@ Read What Do Philosophers Do?: Skepticism and the Practice of Philosophy (The Romanell Lectures)

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Dec 24, 2023, 3:23:36 AM12/24/23
to fansmud...@googlegroups.com

READ OR DOWNLOAD What Do Philosophers Do?: Skepticism and the Practice of Philosophy (The Romanell Lectures) Full Book.

How do you know the world around you isn't just an elaborate dream, or the creation of an evil neuroscientist? If all you have to go on are various lights, sounds, smells, tastes and tickles, how can you know what the world is really like, or even whether there is a world beyond your ownmind? Questions like these -- familiar from science fiction and dorm room debates -- lie at the core of venerable philosophical arguments for radical skepticism: the stark contention that we in fact know nothing at all about the world, that we have no more reason to believe any claim -- that thereare trees, that we have hands -- than we have to disbelieve it.Like non-philosophers in their sober moments, philosophers, too, find this skeptical conclusion preposterous, but they're faced with those famous arguments: the Dream Argument, the Argument from Illusion, the Infinite Regress of Justification, the more recent Closure Argument. If these can't bemet, they raise a serious challenge not just to .

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