Verity search - pagination in search result does not work correctly

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Jan 23, 2010, 8:38:00 AM1/23/10
to farcry-beta
Hi Mat,

the pagination in a verity search result page does not work correctly.
The generated pagination links for page 2 (3/4/5) etc. look loke this:

Calling that links results in a displayed page without a html header
and therefore without css layout !!!
BUT when I do a REFRESH in the browser, everything works fine an the
pagination links look like this:

This kind of links are working correctly. But I can get them only,
when I do a page refresh for the search result page.

Do you know, what's going on there ?

Regards .. Knut

Mat Bryant

Jan 24, 2010, 4:32:58 AM1/24/10
Hi Knut,

Your generated URL contains /ajaxmode/true which suggests that the pagination is setup to do an ajax request (<skin:pagination submissionType="form"... and is wrapped with an <ft:form bAjaxSubmission="true"....). However, the description of your problem says that instead of Ajaxing the results, it is simply browsing to the URL.

I would suggest turning on Firebug and see if there is a JavaScript error that is causing the Ajax call NOT to work and therefore falling back to just redirecting to the URL.

Just a theory... Let me know...

-- Matthew Bryant
Product Development Manager
Daemon Internet Consultants
Adobe Solutions Partner
p. 02 8302 4600
f. 02 9380 4204

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Jan 24, 2010, 9:28:46 AM1/24/10
to farcry-beta
Hi Mat,

yes, in the "displaySearch.cfm" I'm using a ajax wrapping:

<ft:form name="#stobj.typename#SearchForm" bAjaxSubmission="true"
ajaxMaskMsg="Searching..." action="#actionURL#">

And NO, there is no JavaScript error. Neither in Firebug, nor in the
Firefox error console !
But I wonder, because in Firebug is really NO JavaScript message in
the "JS" tab.

Deactivating the ajax wrapping in "displaySearch.cfm", everything
works fine and the pagination links are created correctly.
But it would look much better with the activated ajax, because the
user sees that the search is working and he has to wait for the result
a few moments !!!

Regards .. Knut

On 24 Jan., 10:32, Mat Bryant <> wrote:
> Hi Knut,
> Your generated URL contains /ajaxmode/true which suggests that the
> pagination is setup to do an ajax request (<skin:pagination
> submissionType="form"... and is wrapped with an <ft:form
> bAjaxSubmission="true"....). However, the description of your problem says
> that instead of Ajaxing the results, it is simply browsing to the URL.
> I would suggest turning on Firebug and see if there is a JavaScript error
> that is causing the Ajax call NOT to work and therefore falling back to just
> redirecting to the URL.
> Just a theory... Let me know...
> --
> -- Matthew Bryant
> Product Development Manager
> Daemon Internet Consultants

> Adobe Solutions Partner

> p. 02 8302 4600
> f. 02 9380 4204

> On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 5:38 AM, Knut <> wrote:
> > Hi Mat,
> > the pagination in a verity search result page does not work correctly.
> > The generated pagination links for page 2 (3/4/5) etc. look loke this:

> >

> > Calling that links results in a displayed page without a html header
> > and therefore without css layout !!!
> > ----------------------------------
> > BUT when I do a REFRESH in the browser, everything works fine an the
> > pagination links look like this:
> >
> > This kind of links are working correctly. But I can get them only,
> > when I do a page refresh for the search result page.
> > Do you know, what's going on there ?
> > Regards .. Knut
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> > "farcry-beta" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to

> ><>

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