Still can't figure out BrowserCacheFeature for

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Jul 15, 2024, 8:43:29 AM (11 days ago) Jul 15
to FanFicFare -- Downloader for FanFiction
Hi, I've been trying to use the BrowserCacheFeature to successfully download fanfics from, which I previously made a post about. However, I'm still having trouble getting it to work, so I thought i'd post the contents of my personal.ini file and see if anyone knows what might be causing my issues:

## This is an example of what your personal configuration might look

## like. Uncomment options by removing the '#' in front of them.


browser_cache_path:C:\Users\jackw\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache


## [defaults] section applies to all formats and sites but may be

## overridden at several levels. See

## for more

## details.

## Some sites also require the user to confirm they are adult for

## adult content. Uncomment by removing '#' in front of is_adult.


## Don't like the numbers at the start of chapter titles on some

## sites? You can use strip_chapter_numbers to strip them off. Just

## want to make them all look the same? Strip them off, then add them

## back on with add_chapter_numbers. Don't like the way it strips

## numbers or adds them back? See chapter_title_strip_pattern and

## chapter_title_add_pattern in defaults.ini.




## Include images from img tags in the body and summary of stories.

## Images will be converted to jpg for size if possible. Images work

## in epub format only. To get mobi or other format with images,

## download as epub and use Calibre to convert.

## true by default, uncomment and set false to not include images.


## If set false, the summary will have all html stripped for safety.

## Both this and include_images must be true to get images in the

## summary.

## true by default, uncomment and set false to not keep summary html.


## If set true, and there isn't a specific cover image, the first

## image found in the story will be made the cover image. If

## keep_summary_html is true, images in the summary will be before any

## in chapters.

## true by default, uncomment and set false to turn off


## Most common, I expect will be using this to save username/passwords

## for different sites. Here are a few examples. See defaults.ini

## for the full list.




## default is false

#collect_series: true



#fail_on_password: false



## tth is a little unusual--it doesn't require user/pass, but the site

## keeps track of which chapters you've read and won't send another

## update until it thinks you're up to date. If you set

## username/password, FFF will login to download. Then the site

## thinks you're up to date.






## This section will override anything in the system defaults or other

## sections here.


## default varies by site. Set true here to force all sites to

## collect series.

#collect_series: true

Does anyone know from this what my issue might be? Any help is greatly appreciated!

Jim Miller

Jul 15, 2024, 9:39:29 AM (11 days ago) Jul 15

For most users starting in 2022, the cache dir has an additional \Cache_Data part:

browser_cache_path:C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache\Cache_Data

This is mentioned in:

That's all I notice.


Jul 17, 2024, 12:46:02 AM (9 days ago) Jul 17
to FanFicFare -- Downloader for FanFiction
Thanks! That seems to have fixed my issue!
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