 6:15:10 PM3/4/14
I am asking Micheal Smith if has any use  for :
farcryverity, googleMaps  and  farcrygreybox 

already got rid of  FCstandard, and farcrycfximage ... 

upgraded FCCMS... 

system working much better.

Geoff Bowers

Mar 4, 2014, 6:15:19 PM3/4/14

On 5 March 2014 10:09, Scott Conklin <> wrote:
I thought 7.0 was still not in stable release. are you saying i should go ahead and upgrade to 7.0? 
and i don't need an installer . i.e. i can just replace the core folder and it should work? 

7.0 has been production ready for some time -- probably since before Christmas.  We're just not happy with the installer, and our support for "new" farcry users.  Anyone working with an existing FarCry application should be confident of upgrading.  It's without doubt the best release of FarCry ever ;)

Just take the HEAD of the trunk branch on core -- the only changes going through are maintenance in nature.


Scott Conklin

Mar 4, 2014, 6:19:00 PM3/4/14
>> If you really want to get to the bottom of it.... 
i do not.. ;) 
if your answer is NOT Really! then i am good!  Just want it work again so Michael is happy..  LOL

Scott Conklin

Mar 4, 2014, 6:25:04 PM3/4/14
fabulous. will do.. then did i understand this correctly.. 

you are saying that entire contents of the plugins folder can be removed as they are ALL now in core and i can empty out this cfset statement? 

<cfset THIS.plugins = "farcrycfximage,farcrycms,farcrygreybox,farcryverity,farcryxstandard,googleMaps" /> 

Geoff Bowers

Mar 4, 2014, 6:36:01 PM3/4/14

On Wednesday, 5 March 2014 10:25:04 UTC+11, Scott Conklin wrote:
fabulous. will do.. then did i understand this correctly.. 
you are saying that entire contents of the plugins folder can be removed as they are ALL now in core and i can empty out this cfset statement? 
<cfset THIS.plugins = "farcrycfximage,farcrycms,farcrygreybox,farcryverity,farcryxstandard,googleMaps" /> 

Steady on there!

 If you are using the CMS plugin you will need at least:
<cfset THIS.plugins = "farcrycms">

Any folder in ./plugins that does not have a corresponding reference in THIS.plugins can be deleted.

But you may possibly also need farcryverity as your site appears to have a search feature in place. It's worth noting there are several very good search options including Jeff's farcrysolrpro plugin and the googlesitesearch plugin that can be used to remove any dependence on Verity.


Justin Carter

Mar 4, 2014, 6:40:05 PM3/4/14
On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 10:25 AM, Scott Conklin <> wrote:
fabulous. will do.. then did i understand this correctly.. 

you are saying that entire contents of the plugins folder can be removed as they are ALL now in core and i can empty out this cfset statement? 

<cfset THIS.plugins = "farcrycfximage,farcrycms,farcrygreybox,farcryverity,farcryxstandard,googleMaps" /> 

Nope, you'll probably still need everything except farcrycfximage and farcryxstandard... The other plugins are considered "old", but your project may still be using them and they should still work. But we'd have no way of knowing if you need those plugins unless we saw the actual code base :)

Scott Conklin

Mar 5, 2014, 12:17:59 PM3/5/14

Picking this up again.... 

I just tried to follow the advice above by:

1)  upgrading to the latest 7.0  core from github trunk  (am on 6.2.3)
2)  removing all plugins except 2: farcryCMS and farcryVerity  (others are not needed)
which i have upgraded to the latest versions from github that i could find:


I cycled CF for good measure and when i try to login to webtop i get the following:
(was there a schema change that i was meant to update? )

There was a problem with that last request

Please push "back" on your browser or go back home

Error Overview

Message:[Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Invalid column name 'failedLogins'.
Browser:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/33.0.1750.146 Safari/537.36
DateTime:{ts '2014-03-05 12:07:26'}
Bot:not a bot

Error Details

Exception Type:java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException
Tag Context:
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\packages\security\FarcryUD.cfc (line: 45)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\packages\security\FarcryUD.cfc (line: 110)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\packages\security\security.cfc (line: 400)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\packages\security\security.cfc (line: 326)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\webtop\login.cfm (line: 45)

Scott Conklin

Mar 5, 2014, 12:26:19 PM3/5/14
This may or may not be related to the upgrade i just performed mentioned  above (or is related to a rogue link not redirecting or rendering properly) .. but
clicking on the ABOUT link from the homepage of (one can see the full stack themselves by clicking the click)

yields the following error: 

Element dmLink is undefined in a CFML structure referenced as part of an expression.

RAW_TRACEat cfcoapiUtilities2ecfc1626143838$funcGETCONTENTOBJECT.runFunction(C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\packages\coapi\coapiUtilities.cfc:404)

Jeff Coughlin

Mar 5, 2014, 12:38:40 PM3/5/14
That error for dmLink is because dmLink was deprecated a while back. To fix: go into the site tree, edit the nav node that is supposed to use a dmLink, and instead tell the nav node itself what external link you want it to use (much simpler now). Also, delete the child dmLink object. 

Jeff Coughlin

Geoff Bowers

Mar 5, 2014, 3:12:48 PM3/5/14
Always use ?updateall=projectkey after an update from 7 onwards. It will auto-deploy missing properties.


Ps. Jeff is spot on re unrelated dmLink issue

Sent from Mailbox for iPhone


Justin Carter

Mar 5, 2014, 3:35:06 PM3/5/14

Scott Conklin

Mar 5, 2014, 3:53:14 PM3/5/14
Justin -

that link is asking me to log in

Scott Conklin

Mar 5, 2014, 3:58:30 PM3/5/14
well, i have been using ?updateall=1 all this time which seems to work... (as I do not know what my projectkey is)
but it looks like now it won't work as before as it redirects me to the login page

tacking it on to the end of the query string seems to have no affect 

and I can't login because of the bug that i am getting.

Justin Carter

Mar 5, 2014, 4:11:25 PM3/5/14
Your updateappkey should be in the farcryConstructor.cfm in your webroot (usually the "www" folder inside your project).

Geoff Bowers

Mar 5, 2014, 6:05:45 PM3/5/14

On 6 March 2014 07:58, Scott Conklin <> wrote:
well, i have been using ?updateall=1 all this time which seems to work... (as I do not know what my projectkey is)
but it looks like now it won't work as before as it redirects me to the login page

tacking it on to the end of the query string seems to have no affect and I can't login because of the bug that i am getting.

?updateapp=1 and ?updateall=1 will only work if you are logged into the webtop.

The **projectkey** is a secret that is stored in your ./www/farcryConstructor.cfm file that allows you to activate these url options (and other features) without needing to be logged in.  The **projectkey** blocks what would otherwise be an easy denial of service attack where by you continuously restart the application.

Hope that helps,


Scott Conklin

Mar 5, 2014, 7:55:24 PM3/5/14
to, Michael Smith
1) the www/farcryConstructor.cfm  file makes no reference to "projectkey" setting.

2) Was I supposed to handle the upgrade from 6.2.3 to 7.0  differently than just copying over the core folder from github trunk? 
(I happened to have been logged out of the webtop app at the time so now i cannot log in to run  ?updateapp=1 .... )

3)  any other place where i might find the projectKey?. (I can't reach Michael right now )

Geoff Bowers

Mar 5, 2014, 8:17:24 PM3/5/14
to, Michael Smith

On 6 March 2014 11:55, Scott Conklin <> wrote:
1) the www/farcryConstructor.cfm  file makes no reference to "projectkey" setting.
2) Was I supposed to handle the upgrade from 6.2.3 to 7.0  differently than just copying over the core folder from github trunk? 
(I happened to have been logged out of the webtop app at the time so now i cannot log in to run  ?updateapp=1 .... )
3)  any other place where i might find the projectKey?. (I can't reach Michael right now )

Hmm.. it looks like this is a symptom of upgrading from an early build of FarCry.  

You probably just need to add a project key reference into the constructor:
  <cfset THIS.updateappKey = "chelsea" />

Take a look at this annotated constructor:

Your constructor should look a lot like this :)

Hope that helps,


Justin Carter

Mar 5, 2014, 8:28:10 PM3/5/14
to, Michael Smith
Sorry, I've been asleep, not feeling well...

1) It's the updateappkey, not projectkey... Can you see that? It's on a line in the www/farcryConstructor.cfm that will look this this:
<cfset THIS.updateappKey = "mysecretkey" />

2) Yes there are some additional steps, the link I sent earlier to the FarCry Questions site has them but it appears that Confluence is asking you to log in, and I can't fix that permission myself right now - will have to get Geoff to do it. I'll paste the steps below..


The general process to upgrade Core from 6.x to 7.x is:

  1. Back up your existing FarCry 6.x database. Upgrading to FarCry 7.x will perform updates which will make the database no longer compatible with FarCry 6.x!
  2. Delete (or rename/move) your old "core" folder (this may require stopping your CF/Railo service due to locked .jar files)
  3. Drop in the new version of the "core" folder (either clone using Git or download the zip; currently this is the "trunk" branch on GitHub - - but it will be the p700 branch for maintenance releases going forward)
  4. Automatically deploy new schema properties by visiting your site with the URL parameter ?updateall=<your-app-key> (Note: updateall is a new additional parameter for 7.x, not to be confused with updateapp which is still used to restart the app. You can find your app key in the farcryConstructor.cfm of your project)
  5. You may also need to restart the application once using ?updateapp=<your-app-key> for the friendly names and descriptions of configs to appear within the "Manage Configuration" section of the webtop (due to a new column in the farConfig table)

If your project uses any plugins such as FarCry CMS or FarCry LDAP then you may also need to update them. Note: FarCry CMS has had some breaking changes, so you should backup your data and test the upgrade in a development environment! You can find the updated plugins on GitHub:

Scott Conklin

Mar 5, 2014, 8:30:27 PM3/5/14
to, Michael Smith
nope, had just about everything in that example file except that one

I added 
<cfset THIS.updateappKey = "chelsea" />

Justin Carter

Mar 5, 2014, 8:33:22 PM3/5/14
Try ?updateall=chelsea

"updateall" automatically deploys new properties and is required in FC7 upgrades, whereas "updateapp" only restarts the app


Scott Conklin

Mar 5, 2014, 8:34:12 PM3/5/14
to, Michael Smith
Justin -

thanks no worries, i hope you feel better... 

Well, i thought Geoff had told me yesterday that going to 7.0 was just a maintenance update... but maybe i misunderstood,,,

I did only step 2... 
no knowing any better. 

Scott Conklin

Mar 5, 2014, 8:36:07 PM3/5/14

Justin Carter

Mar 5, 2014, 8:38:08 PM3/5/14
Try /webtop/login.cfm?updateall=chelsea ?

Another thought.... If you don't have a key, maybe the app can't restart to see the key you've set. In which case, you may need to call applicationStop() somehow, or restart your CF Application Server service (or instance)

Geoff Bowers

Mar 5, 2014, 8:40:51 PM3/5/14
to, Michael Smith

On 6 March 2014 12:34, Scott Conklin <> wrote:
Well, i thought Geoff had told me yesterday that going to 7.0 was just a maintenance update... but maybe i misunderstood,,,

7.0 is feature complete and only has maintenance patches being added to its branch.  7.0 itself is a major update.

However, assuming you can do an ?updateall from the URL the upgrade is very straightforward.  I'd recommend double-checking you have an <cfset THIS.updateappKey = "whatever"> in place, and restarting the CF service for good measure. 

You may need to send through the constructor file for your project -- that will give us some insight into whether or not the app has everything it needs.


Scott Conklin

Mar 5, 2014, 8:55:35 PM3/5/14
to, Michael Smith
recycling the CF service and calling the update like this: /webtop/login.cfm?updateall=chelsea 
seemed to have made a difference.... Thanks 

It came back with the message that the app is refreshed. 

But now when I log in i get nothing but a blank screen... 
url still reads 

Scott Conklin

Mar 5, 2014, 8:57:16 PM3/5/14
to, Michael Smith
 a look at chrome dev tools show it is coming back with a 302..

  1. Request URL:
  2. Request Method:
  3. Status Code:
    302 Moved Temporarily
  4. Request Headersview source
    1. Accept:
    2. Accept-Encoding:
    3. Accept-Language:
    4. Cache-Control:
    5. Connection:
    6. Content-Length:
    7. Content-Type:
      multipart/form-data; boundary=

Justin Carter

Mar 5, 2014, 9:20:41 PM3/5/14
That's odd, there is no Location header to redirect to...

So you submit the login form, and then you get a white screen, and it hasn't redirected anywhere? What happens if you hit: ? Do you just get the login screen again, or do you see the webtop?

Try clearing all of your cookies for that domain in case you have a bad session cookie that CF can't deal with?


Scott Conklin

Mar 5, 2014, 9:27:51 PM3/5/14
just calling it like so:

got me in... 

thanks so much

Scott Conklin

Mar 5, 2014, 9:29:43 PM3/5/14
excitement short lived ....:( 

new interface looks great... 

There was a problem with that last request

Please push "back" on your browser or go back home

Error Overview

Element dmLink is undefined in a CFML structure referenced as part of an expression.
Browser:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/33.0.1750.146 Safari/537.36
DateTime:{ts '2014-03-05 21:28:02'}
Bot:not a bot

Error Details

Exception Type:Expression
Tag Context:
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\packages\coapi\coapiUtilities.cfc (line: 404)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\packages\lib\fapi.cfc (line: 91)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\packages\farcry\tree.cfc (line: 502)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\webskin\dmNavigation\webtopTreeChildRows.cfm (line: 132)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\webskin\dmNavigation\webtopTreeChildRows.cfm (line: 105)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\webskin\dmNavigation\webtopTreeChildRows.cfm (line: 1)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\packages\fourq\fourq.cfc (line: 445)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\packages\fourq\fourq.cfc (line: 338)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\tags\webskin\view.cfm (line: 138)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\tags\webskin\view.cfm (line: 74)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\tags\webskin\view.cfm (line: 11)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\tags\webskin\view.cfm (line: 9)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\tags\webskin\view.cfm (line: 1)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\webskin\dmNavigation\webtopBody.cfm (line: 186)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\packages\fourq\fourq.cfc (line: 445)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\packages\fourq\fourq.cfc (line: 338)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\tags\webskin\view.cfm (line: 138)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\tags\webskin\view.cfm (line: 74)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\tags\webskin\view.cfm (line: 11)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\tags\webskin\view.cfm (line: 9)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\tags\webskin\view.cfm (line: 1)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\webskin\types\webtopPageStandard.cfm (line: 16)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\packages\fourq\fourq.cfc (line: 445)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\packages\fourq\fourq.cfc (line: 338)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\tags\webskin\view.cfm (line: 138)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\tags\webskin\view.cfm (line: 74)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\tags\webskin\view.cfm (line: 11)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\tags\webskin\view.cfm (line: 9)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\tags\webskin\view.cfm (line: 1)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\webtop\index.cfm (line: 115)

Justin Carter

Mar 5, 2014, 9:50:19 PM3/5/14
Download this zip of FarCry CMS 6-2-6:

Extract packages/types/dmLink.cfc to your projectname/packages/types
Extract webskin/dmLink to your projectname/webskin/dmLink

That should restore enough of the old dmLink functionality to get you going.

Scott Conklin

Mar 6, 2014, 12:02:42 AM3/6/14

That worked great... thanks

Scott Conklin

Mar 8, 2014, 10:27:39 AM3/8/14
after a small break from this i am back on the remaining issues:  

1) The most pervasive issue now is the strange behavior of some but not all of  the navigation links/content that i can't quite clearly describe.
I will have to demo via symptoms and examples: (part of the issue is i don't know what the content looked like before the upgrade)

firstly the issue can been for by clicking  on -> News and Events- >  blog (in the right hand margin).. 

You see a page that is apparently void of styles. 

When I look at the this in the webtop app and compare it to a functioning link/page i see what i would expect.. a page where i can see the content in the Textarea for editing.
see these shots for the admin of the community page/link :

When l look at Blog under News and Events 
I see different screens..things that i don't understand.. 

I don't understand what i am looking at but would have expected a similar page to the one the screenshot above? 
Where is the content for Blog page gone?  
How can i make it work as it should etc? 

Scott Conklin

Mar 8, 2014, 10:31:03 AM3/8/14
2) I have updated the latest verity plugin  on FC 7.0 RC
but performing a search does not seem to return any results.. 
It does not error, but I am told that it worked prior to the upgrade.

An pointers on how to chase this down? 


Scott Conklin

Mar 8, 2014, 10:39:58 AM3/8/14
3) this contact us form
submits back to itself (with  an empty form) and does not seem to show the confirmation  page or fire the email that it did prior to the upgrade. 
I guess the form post script url has changed? 

Can anyone tell me how to troubleshoot this issue? 

(I am very sorry to come to this forum and asked such general questions and not taking the time to read the docs, but these fixes have become somewhat urgent)

Scott Conklin

Mar 8, 2014, 11:02:04 AM3/8/14
when i upgraded to 6.23 the WYSISWYG  editor for editing content was still there... 
I believe it was because of projectname\packages\formtools\richtext.cfc .

when i upgraded to 7.0 it went missing again... 

Now i see JS errors in the console: 

How can i get the WYSIWYG editor working again? 

Justin Carter

Mar 8, 2014, 4:49:21 PM3/8/14
1) I think "" is a dmLink object and all it does is redirect to "/blog", and it looks like it's just currently rendering it using Core's plain displayPageStandard... Are you sure you copied the webskins/dmLink folder from the zip into your project as I mentioned in my last email?

Failing that, you should just be able to edit the News and Events -> Blog navigation node (i.e. the blue folder) and change it to a "redirect" type and enter "/blog" as the redirect URL.

For more options, visit

Geoff Bowers

Mar 8, 2014, 4:51:46 PM3/8/14
Remove rich text component from the project/packages completely. It is overriding core behaviour. Then restart app with an update app.


Sent from Mailbox for iPhone

For more options, visit

Justin Carter

Mar 8, 2014, 4:51:56 PM3/8/14
On Sun, Mar 9, 2014 at 3:02 AM, Scott Conklin <> wrote:
when i upgraded to 6.23 the WYSISWYG  editor for editing content was still there... 
I believe it was because of projectname\packages\formtools\richtext.cfc .

when i upgraded to 7.0 it went missing again... 

Now i see JS errors in the console: 

How can i get the WYSIWYG editor working again? 

FarCry Core 7.0 uses TinyMCE 4.x and custom configurations from version of TinyMCE 3.x are no longer compatible. The "projectname\packages\formtools\richtext.cfc" most likely contains a custom configuration, so if you just remove that file and do an updateapp it should work.

Geoff Bowers

Mar 8, 2014, 4:54:30 PM3/8/14
Remove the link content item.. Ie delete. Edit the parent folder and put in a content of redirect and nominate the /blog.

You're using blogcfc not FarCry for that area so you just need a redirect in the tree.


Sent from Mailbox for iPhone

For more options, visit

Justin Carter

Mar 8, 2014, 5:26:47 PM3/8/14
2) I think you've got 2 issues with the search... The POST doesn't seem to be working at all... If I change the form method from a POST to a GET it starts to work, but then it'll throw an error:

Which gives this error message: "Element FACTORY.OVERITY is undefined in a Java object of type class [Ljava.lang.String; referenced as ''" (\projects\teratech_rev2\includedObj\_search.cfm:55)

I think this _search.cfm has been customised somewhat, because the only example files I found had this particular code on line 75:

<cfset qResults =,searchString=searchCriteria)>

It doesn't look like the plugin is putting the verity object into application.factory, but instead you should be able to do somthing like this:

<cfset oVerity=createObject("component", "farcry.plugins.farcryverity.packages.custom.verityService").init()>
<cfset qResults =,searchString=searchCriteria)>

For more options, visit

Justin Carter

Mar 8, 2014, 5:35:53 PM3/8/14
3) This seems to be an old school <cfform>...

<form name="CFForm_1" id="CFForm_1" action="/go/contact-us" method="post" onsubmit="return _CF_checkCFForm_1(this)"> 

If you try to hit:

You'll get redirected to:

So that's probably why the form isn't working... The easiest fix will be removing the action attribute of the <form> so that it will submit to itself.

(I just changed the form action in the page myself and sent a test, it seemed to work)

For more options, visit

Scott Conklin

Mar 8, 2014, 5:39:29 PM3/8/14
Can you me where i would find the file to make this change.. (i am not sure i see any file called contactus)

    1. Content-Type:
      <div style="font-family:Consolas,'Lucida Console',m

Scott Conklin

Mar 8, 2014, 5:40:16 PM3/8/14
Can you tell me where I should be making this change? 

    1. Content-Type:
      <div style="font-family:Consolas,'Lucida Console',monospace;white-space:pre-wrap;dis

Geoff Bowers

Mar 8, 2014, 5:52:48 PM3/8/14
Login to webtop. Go to the page you are working on in the front end. Find the FarCry toolbar - by default bottom of page. Select cog menu and choose web skin tracer. Hopefully you see all the locations of views making up ghost page.


Sent from Mailbox for iPhone


Justin Carter

Mar 8, 2014, 6:12:59 PM3/8/14
On Sun, Mar 9, 2014 at 9:39 AM, Scott Conklin <> wrote:
Can you me where i would find the file to make this change.. (i am not sure i see any file called contactus)

On Saturday, March 8, 2014 4:35:53 PM UTC-6, Justin Carter wrote:
3) This seems to be an old school <cfform>...

<form name="CFForm_1" id="CFForm_1" action="/go/contact-us" method="post" onsubmit="return _CF_checkCFForm_1(this)"> 

If you try to hit:

You'll get redirected to:

So that's probably why the form isn't working... The easiest fix will be removing the action attribute of the <form> so that it will submit to itself.

(I just changed the form action in the page myself and sent a test, it seemed to work)

The contact form is probably an old included cfm file, so it should be in your projects includedObj folder. The same with the search results fix, it looks like its in:

To change the search form action and method, it's probably in the header of the site... typically we'd find that in your projects webskin/types folder, but in older sites it could have been something like webskin/includes (can't quite remember). The best thing might be to search your code base for something distinctive that you can see in the markup... The <form> tag is this (and part of it will be generated, e.g. the URL):

<form name="QForm" action="/index.cfm?objectID=756AFCAA-EA7D-4415-80D8D83C1B4E6BF6" method="post">

so perhaps search for "QForm" and that should find it?

Scott Conklin

Mar 9, 2014, 2:12:39 PM3/9/14
Justin and Geoff -

Thanks so much for all your help... 
all of our suggestions have solved the issues 1-4 either in total or have gotten me one step in the right direction,

WYSISWYG, Contact forms  and old dmLink issues seem to resolved.. 

Justin - 
I followed the advice on verity 
1) the form posting issue is solved.  responds in the same way as the GET request  now.

2) I replaced the lines of codes that you you refereed to  in the suggestions by instantiating the verity object:
         <cfset oVerity=createObject("component", "farcry.plugins.farcryverity.packages.custom.verityService").init()>
<cfset qResults =,searchString=searchCriteria)>

Now, i am on to the next error which would appear to be something to do with the TT collections, but I don't believe anything has changed in the cf admin since the upgrade.
The error below showed firstly that the teratech_rev2_farveritylog  did not exist so i created it.... I ran the search again and now i am getting the same error on another  collection not existing.. (teratech_rev2_dminclude). Is this not strange?  Should i have to have recreated these missing collections? 

DetailThe collection you specified does not exists or is not registered with the ColdFusion Search Service.
MessageThe collection  teratech_rev2_dminclude does not exist.

RAW_TRACEat cfverityService2ecfc2093239793$funcSEARCH.runFunction(C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\plugins\farcryverity\packages\custom\verityService.cfc:580)

On Saturday, March 8, 2014 5:12:59 PM UTC-6, Justin Carter wrote:
On Sun, Mar 9, 2014 at 9:39 AM, Scott Conklin <> wrote:
Can you me where i would find the file to make this change.. (i am not sure i see any file called contactus)

On Saturday, March 8, 2014 4:35:53 PM UTC-6, Justin Carter wrote:
3) This seems to be an old school <cfform>...

<form name="CFForm_1" id="CFForm_1" action="/go/contact-us" method="post" onsubmit="return _CF_checkCFForm_1(this)"> 

If you try to hit:

You'll get redirected to:

So that's probably why the form isn't working... The easiest fix will be removing the action attribute of the <form> so that it will submit to itself.

(I just changed the form action in the page myself and sent a test, it seemed to work)

The contact form is probably an old included cfm file, so it should be in your projects includedObj folder. The same with the search results fix, it looks like its in:

Justin Carter

Mar 9, 2014, 4:23:54 PM3/9/14

In the webtop browse to the Verity section under the Admin tab and just get it to recreate and/or rebuild the collections, hopefully that will do the trick.

You could also check the CF admin and the verity collections folder on disk to confirm that they exist.


Scott Conklin

Mar 9, 2014, 6:59:39 PM3/9/14
In the webtop i had the menu choice under verity to "create missing collections " ... (nothing with recreate or rebuild)
when click on that i get:

ere was a problem with that last request

Please push "back" on your browser or go back home

Error Overview

Message:The method getCollectionPrefix was not found in component farcry.plugins.farcryverity.packages.custom.verityConfig.
Browser:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/33.0.1750.146 Safari/537.36
DateTime:{ts '2014-03-09 18:57:02'}
Bot:not a bot

Error Details

Exception Type:Application
Detail:Ensure that the method is defined, and that it is spelled correctly.
Tag Context:
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\plugins\farcryverity\packages\custom\verityService.cfc (line: 379)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\plugins\farcryverity\packages\custom\verityService.cfc (line: 365)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\plugins\farcryverity\customadmin\customlists\createmissing.cfm (line: 12)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\webskin\types\webtopPageStandard.cfm (line: 14)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\packages\fourq\fourq.cfc (line: 445)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\packages\fourq\fourq.cfc (line: 338)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\tags\webskin\view.cfm (line: 138)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\tags\webskin\view.cfm (line: 74)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\tags\webskin\view.cfm (line: 11)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\tags\webskin\view.cfm (line: 9)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\tags\webskin\view.cfm (line: 1)
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\webtop\index.cfm (line: 115)
<blockquote style="margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;b

Geoff Bowers

Mar 10, 2014, 12:38:47 AM3/10/14

On 10 March 2014 09:59, Scott Conklin <> wrote:
In the webtop i had the menu choice under verity to "create missing collections " ... (nothing with recreate or rebuild)
when click on that i get:

Is there an option when viewing the list of verity collections in the webtop to rebuild the collection?  From memory there should be a list of the collections to manage -- these are essentially metadata for each content type you want indexed and which properties should be part of the collection.  Each should have the option to create/update the index.


Scott Conklin

Mar 10, 2014, 9:37:53 AM3/10/14
The link "All collections"  shows no collections:
You do not currently have any content. Use the [Add] button above to begin.
The I guess i have to add them back in here? (even if i do not know what they are)\
I guess i can do a search on the site and add them one at a a time as the error message indicate that the collection cannot be found? 

On Sunday, March 9, 2014 11:38:47 PM UTC-5, Geoff Bowers wrote:

On 10 March 2014 09:59, Scott Conklin <> wrote:
In the webtop i had the menu choice under verity to "create missing collections " ... (nothing with recreate or rebuild)
when click on that i get:

Is there an option when viewing the list of verity collections in the webtop

Geoff Bowers

Mar 10, 2014, 4:25:41 PM3/10/14
The search function call that returns search results takes a list of collections as a parameter. You might start there.

Creating collections is straightforward; choose a content type eg news and select the properties that should be indexed - normally just the text fields.


Sent from Mailbox for iPhone


Scott Conklin

Mar 10, 2014, 7:45:22 PM3/10/14
I hit refresh after each error; creating the collection as i went. but it seems to tell me that this one does not exist 

The collection teratech_rev2_farveritycollection does not exist.

 i have created it however in the admin:

On Monday, March 10, 2014 3:25:41 PM UTC-5, Geoff Bowers wrote:
The search function call that returns search results takes a list of collections as a parameter. You might start there.

Creating collections is straightforward; choose a content type eg news and select the properties that should be indexed - normally just the text fields.


Sent from Mailbox for iPhone

On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 12:37 AM, Scott Conklin <> wrote:

The link "All collections"  shows no collections:
You do not currently have any content. Use the [Add] button above to begin.
The I guess i have to add them back in here? (even if i do not know what they are)\
I guess i can do a search on the site and add them one at a a time as the error message indicate that the collection cannot be found? 

On Sunday, March 9, 2014 11:38:47 PM UTC-5, Geoff Bowers wrote:
On 10 March 2014 09:59, Scott Conklin <> wrote:
In the webtop i had the menu choice under verity to "create missing collections " ... (nothing with recreate or rebuild)<di

Scott Conklin

Mar 10, 2014, 7:49:47 PM3/10/14
i have one last link that is acting differently than all the rest:
and shows me the message below.  I have looked everywhere in the webtop, but see nothing different about this link/page in terms of permissions than any other page on the site.

Security You do not have permission to access this part of the website
Thanks for any help on this.

Scott Conklin

Mar 14, 2014, 8:35:13 AM3/14/14
anybody have any help on this? 

On Friday, August 22, 2008 2:31:10 PM UTC-5, Gavin Stewart wrote:
Hello there,

I have just installed farcry5. I downloaded it from
Everything is working fine except when I click on the Content tab i
get an error in the left window panel saying that  File not found: /
webtop/content/sidebar.cfm. When i look in that folder there isn't a
file called sidebar.cfm. Am I missing something here. Have i got the
latest version?

Cheers in advance

Scott Conklin

Mar 14, 2014, 9:09:35 AM3/14/14
I am sill getting the following error on verity: 
The collection teratech_rev2_farveritylog does not exist.

despite having it defined in the webtop under verity collections

On Monday, March 10, 2014 6:45:22 PM UTC-5, Scott Conklin wrote:
I hit refresh after each error; creating the collection as i went. but it seems to tell me that this one does not exist 

The collection teratech_rev2_farveritycollection does not exist.

 i have created it however in the admin:

On Monday, March 10, 2014 3:25:41 PM UTC-5, Geoff Bowers wrote:
The search function call that returns search results takes a list of collections as a parameter. You might start there.

Creating collections is straightforward; choose a content type eg news and select the properties that should be indexed - normally just the text fields.


Sent from Mailbox for iPhone

On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 12:37 AM, Scott Conklin <> wrote:

The link "All collections"  shows no collections:
You do not currently have any content. Use the [Add] button above to begin.
The I guess i have to add them back in here? (even if i do not know what they are)\
I guess i can do a search on the site and add them one at a a time as the erro

Sean Coyne

Mar 14, 2014, 9:11:19 AM3/14/14
Is it defined in the CF admin?

On Friday, March 14, 2014 9:09:35 AM UTC-4, Scott Conklin wrote:
I am sill getting the following error on verity: 
The collection teratech_rev2_farveritylog does not exist.

despite having it defined in the webtop under verity collections

On Monday, March 10, 2014 6:45:22 PM UTC-5, Scott Conklin wrote:
I hit refresh after each error; creating the collection as i went. but it seems to tell me that this one does not exist 

The collection teratech_rev2_farveritycollection does not exist.

 i have created it however in the admin:

On Monday, March 10, 2014 3:25:41 PM UTC-5, Geoff Bowers wrote:
The search function call that returns search results takes a list of collections as a parameter. You might start there.

Creating collections is straightforward; choose a content type eg news and select the properties that should be indexed - normally just the text fields.


Scott Conklin

Mar 14, 2014, 9:17:56 AM3/14/14
Why yes... Sean.. that  particular one was missing. hmmm, i had created it before.
whatever the case, it is three now, thanks. 

On Friday, March 14, 2014 8:11:19 AM UTC-5, Sean Coyne wrote:
Is it defined in the CF admin?

On Friday, March 14, 2014 9:09:35 AM UTC-4, Scott Conklin wrote:
I am sill getting the following error on verity: 
The collection teratech_rev2_farveritylog does not exist.

despite having it defined in the webtop under verity collections

On Monday, March 10, 2014 6:45:22 PM UTC-5, Scott Conklin wrote:
I hit refresh after each error; creating the collection as i went. but it seems to tell me that this one does not exist 

The collection teratech_rev2_farveritycollection does not exist.

 i have created it however in the admin:

On Monday, March 10, 2014 3:25:41 PM UTC-5, Geoff Bowers wrote:
The search function call that returns search results takes a list of collections as a parameter. You might start there.

Creating collections is straightforward; choose a content type eg news and select the properties that should be indexed - normally just the text fields.


Scott Conklin

Mar 15, 2014, 2:49:08 PM3/15/14
as to  the verity search that I have been trying to get working again, I re-created all the collections and so I am passed those errors:

now , i get the next error which says

Element RECORDCOUNT is undefined in QRESULTS.

Where qResults is defined as follows:

<cfset oVerity=createObject("component", "farcry.plugins.farcryverity.packages.custom.verityService").init()>
<cfset qResults =,searchString=searchCriteria)>

I dumped out the contents of qResults and it does not have a recordcount property.. not knowing verity, i am not sure what to expect:

SEARCHCRITERIA[empty string]
This is the snippet  of code that the search form wants to execute:
Is this no longer compatible with the way the verity plugin works now? 

<cfif isDefined("qResults") AND qResults.recordCount gt 0>
<!--- output results --->
<cfoutput query="qResults" maxrows="#maxrows#" startrow="#url.startrow#">
<div style="margin:0px 30px 10px 0px; font-family: Georgia; font-color: ##666666; font-size: 11px;">
<!--- check for extFile or farcry object ---> 
<cfif left(key,2) eq "\\">
<a href="#application.url.webroot#/download.cfm?extFile=#key#">#qResults.title#</a>
<!--- farcry object --->
<a href="#application.url.conjurer#?objectid=#key#">#qResults.title#</a>
<br />

On Friday, March 14, 2014 8:17:56 AM UTC-5, Scott Conklin wrote:
Why yes... Sean.. that  particular one was missing. hmmm, i had created it before.
whatever the case, it is three now, thanks. 

On Friday, March 14, 2014 8:11:19 AM UTC-5, Sean Coyne wrote:
Is it defined in the CF admin?

On Friday, March 14, 2014 9:09:35 AM UTC-4, Scott Conklin wrote:
I am sill getting the following error on verity: 
The collection teratech_rev2_farveritylog does not exist.

despite having it defined in the webtop under verity collections

On Monday, March 10, 2014 6:45:22 PM UTC-5, Scott Conklin wrote:
I hit refresh after each error; creating the collection as i went. but it seems to tell me that this one does not exist 

The collection teratech_rev2_farveritycollection does not exist.

 i have created it however in the admin:

On Monday, March 10, 2014 3:25:41 PM UTC-5, Geoff Bowers wrote:
The search function call that returns search results takes a list of collections as a parameter. You might start there.

Creating collections is straightforward; choose a content type eg news and select the properties that should be indexed - normally just the text fields.


Sent from <a href="<a href="" target="_blank" onmousedown="this.href='\75https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dropbo

Sean Coyne

Mar 17, 2014, 9:10:55 AM3/17/14
Change this

<cfset qResults =,searchString=searchCriteria)>

To this

<cfset qResults =,searchString=searchCriteria).qresults>

Scott Conklin

Mar 17, 2014, 10:05:28 AM3/17/14
 Sean  (and all)
Thanks. That did it, This completes the upgrade... everything good now.. 

On Monday, March 17, 2014 8:10:55 AM UTC-5, Sean Coyne wrote:
Change this

<cfset qResults =,searchString=searchCriteria)>

To this

<cfset qResults =

Scott Conklin

Mar 17, 2014, 5:28:59 PM3/17/14
Can anyone point me to an example verity search results page to use a  guide to re-write what  I am told is an  old customized version.

this snippet of code below is producing garbage as seen here:  (

This must all be deprecated by now? the links areusing objectID syntax etc...

<!--- output results --->
<cfoutput query="qResults" maxrows="#maxrows#" startrow="#url.startrow#">
<div style="margin:0px 30px 10px 0px; font-family: Georgia; font-color: ##666666; font-size: 11px;">
<!--- check for extFile or farcry object ---> 
<cfif left(key,2) eq "\\">
<a href="#application.url.webroot#/download.cfm?extFile=#key#">#qResults.title#</a>
<!--- farcry object --->
<a href="#application.url.conjurer#?objectid=#key#">#qResults.title#</a>
<br />

On Monday, March 17, 2014 9:05:28 AM UTC-5, Scott Conklin wrote:
 Sean  (and all)
Thanks. That did it, This completes the upgrade... everything good now.. 

On Monday, March 17, 2014 8:10:55 AM UTC-5, Sean Coyne wrote:
Change this

<cfset qResults =,searchString=<w


Justin Carter

Mar 17, 2014, 6:12:47 PM3/17/14
The application.fapi.getLink() function should do the trick:


Scott Conklin

Mar 17, 2014, 6:20:13 PM3/17/14

i assume this will handle making the links work and show as Freindly URLs? 

what about the score? what is that about? 

0.0000 TeraTech - #request.pagetitle# 
Contact Us Today! | + 1 (301) 424 3903 News and Events
 Sean  (and all)

Justin Carter

Mar 17, 2014, 6:53:47 PM3/17/14
Yep, getLink() will generate a friendly URL from the objectid you pass in.

Score is a value that Verity returns in the query object, it's up to you if you want to display it :) (I usually wouldn't, but it's up to you).


Scott Conklin

Mar 19, 2014, 9:23:32 PM3/19/14
From what i understand the old farcry site had an error handler that trapped errors and showed a friendly message to the user instead of the cf error dumps.
Is there an easy way to add this in  7.0 or can i just add  a cferror tag call to the farcryconstructor.cfm? 

To unsubscribe, email: <a href="mailto:far

Geoff Bowers

Mar 19, 2014, 9:38:39 PM3/19/14

On 20 March 2014 12:23, Scott Conklin <> wrote:
From what i understand the old farcry site had an error handler that trapped errors and showed a friendly message to the user instead of the cf error dumps.
Is there an easy way to add this in  7.0 or can i just add  a cferror tag call to the farcryconstructor.cfm? 

FarCry has its own rudimentary error that doesn't reveal any debug data by default, except in the webtop.  If you are logged in I think you can go into debug mode and see the full error.

If you want your own pretty error you just have to create the relevant 404 and/or 500 page:

Hope that helps,


Justin Carter

Mar 19, 2014, 9:39:05 PM3/19/14
Usually if you have an errors/500.cfm in your webroot (or in the project folder) then it will be used:

If you are logged in to the webtop or running the app from localhost/127.0.01 you will see the error message + dump, so you'd need to log out or try from a remote IP to see the nice error page.

Scott Conklin

Mar 20, 2014, 9:15:53 PM3/20/14
>> FarCry has a built in error handler for 404/500 errors that removes any debugging information and supplies a simple message to users. 
This does not seem to work for me ... 

neither does dropping in a simple error errorhandler into project-root\}/www/errors/.  as a 500.cfm file.

I dummied up an error in the search routine... see it here:


Scott Conklin

Mar 20, 2014, 9:38:20 PM3/20/14
I was wrong about what i had said in this thread about needing to setup verity collections to point to the site files.
turns out it need to reference the database.. 
I have these collections and notice that they correspond to  tables with the same/similar names:
Would by chance those tables have been the source for these collections? 
how can I set up that the verity plugin searches db records instead of the file directories? 






Sean Coyne

Mar 21, 2014, 8:52:02 AM3/21/14
In the verity admin in the webtop you can create the collections and identify what content type they index, and what properties they use

Scott Conklin

Mar 22, 2014, 7:39:41 PM3/22/14
They upgraded the server to I9.02 so we now we are going to try and setup the FC Solr plugin (I removed the verity plugin).

I chose this FC solr plugin and followed the instructions  (i assume this works for 7.0)

I tried to follow the directions in the "Configure plugin section"
Webtop --> Admin --> Configuration --> Edit Config --> Solr Pro Plugin
i don't see how to do this... i guess the interface has changed in 7.0? 

the cliicked on Content Types but i get the message 

You must configure the Solr settings before you can define any content types.

clicking on "configure sor settings" throws an error:
(I am missing a file? )

Please push "back" on your browser or go back home

Error Overview

Message:<h2>Administration UI Not Found</h2> <ul> <li>module: customlists/farConfig.cfm</li> <li>plugin: </li> </ul>
Browser:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/33.0.1750.154 Safari/537.36
DateTime:{ts '2014-03-22 19:38:39'}
Bot:not a bot

Error Details

Exception Type:Application
Tag Context:
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\FarCry4Sites\core\webtop\admin\customadmin.cfm (line: 55)

I assumed that

Justin Carter

Mar 23, 2014, 6:32:32 PM3/23/14
Upgraded to 9.0.2, or did a fresh install of 9.0.2? A fresh install will have removed Verity, so that's a bit of a problem :\

At the moment I don't think FarCry Solr Pro supports FarCry 7.0, we've had a change to the way configs are stored (JSON instead of WDDX) and the plugin does it's own explicit serialisation/deserialisation when it saves the configuration settings - this will need to be patched. I think we may have done a temporary fix for another client, I'll need to hunt it down.


Justin Carter

Mar 24, 2014, 7:42:10 AM3/24/14
FYI, there's now a fix for FarCry Solr Pro support on FarCry 7.x which was merged earlier today (you'll have to get it from the master branch of the FarCry Solr Pro plugin on Github) and also a patch in Core (trunk) just to clean up some CSS styles. Hopefully that fixes your issues.

On Sunday, March 23, 2014 10:39:41 AM UTC+11, Scott Conklin wrote:
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