New Rune Design Contest

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Val Freire

Nov 5, 2010, 11:22:47 AM11/5/10
I'd intend to have the New TMI / ID Runes come out the first of
December. More than that, I'd like it come out with a Bang! so...C O N
T E S T ! ! !

Having not organized one of these before, you'll have to bear with me.
The winning design(s) will be predominantly featured on cafepress/
far_eviler for a new section specifically for Shadowhunter Runes :D

Prizes are as Follows:
-1st prize - t-shirt, FCBD comic + 11x17 mini-poster print
-2nd prize - FCBD comic + 8x11.5 print of your choice
-3rd prize - FCBD comic + TMI postcard set

Rules + Due Date:
1. e-mail me directly and get a new rune at random
[no, I won't give you the meaning. That'll be a surprise!]
2. download a cafepress t-shirt templates.
3. follow the format.
4. colors are fine but refrain from text, since you won't know the
runes meaning.
5. you can incorporate any of my own gallery works or works in the
public domain.
6. you don't have to be on deviantArt to participate, but if you
want to upload your contest submission, I'd ask you to wait till the
contest is over.
7. submissions are due on the 15th, winners will be announced on
the 30th.

How's that sound?

Val Freire

Nov 9, 2010, 11:03:02 PM11/9/10
11/07/2010 11:02pm
For those participating here's a bit of specificity; you have
permission to resource any of my previous TMI / TID works to help in
creating your T-Shirt design. So, here is a short list on where to
find them, without watermarks and at high-resolution -


Just want everyone to have the most available to them and deviantArt
had some watermark issues so...

Val Freire

Nov 9, 2010, 11:06:32 PM11/9/10
Update: 11/09/2010 09:27pm
Soycazadoradesombrasylibros: Entrevista en exclusiva a Val Freire

Big thanks to the very sweet Maria Cabal who runs the Official Spanish
facebook page [] for
TMI/TID [aka "Shadowhunters Series"]. She interviewed me about who
asked about both the "Imaginary Fiends" and Design Contest for her
Book Blog.

Which gave me the opportunity to confirm that prizes will be signed by
both Cassie and Me, which is a nice little outcome I hadn't foreseen.
Lucky Fans!

I don't know how it could get more exciting,... unless of course you
were in my seat and saw some of these gorgeous entries! Really people,
keep 'em coming.

P.S. I made sure to let her know how inspiring I think you guys are.
Hope you saw that.

Val Freire

Nov 12, 2010, 7:25:46 PM11/12/10
There are only 3 days left to take part, which feels disastrously soon
doesn't it?

The due date for submitting a design is midnight November 15th 2010
PST [] (which for me, technically
means the 16th at 3am but I don't sleep much). This will gives our
international entrants a bit of leeway and west-coasters no need to

Which I hope makes it clear I'm welcome to International participants.
I'd like to encourage every/anyone to take part. Since I'm sending the
prizes out I don't mind the shipping cost :D

I also intend on sending every participant a personalized 'thank you'.
Haven't quite figured out just what yet but I'm working on it.


Quick note: for anyone interested in including original art along with
their submissions, you certainly can! With the understanding it then
becomes property of Far-Eviler.Com, not something I'd normally
advocate but with Cafepress image TOS I sort of have to. So it's up to


Last but not least, a BIG thanks to Cassie for taking the time to sign
the prize FCBD comics. I know she's just as excited to see your
submissions, as you guys are to get autographed swag.

Lots of of luck everyone!

Val Freire

Nov 17, 2010, 8:19:45 AM11/17/10
Update: 11/15/2010 18:30pm
For the next 8 1/2 hours, I'll still be accepting contest submissions.
I'm not saying this to pressure anyone, I'm stating it as a fact since
I'm headed out for the evening and won't have the best access. I just
didn't want anyone fretting...

Some of you have already sent your submission(s), some of you have
opted out while still some of you have yet to get back to me. Despite
that, each of you have amazed and inspired me, for having an interest
in something still a bit delicate and intimate to me, for sharing your
thoughts and insights and for taking the time. Thanks! far as entries, I'll be editing/tweaking them in the up-coming
days, then over the weekend I'll sit down with a designer friend who
I'm plotting shop details with and pick our winners. Once things look
a bit more polished I'll contact the winners so they can see the
finished thing but until The New Runes as a whole [as well as god
willing the shop] will go live Dec 1st we'll be on a bit of lock-down.
As of the first I will poke and urge you guys to post publicly your
every insight. Cuz you guys were/are marvelous and that is something
everyone should know, not just me... although I consider myself pretty
lucky to get the exclusive :manhug:

Val Freire

Nov 21, 2010, 6:51:56 PM11/21/10
As of Nov 18th, Elisa and I have picked winners, as well as 2
additional honorable mentions because it was impossible to pick just

So, we’re in deep in the arduous task of editing for the next week… by
arduous I mean really fun!

Best of luck with Black Friday, see you on the other side —

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