2010 NYComicCon Recap

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Val Freire

Oct 29, 2010, 11:08:52 AM10/29/10
NYCOMICON 2010; in the practice of "If you have nothing good to say…
say nothing at all" I haven't recapped. It wasn't dire but it was a
mess, which is something I've come to expect.

Elisa Lau | http://www.pinkimoon.com/ | table-mate, artist, designer,
extraordinaire certainly improved the experience. But it was the
handful of friends and fans who found me out that made it worthwhile.

Gracias, Thank You, Merci, Arigatô, Danke, etc! Truly. :D

So now "2011 NYAF... or bust!"
Next time I'll be over on the NYAF; I don't know about anyone else but
I felt more welcoming there, more organic, festive even!

I know, location-wise, NYAF was put upon, but the ComciCon side was
just a mess, a wash of lookie-loo's and industry people flooding the
talent, vice-versa. It didn't make for a very creative or happy
environment to cultivate... did I mention that I love Elisa? Really,
truly, we're meaning to do this again just with much more of a joint
effort and NEW items!
[On this, SHOP NEWS I will keep you posted!]

Loads of my prints are outdated or on their last run. That being said
PRINT-SALE!! as low as $1, because;

1. I'd like them retire to happy homes.
2. This will help cover convention cost. (Please?)
3. It will buffer future endeavors, which is awesome, as I endeavor
awesome things on behalf of the Future~

So, go there, "while supplies last" </ END QUOTE>

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