Combining ext-table with data from HTML markup

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John-Paul Herold

Sep 15, 2014, 12:05:14 PM9/15/14

I'm in a situation where I have the tree data I need being passed via JSTL into a JSP. I also am using the table extension for structuring extra data I show in the tree. I have been trying to get both the extension and markup data to work together but have been unsuccessful thus far. I know the markup data can be read properly as I can render it without the table extension. Here is an example of what I have been trying:

<table id=tree>
  <ul id="treeData" style="display: none;">
<c:forEach items="${nodes}" var="node">
<li id="${node.key}" title="${node.fullPath}">
<col width="100px"></col>
<col width="20px"></col>

I would then try to build fancytree off of the '#tree' selector. Any ideas on how to get this to work?


John-Paul Herold

Sep 18, 2014, 3:17:38 PM9/18/14
I ended up going a different route. I didn't define a treeOptions.source and used:
<div id="treeData" style="display: none;">
 <c:forEach items="${nodes}" var="node">
   <span data-tree-key="${node.key}"
</div> get the initial data from JSP, then used a simple loop to create an array of objects, and set the tree's option.source with the return:

var treeDataFromHTML = function (div) {
  // TODO use ajax instead of embedded tree data in HTML
  var treeData = [],
  $sel = $(div);
  $.each($sel, function(i, o) {
    var category = {"key" : o.dataset.treeKey, "title" : o.dataset.treeTitle, "tooltip" : o.dataset.treePath};
  return treeData;

Little bit chaotic but the cleanest solution, without embedding js/java into JSP, I came up with until I can get an ajax call wired up. The tree itself is very basic though (<20 nodes), no nesting, and limited node data. 

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