At an evening soiree

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Daniel de Haseth

Jan 26, 2017, 10:19:12 AM1/26/17
to Fantasy Nations

“Surely we can all agree the current Reichskabinet shan’t last much longer? Truly, our Chancellor has been a national embarrassment long enough, wouldn't you agree, dear Conrad?”

Princess Penelope, ever the sparkling light of the gathering, leaned closer to the startled dear Conrad and briefly rested her gloved hand on his shoulder, before she turned her attention once more to those gathered at the salon. It was a varied gathering, ladies and gentlemen, poets, actresses and nobles, tycoons, landowners, pianists and more, but if they had one thing in common, it was their lack of mediocracy.

“I dare say that it won’t be long before one of you fine gentlemen will be so foolish as to take the poor Chancellor’s place, but at least it is impossible to do any worse!”
Allowing a brief round of polite laughter, she continued: “But which of you has the vision and the talent to lead our beloved nation and be appointed the next Lord Chancellor by my dear father?” A devious sparkle lighted her eyes: “I know! Shall we place bets as to whom we think will have that honour? Will it be baron Rothschild, perhaps the wealthiest man in the Reich? Or our ablest defence against Britannia, illustrious count Spee? Or, dare I say it, perhaps count Orlok will put a spell on us all and make the Reichstag cast a unanimous vote?”

A wicked smile decorated her face as she held her glass to her lips, scanning the crowd from behind her glass, waiting for the others to speak up. If there was any place where one could gather the latest news and achieve a glimpse of events yet to unfold, it was at social gatherings such as these and the Princess? She attended them all.

OOC: Feel free to join in, or announce your presence!

Hugh Eldred-Grigg

Jan 27, 2017, 12:28:45 PM1/27/17
to Fantasy Nations
Archduke Fester is rarely seen in society without a small clique of hangars on and tonight is no exception. He is accompanied by a handful of young military officers and wealthy landholders' sons but they linger at an appropriate distance as he places a patronising hand on his niece's shoulder and smiles.

"Ah, dearest Penny... to have the innocence of youth!" He turns to the nearby hangers on. "My niece is charming and not without intellect but she does rather insist on taking the affairs of state rather lightly... Penny my dear" he lightly chides her, albeit with a fixed, benevolent smile. "I know that to one as young as you matters of state may seem no more significant than a greyhound race or a fencing bout or some other jolly game on which to wager. But these are decisions that touch the lives of millions, inside our Reich and beyond. Don't worry my dear, those of us with knowledge of such things have matters well in hand. I cannot say who the next Chancellor will be but whoever he is, he will be somebody with the responsibility necessary to carry the destiny of this great nation firmly in his hands"


Duston Horacek

Jan 27, 2017, 8:51:45 PM1/27/17
Ludwig Eisenhower looks over the Iron Works, fumes rising from the molten metals being poured into molds.

"Overseer Vilisk, are these numbers accurate?" he asks, the protective suit making his voice sound tinny and monotone.
"Yes, Mr. Eisenhower, the coal delivered was short by 2 tons." replied the Overseer.

Ludwig scans the floor where his workers diligently, and meticulously smelt the Iron purifying it; and casting it into sheets, ingots, and rods. "This won't do. He snaps. We should get what was ordered and paid for."

"Yes Sir." the Overseer responded. "It certainly isn't health to cheat The Consortium."

"No Vilsk." responded Ludwig  shaking his head. "No it certainly is not. Assemble the board we have some plans to make."  

The Richthofen Iron Works are the producers of the purest Iron in the Empire. Many contribute this to the care that Ludwig Eisenhower has for his employees, taking great pains and expense to ensure they have the latest in protective equipment to keep them safe from the deadly fumes, and noxious heat of the Iron Works.
When asked about it Ludwig stated "Smelting Richthofen Iron is not the tasks of laborers, but the tasks of Artisans, and Artists are due respect. I show that respect by protecting my Artisans and listening to their advice and concerns. Of course the Purest Iron, like every work of art demands the best prices. Our Iron is stronger, and more resistant to oxidization than any other in the Empire. Candidly I'm in the process of formulating a metal that resist rust all together; which I am sure you can agree would revolutionize the Iron Works industry!"

On Fri, Jan 27, 2017 at 10:28 AM, Hugh Eldred-Grigg <> wrote:
Archduke Fester is rarely seen in society without a small clique of hangars on and tonight is no exception. He is accompanied by a handful of young military officers and wealthy landholders' sons but they linger at an appropriate distance as he places a patronising hand on his niece's shoulder and smiles.

"Ah, dearest Penny... to have the innocence of youth!" He turns to the nearby hangers on. "My niece is charming and not without intellect but she does rather insist on taking the affairs of state rather lightly... Penny my dear" he lightly chides her, albeit with a fixed, benevolent smile. "I know that to one as young as you matters of state may seem no more significant than a greyhound race or a fencing bout or some other jolly game on which to wager. But these are decisions that touch the lives of millions, inside our Reich and beyond. Don't worry my dear, those of us with knowledge of such things have matters well in hand. I cannot say who the next Chancellor will be but whoever he is, he will be somebody with the responsibility necessary to carry the destiny of this great nation firmly in his hands"

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Daniel de Haseth

Jan 28, 2017, 10:39:00 PM1/28/17
to Fantasy Nations
"Sweet uncle," the Princess cooed as she leaned her head against her uncle's resting hand on her shoulder, "you flatter me so. If I were bashful, I'd be a-blush, but since we are among friends, I have no need to pretend." Popping her head back upright and mockingly feigning innocence, she continues: "You are right, though, I am but a young girl and know little in the ways of statecraft, but as long as the women of the Reich do not have the right to vote, we poor souls are condemned to treating elections as passing excitement the equal of greyhound races."


Jan 31, 2017, 3:00:11 AM1/31/17
to Fantasy Nations
"The ballot box is but one way to affect change withing the Empire," Karlotta stated as she walked acknowledging first her brother and then turning to Penelope "Isn't that right, Dear Brother." She raised her glass with a little nod to her niece, while obviously making the rhetorical question directed at the Archduke. Taking a sip of the cold whiskey, she looks at the military advisors that always seem to squirm around her brother. Giving them a slight smile she directs another statement back at Fester. "Whomever the next chancellor shall be, the empire must remain. Forget not that the empire stands because of the people, through their tenacity and ingenuity it endures." This time Karlotta's eyes slowly scan the room before finally making direct contact with her brother's pupils. 

"Nevertheless, tonight's affair is not matters of the state. We are celebrating, are we not? Unification day is a time of coming together, so let's all toast to the coming year and the continuance of Reichland."

Archduchess Karlotta

Jan 31, 2017, 3:00:57 AM1/31/17
to Fantasy Nations
Archduchess Karlotta.jpg

ME Brines

Jan 31, 2017, 10:27:01 PM1/31/17
FYI from the Game Master
We're waiting a bit for the nobles to form a government. I'll send your
packets and we'll get set for the first turn in a couple of days. Be
patient and thanks for playing.

Daniel de Haseth

Jan 31, 2017, 11:02:32 PM1/31/17
How would this work? I was under the impression we first process the turn, see how much each faction spends on the elections and form a government based on the vote distribution.

On Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 11:26 PM, ME Brines <> wrote:
FYI from the Game Master
We're waiting a bit for the nobles to form a government. I'll send your packets and we'll get set for the first turn in a couple of days. Be patient and thanks for playing.

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jimmy macias

Jan 31, 2017, 11:06:33 PM1/31/17
Nobles get the first go at it as the Game starts as a monarchy and will stay that way until it's influenced to be something different from the inside 


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ME Brines

Jan 31, 2017, 11:43:23 PM1/31/17

Currently only nobles vote. Elections aren't yet a thing. Very medieval political system.

On 1/31/2017 9:02 PM, Daniel de Haseth wrote:
How would this work? I was under the impression we first process the turn, see how much each faction spends on the elections and form a government based on the vote distribution.
On Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 11:26 PM, ME Brines <> wrote:
FYI from the Game Master
We're waiting a bit for the nobles to form a government. I'll send your packets and we'll get set for the first turn in a couple of days. Be patient and thanks for playing.
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What if the Second World War wasn't just the largest war in history, but a supernatural struggle between spiritual entities? The Fist of God, a paranormal World War II adventure novel. Download yours at

Feb 1, 2017, 5:56:46 AM2/1/17
to Fantasy Nations
So how does voting work? Does each Noble get one vote? Do we use the "Campaign for election" system listed in the rules, but only players playing nobles can take the action? Basically, I'm very confused - a step by step from the GM would be really appreciated. I had no idea the noble players were holding the game up.

On Wednesday, February 1, 2017 at 6:43:23 AM UTC+2, Mike Brines wrote:

Currently only nobles vote. Elections aren't yet a thing. Very medieval political system.

On 1/31/2017 9:02 PM, Daniel de Haseth wrote:
How would this work? I was under the impression we first process the turn, see how much each faction spends on the elections and form a government based on the vote distribution.
On Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 11:26 PM, ME Brines <> wrote:
FYI from the Game Master
We're waiting a bit for the nobles to form a government. I'll send your packets and we'll get set for the first turn in a couple of days. Be patient and thanks for playing.

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Daniel de Haseth

Feb 1, 2017, 8:25:48 AM2/1/17
to Fantasy Nations
I got confused by the description of campaigning in the rules, as did several other players, but it seems the overruling section is in the current laws of the empire, which state:
B1: All nobles other than members of the Imperial family (Dukes, Counts, Barons, knights and ladies) hold seats in parliament. Each has one vote. Commoners do not vote for parliamentary delegates.

So I believe of the player factions, only Count Zeppelin, Baron Frankenstein and Baron Rothschild have one vote each. That is, until law B1 is changed to allow for non-nobles voting

Darth Harkonnen

Feb 1, 2017, 9:19:49 AM2/1/17
Yup.  Baron Frankenstein, being the enlightened individual that he is, does not oppose such a change, as he believes that exceptional individuals need not be constrained by their birth. He sees some natural alignments between existing faction and his own, but has been out of the Capital of late pursuing some private matters.

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A. Pendragon
"The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools." Thucydides

Feb 1, 2017, 10:52:03 AM2/1/17
to Fantasy Nations

I got confused by the description of campaigning in the rules, as did several other players, but it seems the overruling section is in the current laws of the empire, which state:
B1: All nobles other than members of the Imperial family (Dukes, Counts, Barons, knights and ladies) hold seats in parliament. Each has one vote. Commoners do not vote for parliamentary delegates.

So I believe of the player factions, only Count Zeppelin, Baron Frankenstein and Baron Rothschild have one vote each. That is, until law B1 is changed to allow for non-nobles voting

So the campaigning rules only become relevant if some form of universal suffrage is enacted?

Is it presumed that all of the NPC nobles just don't vote, and there's no way we can influence them?

Darth Harkonnen

Feb 1, 2017, 12:20:07 PM2/1/17
OOC:  I am assuming that the NPC Nobles are somewhat inert unless prodded.  This is wild speculation on my part, but since one can "recruit" a Noble into a Faction, I would presume that once recruited said Noble would vote along Faction lines.  Thus, even if your PC is not a Noble, you would proxy vote through said recruited Noble.  Hopefully, Mike will clarify, but that is the approach that I am taking for the near term.

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ME Brines

Feb 1, 2017, 2:36:58 PM2/1/17

As the law states, every noble not of the imperial household gets one vote. WHen I put the election rules in, I assumed that "reformers" would quickly change this to a parliamentary system and then that would be how things work. Right now the nobles run things pretty much as they please with the Emperor functioning as an unelected "president" who can veto. He can also fire the Chancellor if he likes.

The Chancellor (however he's elected) fills government positions (as the law states). Players (or NPCs) make up the government and serve as the Treasurer, Minister of War, Minister of the Interior (the police), etc. So I need to know who is what so I can send the right information for their turn orders.

From the responses I've gotten I don't think the nobles really knew how things worked either. This is a very different game, unlike anything I've ever done before, or anything I've seen on the Internet either. And the players forming the government is the heart of the difference. It should be interesting to see how things work out.

On 2/1/2017 3:56 AM, wrote:
So how does voting work? Does each Noble get one vote? Do we use the "Campaign for election" system listed in the rules, but only players playing nobles can take the action? Basically, I'm very confused - a step by step from the GM would be really appreciated. I had no idea the noble players were holding the game up.

On Wednesday, February 1, 2017 at 6:43:23 AM UTC+2, Mike Brines wrote:

Currently only nobles vote. Elections aren't yet a thing. Very medieval political system.

On 1/31/2017 9:02 PM, Daniel de Haseth wrote:
How would this work? I was under the impression we first process the turn, see how much each faction spends on the elections and form a government based on the vote distribution.
On Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 11:26 PM, ME Brines <> wrote:
FYI from the Game Master
We're waiting a bit for the nobles to form a government. I'll send your packets and we'll get set for the first turn in a couple of days. Be patient and thanks for playing.

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ME Brines

Feb 1, 2017, 2:40:03 PM2/1/17

Might be something the rest of you want to reform since, the vast majority get no vote, and many of you are also richer than many of the nobles who do vote. Right now nobody has "influence" with the masses anyway. But if the reformers gain a lot of influence the government will be faced with the choice of either risking revolution or allowing greater participation.

On 2/1/2017 6:25 AM, Daniel de Haseth wrote:
I got confused by the description of campaigning in the rules, as did several other players, but it seems the overruling section is in the current laws of the empire, which state:
B1: All nobles other than members of the Imperial family (Dukes, Counts, Barons, knights and ladies) hold seats in parliament. Each has one vote. Commoners do not vote for parliamentary delegates.

So I believe of the player factions, only Count Zeppelin, Baron Frankenstein and Baron Rothschild have one vote each. That is, until law B1 is changed to allow for non-nobles voting

On Wednesday, February 1, 2017 at 6:56:46 AM UTC-4, wrote:

ME Brines

Feb 1, 2017, 2:47:57 PM2/1/17

This is exactly true. If you recruit somebody they are yours.

Also, the Imperial characters are relative inert, unless somebody recruits them. But the foreign NPCs are all "mine." They can't be recruited and they will act in their own interests, whatever they perceive them to be. They're not all necessarily hostile, but they're not sympathetic to your interests, either. Personalities vary.

On 2/1/2017 10:20 AM, Darth Harkonnen wrote:
OOC:  I am assuming that the NPC Nobles are somewhat inert unless prodded.  This is wild speculation on my part, but since one can "recruit" a Noble into a Faction, I would presume that once recruited said Noble would vote along Faction lines.  Thus, even if your PC is not a Noble, you would proxy vote through said recruited Noble.  Hopefully, Mike will clarify, but that is the approach that I am taking for the near term.
On Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 10:52 AM, <> wrote:
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A. Pendragon
"The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools." Thucydides
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Duston Horacek

Feb 1, 2017, 2:51:16 PM2/1/17
So your looking for a vote from the nobles to set positions?

On Feb 1, 2017 12:47 PM, "ME Brines" <> wrote:

This is exactly true. If you recruit somebody they are yours.

Also, the Imperial characters are relative inert, unless somebody recruits them. But the foreign NPCs are all "mine." They can't be recruited and they will act in their own interests, whatever they perceive them to be. They're not all necessarily hostile, but they're not sympathetic to your interests, either. Personalities vary.

On 2/1/2017 10:20 AM, Darth Harkonnen wrote:
OOC:  I am assuming that the NPC Nobles are somewhat inert unless prodded.  This is wild speculation on my part, but since one can "recruit" a Noble into a Faction, I would presume that once recruited said Noble would vote along Faction lines.  Thus, even if your PC is not a Noble, you would proxy vote through said recruited Noble.  Hopefully, Mike will clarify, but that is the approach that I am taking for the near term.

On Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 10:52 AM, <> wrote:

I got confused by the description of campaigning in the rules, as did several other players, but it seems the overruling section is in the current laws of the empire, which state:
B1: All nobles other than members of the Imperial family (Dukes, Counts, Barons, knights and ladies) hold seats in parliament. Each has one vote. Commoners do not vote for parliamentary delegates.

So I believe of the player factions, only Count Zeppelin, Baron Frankenstein and Baron Rothschild have one vote each. That is, until law B1 is changed to allow for non-nobles voting

So the campaigning rules only become relevant if some form of universal suffrage is enacted?

Is it presumed that all of the NPC nobles just don't vote, and there's no way we can influence them?
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A. Pendragon
"The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools." Thucydides
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What if the Second World War wasn't just the largest war in history, but a supernatural struggle between spiritual entities? The Fist of God, a paranormal World War II adventure novel. Download yours at


ME Brines

Feb 1, 2017, 2:51:24 PM2/1/17

And if the nobles gain a lot of influence, they can still win the elections, so expect them to delay until they have a lot of influence. For those who want political power, it'll become a race to see who can gain the most influence to win the elections. If you're not into politics, you can pursue other interests.

Also, currently nobles are the only ones who pay taxes, so it's not all bad.

On 2/1/2017 12:39 PM, ME Brines wrote:

Might be something the rest of you want to reform since, the vast majority get no vote, and many of you are also richer than many of the nobles who do vote. Right now nobody has "influence" with the masses anyway. But if the reformers gain a lot of influence the government will be faced with the choice of either risking revolution or allowing greater participation.

On 2/1/2017 6:25 AM, Daniel de Haseth wrote:
I got confused by the description of campaigning in the rules, as did several other players, but it seems the overruling section is in the current laws of the empire, which state:
B1: All nobles other than members of the Imperial family (Dukes, Counts, Barons, knights and ladies) hold seats in parliament. Each has one vote. Commoners do not vote for parliamentary delegates.

So I believe of the player factions, only Count Zeppelin, Baron Frankenstein and Baron Rothschild have one vote each. That is, until law B1 is changed to allow for non-nobles voting

On Wednesday, February 1, 2017 at 6:56:46 AM UTC-4, wrote:

ME Brines

Feb 1, 2017, 2:58:06 PM2/1/17

They've apparently decided upon a Chancellor (Prime Minister) and he's forming his government (= picking out the characters who'll be the various government ministers.) I have heard that Baron Frankenstein will be the Imperial Steward. Not sure about the rest. If you want a position, you might contact Baron Rothschild and he might set you up as Minister of something. I do know he needs to appoint five admirals or generals.

On 2/1/2017 12:51 PM, Duston Horacek wrote:
So your looking for a vote from the nobles to set positions?
On Feb 1, 2017 12:47 PM, "ME Brines" <> wrote:

This is exactly true. If you recruit somebody they are yours.

Also, the Imperial characters are relative inert, unless somebody recruits them. But the foreign NPCs are all "mine." They can't be recruited and they will act in their own interests, whatever they perceive them to be. They're not all necessarily hostile, but they're not sympathetic to your interests, either. Personalities vary.

On 2/1/2017 10:20 AM, Darth Harkonnen wrote:
OOC:  I am assuming that the NPC Nobles are somewhat inert unless prodded.  This is wild speculation on my part, but since one can "recruit" a Noble into a Faction, I would presume that once recruited said Noble would vote along Faction lines.  Thus, even if your PC is not a Noble, you would proxy vote through said recruited Noble.  Hopefully, Mike will clarify, but that is the approach that I am taking for the near term.

On Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 10:52 AM, <> wrote:

I got confused by the description of campaigning in the rules, as did several other players, but it seems the overruling section is in the current laws of the empire, which state:
B1: All nobles other than members of the Imperial family (Dukes, Counts, Barons, knights and ladies) hold seats in parliament. Each has one vote. Commoners do not vote for parliamentary delegates.

So I believe of the player factions, only Count Zeppelin, Baron Frankenstein and Baron Rothschild have one vote each. That is, until law B1 is changed to allow for non-nobles voting

So the campaigning rules only become relevant if some form of universal suffrage is enacted?

Is it presumed that all of the NPC nobles just don't vote, and there's no way we can influence them?
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A. Pendragon
"The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools." Thucydides
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What if the Second World War wasn't just the largest war in history, but a supernatural struggle between spiritual entities? The Fist of God, a paranormal World War II adventure novel. Download yours at
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Darth Harkonnen

Feb 1, 2017, 3:12:05 PM2/1/17
Yes, we feckless nobles have not been on point.  We have finally decided upon which one of us would become Chancellor.  We have also agreed upon two Ministerial positions amongst ourselves.  The rest of the government is rife with vacancies in need of appointment.  If you want a seat in the government, contact Baron Rothschild.  If you want to discuss law or sausage making, you may send your correspondence directly to yours truly.

Baron Victor Frankenstein

Duston Horacek

Feb 1, 2017, 3:15:10 PM2/1/17
I would like to discuss the subsidizing of the Iron Industry, and the impeccable quality of Richthofen Iron Works.

Darth Harkonnen

Feb 1, 2017, 3:22:46 PM2/1/17
Step this way good sir ...

Don Mewha

Feb 3, 2017, 10:24:34 AM2/3/17
to Fantasy Nations

I believe that Herr Pendragon could have quite a bit to say to the owners of the coal mines.

If he would like to discuss that in more detail (and privacy), we would be happy to have that conversation.

- Michael Hovarth

On Wednesday, February 1, 2017 at 3:22:46 PM UTC-5, Arthur Pendragon wrote:
Step this way good sir ...
On Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 3:15 PM, Duston Horacek <> wrote:
I would like to discuss the subsidizing of the Iron Industry, and the impeccable quality of Richthofen Iron Works.
On Feb 1, 2017 1:12 PM, "Darth Harkonnen" <> wrote:
Yes, we feckless nobles have not been on point.  We have finally decided upon which one of us would become Chancellor.  We have also agreed upon two Ministerial positions amongst ourselves.  The rest of the government is rife with vacancies in need of appointment.  If you want a seat in the government, contact Baron Rothschild.  If you want to discuss law or sausage making, you may send your correspondence directly to yours truly.

Baron Victor Frankenstein

On Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 2:51 PM, Duston Horacek <> wrote:
So your looking for a vote from the nobles to set positions?
On Feb 1, 2017 12:47 PM, "ME Brines" <> wrote:

This is exactly true. If you recruit somebody they are yours.

Also, the Imperial characters are relative inert, unless somebody recruits them. But the foreign NPCs are all "mine." They can't be recruited and they will act in their own interests, whatever they perceive them to be. They're not all necessarily hostile, but they're not sympathetic to your interests, either. Personalities vary.

On 2/1/2017 10:20 AM, Darth Harkonnen wrote:
OOC:  I am assuming that the NPC Nobles are somewhat inert unless prodded.  This is wild speculation on my part, but since one can "recruit" a Noble into a Faction, I would presume that once recruited said Noble would vote along Faction lines.  Thus, even if your PC is not a Noble, you would proxy vote through said recruited Noble.  Hopefully, Mike will clarify, but that is the approach that I am taking for the near term.
On Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 10:52 AM, <> wrote:

I got confused by the description of campaigning in the rules, as did several other players, but it seems the overruling section is in the current laws of the empire, which state:
B1: All nobles other than members of the Imperial family (Dukes, Counts, Barons, knights and ladies) hold seats in parliament. Each has one vote. Commoners do not vote for parliamentary delegates.

So I believe of the player factions, only Count Zeppelin, Baron Frankenstein and Baron Rothschild have one vote each. That is, until law B1 is changed to allow for non-nobles voting

So the campaigning rules only become relevant if some form of universal suffrage is enacted?

Is it presumed that all of the NPC nobles just don't vote, and there's no way we can influence them?
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A. Pendragon
"The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools." Thucydides
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What if the Second World War wasn't just the largest war in history, but a supernatural struggle between spiritual entities? The Fist of God, a paranormal World War II adventure novel. Download yours at

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A. Pendragon
"The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools." Thucydides

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Darth Harkonnen

Feb 3, 2017, 11:01:16 AM2/3/17
Herr Frankenstein will differ to the new Imperial Steward, Count Zeppelin, as all matters of Industrial Policy fall under his jurisdiction.  As the new Imperial Treasurer, Herr Doktor Baron Frankenstein is keenly interested in economic matters and the Mining Industry as a whole is a definitive part of that within the Empire.

Darth Harkonnen

Feb 3, 2017, 11:10:12 AM2/3/17
As the original thread has been somewhat hi-jacked by game mechanics issues and what not, going to re-post it for a resumption of IC goodness. :)

On Fri, Feb 3, 2017 at 11:01 AM, Darth Harkonnen <> wrote:
Herr Frankenstein will differ to the new Imperial Steward, Count Zeppelin, as all matters of Industrial Policy fall under his jurisdiction.  As the new Imperial Treasurer, Herr Doktor Baron Frankenstein is keenly interested in economic matters and the Mining Industry as a whole is a definitive part of that within the Empire.

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