farPagination - CSS question / FarCry 6.0

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Jan 19, 2010, 3:28:59 PM1/19/10
to farcry-beta

I have copied the "farPagination" folder from "/core/webskin" to my
project webskin folder. Then I edited the css-style in the
"displayLinks.cfm" file for my website project.

But now dicovered, that the edited file "displayLinks.cfm" is also
used in the webtop admin under "FU management" !? - Strange ! - Why
does the FC webtop use a display template of my website templates?

Of cause the new CSS-Style for pagination is not in line with the
FarCry webtop layout, because it was layouted for the website.

Who has an idea for a solution ?

Regards .. Knut

Geoffrey Bowers

Jan 21, 2010, 2:07:57 AM1/21/10
to farcr...@googlegroups.com

What are you trying to do? Is it just to restyle the pagination scroll at the top of the paginated display?

-- geoff


Jan 21, 2010, 12:35:56 PM1/21/10
to farcry-beta
Yes, restyling with brown color tones.
But now I see that restyled pagination scroll also in the webtop under
"FU management".

Mat Bryant

Jan 21, 2010, 1:55:46 PM1/21/10
to farcr...@googlegroups.com
Ok ;)

I have changed the default pagination to now use a registered CSS library.

If you want to use your own css for ONLY the front of your site, you will need to override the library ONLY where you need it.

Here's how.

In your header.cfm (usually called displayHeaderStandard.cfm) enter where your custom pagination.css is located something like this...

<skin:loadCSS id="farcry-pagination" baseHREF="/css" lFiles="pagination.css" />

This will load the "farcry-pagination" css library for the request only with your changes from the registered library. It is only modified for the request so the webtop will remain unchanged.

If you wanted to change BOTH public and webtop, you could REGISTER the change in your _serverspecificVars.cfm using
<skin:registerCSS id="farcry-pagination" baseHREF="/css" lFiles="pagination.css" />

This way, whenever the pagination is used, your custom pagination will be loaded.

Hope this makes sense.

1. make sure you remove your custom displayLinks webskin.
2. currently you cant change the markup of the webskin without overriding /webtop without some sort of switch checking to see if your in the webtop (ie, check the URL)

-- Matthew Bryant
Product Development Manager
Daemon Internet Consultants
Adobe Solutions Partner
p. 02 8302 4600
f. 02 9380 4204

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Jan 23, 2010, 8:23:01 AM1/23/10
to farcry-beta
Hi Mat,

thanks for your changes. I think it was a good step in the right
direction to separate the pagination css.
I've removed my custom displayLinks webskin and it works correctly

But I think that it would be useful to have the possibility to
customize the pagination (not only the pagination CSS) without
overriding the /webtop pagination. I also need german language for the
pagination links (previous / next).

Knut Bewersdorff

> Adobe Solutions Partnerhttp://www.daemon.com.au/

> p. 02 8302 4600
> f. 02 9380 4204

> On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 4:35 AM, Knut <webmas...@triptix.eu> wrote:
> > Yes, restyling with brown color tones.
> > But now I see that restyled pagination scroll also in the webtop under
> > "FU management".
> > On 21 Jan., 08:07, Geoffrey Bowers <mod...@daemon.com.au> wrote:
> > > On 20/01/2010, at 7:28 AM, Knut wrote:
> > > > I have copied the "farPagination" folder from "/core/webskin" to my
> > > > project webskin folder. Then I edited the css-style in the
> > > > "displayLinks.cfm" file for my website project.
> > > > But now dicovered, that the edited file "displayLinks.cfm" is also
> > > > used in the webtop admin under "FU management" !? - Strange ! - Why
> > > > does the FC webtop use a display template of my website templates?
> > > > Of cause the new CSS-Style for pagination is not in line with the
> > > > FarCry webtop layout, because it was layouted for the website.
> > > > Who has an idea for a solution ?
> > > What are you trying to do?  Is it just to restyle the pagination scroll
> > at the top of the paginated display?
> > > -- geoffhttp://www.daemon.com.au/
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> > "farcry-beta" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to farcr...@googlegroups.com.
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to

> > farcry-beta...@googlegroups.com<farcry-beta%2Bunsu...@googlegroups.com>

Mat Bryant

Jan 24, 2010, 4:14:40 AM1/24/10
to farcr...@googlegroups.com
The only way I can currently see to override the markup differently on the front end is to check for the presence of /webtop (or application.url.webtop) in the cgi.query_string and render them both in the same displayLinks webskin.

<cfif findNoCase(application.url.webtop, cgi.query_string)>
     <!--- Webtop Pagination Markup --->
     <!--- Frontend Pagination Markup --->

As for localisation, we will be doing a review of all tags to ensure any generated content is passed through localisation, however, in the mean time you can do this yourself as follows:

#renderLink(linkid="previous", linkText="#application.fapi.getResource('pagination.custom.previous@linktext','< previous')#")#


-- Matthew Bryant
Product Development Manager
Daemon Internet Consultants
Adobe Solutions Partner
p. 02 8302 4600
f. 02 9380 4204

To unsubscribe from this group, send email to farcry-beta...@googlegroups.com.


Jan 24, 2010, 9:44:50 AM1/24/10
to farcry-beta
Hi Mat,

thanks for your very helpful response. I will try out this changes.

Maybe it would be a good feature for "farPagination" (in the future),
also to integrate an "image" property (image source for the linkIDs)
additionally !?

Regards .. Knut

On 24 Jan., 10:14, Mat Bryant <mbry...@daemon.com.au> wrote:
> The only way I can currently see to override the markup differently on the
> front end is to check for the presence of /webtop (or
> application.url.webtop) in the cgi.query_string and render them both in the
> same displayLinks webskin.
> <cfif findNoCase(application.url.webtop, cgi.query_string)>
>      <!--- Webtop Pagination Markup --->
> <cfelse>
>      <!--- Frontend Pagination Markup --->
> </cfif>
> As for localisation, we will be doing a review of all tags to ensure any
> generated content is passed through localisation, however, in the mean time
> you can do this yourself as follows:
> #renderLink(linkid="previous",
> linkText="#application.fapi.getResource('pagination.custom.previous@linktext','<
> previous')#")#
> Cheers,
> --
> -- Matthew Bryant
> Product Development Manager
> Daemon Internet Consultants

> Adobe Solutions Partnerhttp://www.daemon.com.au/
> p. 02 8302 4600
> f. 02 9380 4204

> > <farcry-beta%2Bunsu...@googlegroups.com<farcry-beta%252Buns...@googlegroups.com>

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