Doubts about the app

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Tomas Moreno

Sep 14, 2024, 2:06:25 PM9/14/24
Good afternoon
I recently downloaded your app.
I find it a great app, but I have some doubts.
1- I see that you can move to PDF file, but once done it does not give me the option to print the tree, so I can frame it.

2-When entering data into the tree, there is some line that is not visible. They seem to me a few numbers indicating that there is someone else, and I have to press on top to see it. I'm still in the screen.

3- I do not know if these doubts are resolved if I download the premium option.

4-The cost of €2.50 is a single payment?

Thank you very much

Screenshot_20240914_195344_Family Gem.jpg
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Michele Salvador

Dec 11, 2024, 9:27:35 AM12/11/24
to, Tomas Moreno
I see that you can move to PDF file, but once done it does not give me the option to print the tree, so I can frame it.

Can't you print the exported PDF? That's very strange.
I just tested and I was able to print an exported PDF from a PC with no problems.
Maybe you are trying to print directly from Android?

When entering data into the tree, there is some line that is not visible. They seem to me a few numbers indicating that there is someone else, and I have to press on top to see it. I'm still in the screen.
That's normal.
Those little numbers on the diagram indicate that there are ancestors or descendants not displayed.
It's not always possible to display all the people on a single diagram.

I do not know if these doubts are resolved if I download the premium option.

No, Family Gem Premium doesn't influence exporting of PDF (by the moment) nor displaying of the diagram.

The cost of €2.50 is a single payment?

Yes, it's a single payment.

Till Okoli

Dec 11, 2024, 10:51:37 AM12/11/24
to,, Tomas Moreno

Tomas, it's a normal PDF that is created. You can print it just like any other PDF. The family gem app does  the export, then you open the PDF . If the app that you're using is not giving you an option to print, then that's a very weird app. Just try another one.
And with regards to the numbers: there simply is not enough space to display all persons in an intricate network if you have entered many. Where should they be shown? If you do not want to see numbers, you can adjust your settings as to not show remote cousins and uncles. But even if you wanna show only direct ancestors, and you have many generations, they will not fit on one screen. But, arguably, it would be nice to have an option to print complete trees over extended paper formats. PDF can be of huge dimensions, so one complete ancestry tree can fit in a single PDF.

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