Photo carousel and kinship names

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Nov 20, 2023, 1:26:40 PM11/20/23

I like the app very much.
Thanks for the good work!

I have a few suggestions.

Let me start with these:

1) As the app allows you to add several photos per person, maybe add an option to not select a primary one but to have the the app pick one of them at random and display that one in the tree. It would make for a more lively experience and encourage to add more photos. Otherwise, you'll never see those photos unless you check for them in the profile

2) have an option to select two persons and have the app show a) the shortest path between both (by bloodline ) and b) show all paths connecting them

3) allow selecting two individuals and display what  their relationship / kinship is. Eg great grand cousin twice removed

(I have attached an example chart for kinship relations in German taken from Wikipedia )

Thanks again for the app.


Michele Salvador

Dec 3, 2023, 2:07:29 AM12/3/23

1) As the app allows you to add several photos per person, maybe add an option to not select a primary one but to have the the app pick one of them at random and display that one in the tree.

2) have an option to select two persons and have the app show a) the shortest path between both (by bloodline ) and b) show all paths connecting them
3) allow selecting two individuals and display what  their relationship / kinship is. Eg great grand cousin twice removed
This would be a huge study on how kinship are described in different cultures, to permit correct translations on various languages, and then make the code support all that.
Theoretically it's a good feature for a genealogy app, but actually it doesn't excite me, because of all the cultural exceptions that we will find implementing it.
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