The Mystery Completed

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Nov 2, 2019, 4:20:48 PM11/2/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Does anybody have today's link? I missed it.

It sounds like Ron is dangling out some new baloney for his members to feed on.....


Nov 2, 2019, 5:08:31 PM11/2/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
The latest blathering...


Mike (DDTFA)

Nov 2, 2019, 5:18:40 PM11/2/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
It would seem that the Mystery is Not Yet Completed.  Part 1 of who knows how many parts.


Nov 2, 2019, 5:23:31 PM11/2/19

William Cutting

Nov 3, 2019, 9:29:09 AM11/3/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
2 Thessalonians 2:7For the Mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way. 8And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming.

2008 GFW "The proof of the validity of my first book, and now this one, is in the timing and the destruction that follows, exactly as both books describe."
"This book reveals that proof; time unveils it! God is beginning to make a distinction between what is His truth and all that is false in the world."
"When this book is published at the end of summer of 2006, (with distribution in full swing in the fall), there will be a maximum time of two years remaining before the world will be plunged into the worst time of all human history.
By the fall of 2008, the United States will have collapsed as a world power, or it will have begun its collapse and no longer exist as an independent nation within six months after that time."
Chapter 2 The Deception IN Man "One of the most difficult things for people to do is admit they are wrong."

Prophesy Against the Nations "7th prophetic 1,260 days • November 8, 2015 to April 20, 2019
"The 7th and last end-time prophetic period of 1,260 days will be the period when God gives His two end-time witnesses the primary work that they have been prophesied to fulfill." "These two witnesses will exercise that power they are given according to their own will, according to what they themselves determine to use against others for the purpose of stripping them of their pride, just like what was done against Egypt and Pharaoh in the days of Moses."
"Prophecy that has been recorded in this book and in the last book, 2008—God’s Final Witness, will come to pass as it has been written. "
"Yet all these events will still occur, just seven years later, but now with some changes because of what God is mercifully offering mankind, if they will listen."
"That 50-day period has already been mentioned. It is the time when God begins to pour out the Seven Last Plagues, which will lead to Christ coming to a world that has been humbled and ready to listen to him. As it has been stated, the day when his coming will be manifested in the atmosphere above the earth is the 21st of April 2019."
"So Pentecost is the annual Holy Day that pictures the firstfruits of God—the 144,000—who are resurrected to spirit life in the first resurrection at Christ’s coming, and who then return with him to the Mount of Olives on that day, on Pentecost 2019."

2 thessalonians 2
10And with all delusion of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie

Proverbs 19:5 A false witness will not go unpunished, and he that speaks lies shall not escape.

The spirit that works in Ronald E Weinland is the spirit of Lawlessness . This spirit Works in Many , not just one person . It is revealed in All who will not repent.
"12That THEY ALL might be Judged who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness"

Ronald Weinland has the spirit of Antichrist , he sits in the place of Christ and makes himself God . The people that follow him do not know the difference from a lie and the truth , they have NO understanding of what the true God says "20But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die" "22When a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD has not spoken, but the prophet has spoken it presumptuously: you shall not be afraid of him."

Has false Prophet Ronald repented ? NO ! June 3 2019 "perhaps it was too dogmatic to put so much emphasis on those years as being the time for Christ’s coming." "The fact that nothing happened in those years does not change the reality that these events are still going to occur"
"That is why this “work” will still be one of watching and informing people of those parameters and the events that are leading up to them becoming fulfilled. That is also why we are now focused on the next possible period for fulfillment being the Pentecost of 2020.

Since 2013, we became focused upon the next possible coming of Christ being on the Pentecost of 2019, but several months ago we realized that would not be the case, as specific events must take place over a minimum period of time before Christ will return. If this next year does not see the beginning of end-time events and the outbreak of WWIII, then it will be several more years down the road before such prophetic parameters fall into place again."

Matthew 24 :4
And Jesus answered and said to them, Take heed that NO MAN deceive you
5For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. 6And you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that you be not troubled

All of Ronald Weinland's signs and wonders have been false . He is a dog ( unclean ) who goes back to his vomit . He is a unclean swine that goes back to rolling around in his own doodoo . Wars and rumors of wars , that Jesus Christ said specifically not to be decieved by , and those things should not be the focus . Ronald is a Man of sin that cannot repent and will die in his sins just like Christ told the Pharisees .

William Cutting

Nov 3, 2019, 9:52:18 AM11/3/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland

This makes money for Ron . Ron you have brought a curse on your entire Family !

William Cutting

Nov 3, 2019, 9:54:34 AM11/3/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves.


Nov 4, 2019, 4:10:52 PM11/4/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Hey asshole Ron stock markets is a record high
Dallors is strong
No borders blown up
Pope is doing well
No 2/3 vegetation gone
Oil is cheap
Christ never came back
No major hurricane
No major earth quake
Nothing you said will happen did asshole my mom on her last days and you ruined her life asshole please let her go !!!

William Cutting

Nov 5, 2019, 1:54:06 PM11/5/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
10/26/19 "Living God's Love"
"It’s about the truth, whatever truth, whatever present truth we have...which changes. That’s why we’re in the process of writing a new book. There has been so much that’s happened in the last ten years plus that they’re obsolete. They truly are. God has revealed more to us about understanding of certain things that if we hadn’t gone through those I wouldn’t be able to see what I see now. That’s just the way it works."

"That’s why in writing this fourth book (Whoever would have thought!) anyway, writing a fourth book and looking at the other three and wanting for the sake of the translators to be able to pull sections out of other books and I can’t pull big sections out because things have to be tweaked and refined because of where we are now. So much, in that respect, we’ve grown and we see things more clearly. There are some new things God’s showing right now in Chapter 6 that I’m writing on right now. Awesome! But we couldn’t see those things until we went through everything else we’ve been through." False Prophet Ronald Weinland

Numbers 23:19
God is not man, that he should lie , or a son of man who changes His mind . Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?

I, Yehovah , have spoken, and I will surely do these things to this entire wicked congregation, which has conspired against Me. They will meet their end in the wilderness, and there they will die.”

William Cutting

Nov 5, 2019, 2:14:20 PM11/5/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
"We had something happen on the Day of Atonement. We knew where it was coming from, the timing of it and everything. It’s kind of like a nemesis I have now in my life trying to come at me at different times. I shouldn’t have to go too far in telling you what that one is. Starts with an “I” and ends with an “S”. Anyway." Flase Weinland

Anyone want to solve the Puzzle ? Here is a hint , it comes after Q .

Ron wants the people he stole from to feel bad for him ,that he got caught Stealing from them .


Nov 5, 2019, 3:17:29 PM11/5/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
I assume it's the IRS....

Is Ron trying to skip out on paying taxes again? The guy didn't learn much in jail.

William Cutting

Nov 5, 2019, 3:23:01 PM11/5/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Acting like you know when Atonement is , thats funny , that's like saying you know when Pentecost is , or Passover .

It's hard to watch you go down into Oblivion .

Enough is Enough

Nov 5, 2019, 4:02:05 PM11/5/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland

It amazes me that ho-hum weinland cannot accept the fact that he is a lying thief!!!!

He has created his own criminal history and it will hang around his neck for the rest of his days!!!

Hey ho-hum weinland ~ the internet has your number and it is global!!!!


Nov 5, 2019, 4:41:46 PM11/5/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
10/26/19 "Living God's Love"
"It’s about the truth, whatever truth, whatever present truth we have...which changes..."

The whole congregation, should have stood up, and left the building at this point.

Or turned off their PC.

William Cutting

Nov 5, 2019, 5:58:01 PM11/5/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

"It's about truth , whatever truth " Ron's truth = Lies - then he says it's all God's doing , like God is the one who lies .

17But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat of it : for in the day that you eat thereof you shall surely die.

4And the serpent said to the woman, You shall not surely die

William Cutting

Nov 5, 2019, 6:39:37 PM11/5/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Enough is Enough

Nov 5, 2019, 7:01:23 PM11/5/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland

I was giving some thought about ho-hum weinland's  I _ S  routine.

It appears to me that the tax felon was complaining about an "IRS AUDIT"!!!!

Weinland is a tax felon and I assure you that this is what's going on. 

Oh Boo Hoo cry me a river ~ weinland!!!!

William Cutting

Nov 6, 2019, 7:33:38 AM11/6/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
November 2, 2017

"This final commission is about a powerful final message God is sending out to nations of this earth and to His Church that was scattered."

"The final fulfillment of end-time prophetic events has been held back by seven years, and some of those events will be fulfilled in a somewhat different manner than previously revealed if Christ had returned in 2012. These matters are revealed in the new book, Prophesy Against the Nations."
"This book will be made available only to download and read in a PDF format, on eBooks or Kindle. It is not going to be made available as a printed soft or hard cover book. The purpose for not printing it is that all resources are going to be used to disseminate it by means of the Internet only. Printing and mailing costs only reduce our ability to more broadly distribute it."

Prophesy Against the Nations
"The first, The Prophesied End-Time, was published in 2004, and the second, 2008—God’s Final Witness, was published October of 2006. The only thing that has changed is that the events that were foretold in those books are beginning to occur seven years later "
"Deception is simply the absence of reality and truth. The world is filled with lies, lying, half-truths, false-witness, and overall deception where a constant distorting and twisting of what is true flourishes. Then, at the heart of this, is a level of deception that is exceedingly powerful. People are not even aware of it nor are they willing to admit it when they are shown. The ability to come to grips with reality rests once again upon whether people are willing to listen to God. Only God can clearly tell us what is true and where deception exists, just as He is now beginning to expose its existence and its practice throughout this world."

"This is one major area God is now changing that has only been made possible by the addition of seven more years beyond 2012."

"There was a time by mid-2008 that God had set for when He would make a final judgment as to when Christ would come, as to whether it would be the first date He had revealed to His Church, Pentecost of 2012, or whether it would be seven years later on Pentecost of 2019."

"God judged that seven additional years be granted to mankind before the final stages of the end-time should commence, and that Pentecost of 2019 would be the next date set for Christ’s return to this earth. "

"This brings us back to some of those things discussed at the beginning of this chapter concerning how God first revealed that the Pentecost of 2012 was the time for Christ’s return. That, however, was changed to another date exactly 7 years later to the Pentecost of 2019. Why did this change? What happened?"
"God’s primary desire and plan from the time of that Apostasy was to send His Son to return on the Pentecost of 2019. Even though it was God’s desire that His Son return on the Pentecost of 2019, it would remain unknown whether the Church would reach a level of spiritual strength necessary to accomplish a greater purpose by this addition of seven more difficult and very trying years." "God also allowed the Church to believe that the return of Christ was still going to occur in 2012, even after He had judged in mid-2008 to extend it by seven more years beyond 2012. God made this judgment in mid-2008 to move forward Christ’s return after putting the Church to a test that revealed the true spiritual state and level of actual spiritual development in its members to that moment in time."
"Since the Church passed this test with resounding success, God would now not only move forward the timing for Christ’s coming from the Pentecost of 2012 to the Pentecost of 2019"

"People made important financial, future family planning, and career decisions based on this world’s system coming to an end by late May of 2012. For many, this would later prove to make their lives more difficult in the years that immediately followed, but nevertheless, they did it all in faith.
Although the Church experienced the months, weeks, and days leading up to that day with nothing happening, this experience actually became the catalyst that would pave the way for God to do a much greater spiritual creation within them in a way that could not have been accomplished through any other means. That is the very reason God did not reveal that everything had been moved forward by seven years. As a matter of fact, it wasn’t for quite a while after Pentecost 2012 that God revealed what He had done."

And on and on and on and on it goes . Ronald Weinland's god is Satan the Devil , The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.
Extortion by lies is an Abomination , in the eyes of the true God Ronald Weinland is an Abomination in the place of Christ (Antichrist )
These six things does the LORD hate: yes, seven are an abomination to him:
A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
An heart that devises wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
A false witness that speaks lies, and he that sows discord among brothers.

Ron has lied about everything , he has destroyed families and people's faith by his blasphemy . In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping.


Nov 6, 2019, 7:46:42 PM11/6/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
When Ron says full on horse manure like the truth changes....that is blasphemy.

I am flabbergasted that anybody would stay in the same room as he is in.

It's likely to get torched by an angel.


Nov 6, 2019, 7:49:49 PM11/6/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
The bible is written, so that liars like Ron, can read it, and teach stuff like this, and then get broken by the Chief Corner Stone.

If this thief, Ronald Weinland, can deceive people so easily, and Ron doesn't even do miracles, think what the Man of Sin will be able to do, and how many will be deceived. The Man of Sin will perform all sorts of miracles. People will look to the miracles.


Nov 6, 2019, 7:53:02 PM11/6/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
I keep saying, a person can have 666 tattooed on his forehead. And call himself the Anti-Christ. And people will run to him with open arms. (there is a guy who did this...had 666 tattooed to his arm....said he was the Anti-Christ, and people who called themselves Christians ran to him, embraced him, followed him. He died of cancer at an early age, so much for his "claims")

Mike (DDTFA)

Nov 6, 2019, 7:53:14 PM11/6/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
I have long ago posited that Ron qualifies as the Man of Sin, setting himself up as though he were God and showing signs and lying wonders.

If he doesn't, explain why.


Nov 6, 2019, 8:02:38 PM11/6/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
It has been proven in a court, that Ron is both a thief and a liar.

I would agree that he is a "man of sin" (lowercase). Not the Man of Sin. Ron is also a heretic, and a blasphemer. Ron teaches heretical doctrines, that makes him a heretic. Ron overthrows God's plain instructions and calls God a liar, that makes him a blasphemer. (For example giving women positions prohibited in the NT).

The Man of Sin "whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, "
I do not consider, his hold over the flock, despite obvious objective proof that he is a false prophet, be a fulfillment of this description.


Nov 6, 2019, 8:07:06 PM11/6/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Ron has always been obsessed with performing miracles....

On day 1, he wanted people who criticized him, to drop dead.

If Ron starts performing miracles like calling down fire or levitating or similar "upper level" miracles, then perhaps the issue would be reexamined.


Nov 6, 2019, 9:54:02 PM11/6/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Ron has fulfilled one prophecy, that of false prophets deceiving the many.

(he's not the only false prophet on the block, of course, there are many others)


Nov 6, 2019, 10:57:41 PM11/6/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Coming soon- more lies! Ron mentioned at the beginning  of his sermon that a yet to be named new book is in the works. What could he possibly come up with now?

William Cutting

Nov 7, 2019, 10:44:25 AM11/7/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Jesus Christ said to watch , but he was not talking about WW3 . The war is spiritual . He warned that men would come in His name with rumors of war .
Ronald Weinland has the spirit that is in the world In him , this spirit wants the many to be extremely worried about war and destruction for a reason .
The Motto of the 33rd degree of Illuminated Freemasonry is "order out of chaos" . The god of the 33rd degree is Lucifer and they do not try to even hide it , you can hear it right out the horses mouth if you like , two example are General Albert pike grand wizard of the kkk or 11 11 11 = 33 , and Manley P Hall , they both wrote about how Lucifer is god in the 33rd degree.
The "New Age movement" is Massive ! A few things that are taught in this belief structure include : Man and Woman are gods and through eastern practice such as Yoga etc.. You can open your third eye (symbolized on forehead) and awaken "Christ Consceousness" . In the new age belief structure Christ is not the
Jesus of the bible but a awakened state in man an evolutionary change if you will into a higher existance . This is Satans Lawless counterfeit of the Holy Spirit.
It is also taught that Jesus was just one of many " Ascended Masters" others include Buddah , Krishna , Matreya etc.. And these ascended masters help mankind come into a godlike existance .
666 is looked at as a divine number in this movement , it's actually looked at as a positive thing . The New age movement as a whole is Satans counterfeit of the Kingdom of God . The movement teaches astrotheology , this is the belief that mankind has entered the age of Aquarius when man evolves into god. It is taught that the age of Christianity is over and that age was represented by Pisces (the Fish) . It looks at Christ as the Sun of God (Sun worship) . This belief is grounded in Astrology worship of the heavens above and that Man goes through different ages of Consceousness do to the Suns movement in the zodiac . It is a major belief in this movement that the age of christianity is done , man is god and he is moving into a state of oneness and peace . This was warned about in the book of Daniel , how the last beast (spirit power / one world Kingdom ) destroys by peace . It's about deception that man can be as God , same thing the devil promised in the very beginning "you shall be as gods" . The belief in aliens is like the Jelly that is part of the new age peanut butter and jelly sandwich ." Space" is a major part of what is coming and false messiahs were warned about . Ask most people today if they believe in Aliens and they will say yes , we can't be alone in all that space . You will see the world change so fast from a world of war and suffering to a world of peace and harmony , and it will all be part of the spiritual destruction and falling away from Christ .

Fooled No More

Nov 7, 2019, 11:32:33 AM11/7/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
When Ron was being investigated by the IRS the first time, didn't they only go over certain years? My memory is fuzzy on this, but I seem to remember when we had services in Ron's home years ago, Laura was going on about some further actions the IRS might take down the road.

Seems to me that this is all about them digging deeper in later years than were covered before and if that's the case, don't be surprised if he ends up behind bars................again. ESPECIALLY if Ron has been found to be involved in some other illegal activity other than simply "tax evasion".

My gut tells me this is far from over and Ron could end up with some much unwanted negative attention. Such as ending up on the news for all to see. He's not a big fish in the grand scheme of things, but the MSM will latch on to a story especially if it involves someone "religious", as they love to expose hypocrisy as they see it.

'Jus sayin'................... ;)

Fooled No More

Nov 7, 2019, 11:38:17 AM11/7/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Dean, I'd like to title the book........."How to get thousands to send you money and believe anything you say (ESPECIALLY when it's not true!)"

Long title, but that about sums it up with PKG and company. ;)

Mike (DDTFA)

Nov 7, 2019, 11:47:14 AM11/7/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Even if Ron is in trouble with the I?S again, it doesn't mean that he'll go back to jail.  For a criminal case, intention has to be proved.  Perhaps it's an audit that could lead to a civil assessment.

IIRC, Ron owed about a quarter of a million dollars in back taxes for the 5-year period covered by the criminal case (2004-2008).  Which means that he had to get extra income to pay it, and even more income to cover the taxes on the extra income.  All of which really comes from the pockets of the PKG faithful.

William Cutting

Nov 7, 2019, 11:50:46 AM11/7/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
The truth about 666 the mark in the church is this

Exodus 13:16 is the Passover Jesus Christ , he died so man can be forgiven of his lawlessness and be Atoned to God the Father .
And it shall be for a token on your hand, and for frontlets between your eyes: for by strength of hand the LORD brought us forth out of Egypt.

Revelation 13:16 is the mark of the beast (the spirit of Lawlessness that is in the world )
And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name

The buying and selling here has nothing to do with what most people think (food, clothing etc..) scripture interprets itself , take our friend Ron Weinland for example
He claims to be an apostle of Jesus Christ yet he is Lawless . If people do not give him money , he kicks them out of his church ! Understand he is a merchant of deceit ! How does the true God look at such behavior - Acts 8 :18And when Simon saw that through laying on of the apostles' hands the Holy Ghost was given, he offered them money, 19Saying, Give me also this power, that on whomsoever I lay hands, he may receive the Holy Ghost. 20But Peter said to him, Your money perish with you, because you have thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money"
John 2: 15And when he had made a whip of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew the tables; 16And said to them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father's house an house of merchandise.
Note that the Holy spirit comes in the form of a dove on Christ (Luke 3:22)
Matthew 21:12 Jesus went into the temple and threw out all those buying and selling. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the chairs of those selling doves.
In contrast God says the truth is free to all who seek Him .
Isaiah 55:1 "Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost.
Proverbs 23:23 Buy the truth and do not sell it-- wisdom, instruction and insight as well.

The right hand of God is Jesus Christ the Passover . The saving Hand of Yehovah , it is the seal of those who Keep the commandments of God(Deuteronomy 6: You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes) and have the Faith of Christ . Those who are Lawless do not have Christ covering their sins , but they have the mark of the Lawless one , it's a different spirit. They are known by their fruit , their fruit is Lawless .

Psalm 144 : 7Reach down your hand from on high; deliver me and rescue mefrom the mighty waters,from the hands of foreigners 8whose mouths are full of lies,
whose right hands are deceitful.

That is what the Abomination in the temple is , it is man coming in the name of Christ but is Lawless . Ron is one of many thousands who sits in the place of Christ , He causes desolation (a people void of God's spirit due to following Lawlessness) in the end this work of the mystery of iniquity will be complete and as it is stated in the book of Daniel "and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured on the desolate.
The wrath of God is poured out on the desolate . 666 is the number of Man without God , it is the number of all mankind that is lawless , it is the spirit that works in the disobedient . Strong delusion is prepared for those who do not love the truth and it is apparent in weinlands followers . But this time is much bigger than weinland , much bigger than the world wide church . It is the time of Vengence that comes on those who use Gods name in Vain . He is not Mocked . I tell you the truth Christianity as this world knows it will not survive the deception . The beast, which you saw, once was, now is not, and yet will come up out of the Abyss and go to its destruction. The inhabitants of the earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the creation of the world will be astonished when they see the beast, because it once was, now is not, and yet will come

For as were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. same spirits different disguise

What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.


Nov 7, 2019, 3:07:16 PM11/7/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Ron is trying to repeat history.

He is under the false impression that new e-books = new members = new money.

William Cutting

Nov 8, 2019, 9:34:39 AM11/8/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
"How much time do we have yet? It could still be 2020. That’s my first marker. I’m still running toward 2020, okay? That’s my marker. Once I get there I’m shooting on to the next one which is 31⁄2 years up the road. Might get a shock; it might come sooner. God might reveal something else. I don’t know! I don’t have the foggiest idea. Okay?"
"I’ll throw out something else here because it has a lot to do with where we’re going in this. “Babylon, Babylon has fallen, has fallen.” When is that? We’ve primarily taught it’s at the return of Christ. Babylon hasn’t fallen by any measure at the return of Christ; hasn’t even come close to falling at the return of Christ. The Millennium is going to be spared from that, but what about the Great White Throne? Only when that is over has Babylon fallen because Babylon is going to be resurrected! All the billions of people who have been consumed in false beliefs around the world, in traditional Christianity and that great big Church that started it all, they’re all going to be resurrected as a whole. Not everyone, but the vast majority of them will be. Where do you think Babylon will be then? Destroyed?"
False Prophet Ronald Weinland 11/2/19

Revelation 18 : 21And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, *****and shall be found no more at all.*****

The world wide church and false prophet Ronald Weinland think Babylon is the Catholic Church , that is why they will never understand prophecy .
Revelation 17 is not about resurrections of the roman empire . That is a false prophecy made up my HWA . The reason this false prophecy is taught until this day is Herbert W Armstrong thought the "ONE IS" Rev 17 :10And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and ONE IS , and the other is not yet come; and when he comes, he must continue a short space.
HWA thought this was a personal prophecy to him about the time he was living in during WW2 , his false interpretation has led to people like Weinland today .

The TRUTH is the ONE IS was revealed in THAT TIME as ROME because it was the roman empire that that ruled during the time of John and Christ and All the Apostles . 5 fell before that , Greece - Medo/Persia - Babylon- Egypt- Pre flood kingdom . The woman has sat on all of them , the woman is simply ALL False religion that has exsisted since man stopped following God in the beginning , yes the Catholic church is PART of it but so is Ron's church and any other church that does not follow God . The religion of these empires was started before the Flood . It's False religion , another way of saying that is not following God's instructions , another way of saying that is Babylon or Confusion . Ronald is Confused ! Again he goes against the Word of God with Blasphemy ! What amazing revealtion , Ron ! Babylon will be resurrected ???????? NOT WHAT THE WORD OF GOD SAYS ! Rev 18 " With such violence the great city of Babylon will be cast down, NEVER TO BE SEEN AGAIN"

Ron's god , the one he follows and gets his "revelation" from is Satan . And no wonder, for even Satan masquerades as an angel of light.


Nov 8, 2019, 8:22:37 PM11/8/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Chapter one is up...

Looks like PKG 101 rehash to me. 

William Cutting

Nov 9, 2019, 8:03:01 AM11/9/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Church of Ron - Paying for the kingdom of Ron

William Cutting

Nov 9, 2019, 8:40:30 AM11/9/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
So when did False Prophet Ronald start writing it , last year ? When does this book come out ? Will it be in time for the 2020 "marker" ?

Ron is running a race , along the way there are "markers" like rest stops where He and those running with him drink in the new Lie .

Once they are thoroughly drunk on the new lie , they start running again . When people started this race they thought is was 3 1/2 miles , after a few "markers"

The race became endless , no finish line in sight , that's alright they were too drunk to care anymore . The one who fired the starting gun is Satan , soon he will be waiting for all the runners with refreshments .

Here is the unfaithful church and the punishment they bring on themselves

Hear me now therefore, O you children, and depart not from the words of my mouth.
Remove your way far from her, and come not near the door of her house:
Lest you give your honor to others, and your years to the cruel:
Lest strangers be filled with your wealth; and your labors be in the house of a stranger;And you mourn at the last, when your flesh and your body are consumed,And say, How have I hated instruction, and my heart despised reproof; And have not obeyed the voice of my teachers, nor inclined my ear to them that instructed me! I was almost in all evil in the middle of the congregation and assembly.


Nov 9, 2019, 9:31:19 AM11/9/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
The last line of chap 1
"Believed that Joshua the Christ has only existed since born of his physical mother Mary, NOT that he has eternally existed as God the Father has."

Well no, this is just horse baloney that Ron believes. This was never believed or taught by the 1st century Church of God.


Nov 9, 2019, 9:59:22 AM11/9/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
(Act 2:25 ESV)  For David says concerning him, “‘I saw the Lord always before me, for he is at my right hand that I may not be shaken;

There are many plain and clear and explicit verses that express Christ's pre-existence.
Notice, David SAW the Lord. You can't see a non-existent being.


Nov 9, 2019, 10:02:25 AM11/9/19
When Christ said "Before Abraham was, I AM", the Jews knew that Christ was claiming to be the God that spoke to Abraham.

People say that Christ was saying that God was the God that spoke to Abraham, that is, Christ was not saying he was God, but that God was God, which is nonsense (that is, this interpretation is nonsense). The Jews would not have wanted to stone Jesus to death for saying that "God was God" of the OT.

William Cutting

Nov 9, 2019, 10:56:58 AM11/9/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Question , what is False Prophet Ronald Weinland going to do with all these Lying Signs and Wonders ?

Just take a look at all the numbers he Wove together like a Spiders Web

Now all he can say is "I’m still running toward 2020, okay? That’s my marker. Once I get there I’m shooting on to the next one which is 31⁄2 years up the road. Might get a shock; it might come sooner. God might reveal something else. I don’t know! I don’t have the foggiest idea. Okay? " The Mystery Completed ? Part 1 11/2/19

Okay , Ron sounds Awesome ! But what does 3 1/2 years up the road really mean ? Look at all the Numbers that were good for nothing , in your "Final" Commission . They were just as silly as your "Final" witness before that . I'm starting to Wonder if you understand what the word (final) means ? Now you are using the word completed , do you have the foggiest idea what that word means ? I don't think you do , Okay ?

I think the Mystery of Ronald Weinland is going to be Complete very soon now and I'm not talking about a book , Okay ? Pkg might get a shock .

William Cutting

Nov 9, 2019, 11:09:40 AM11/9/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland


Nov 9, 2019, 1:37:32 PM11/9/19
(Act 2:25 ESV)  For David says concerning him, “‘I saw the Lord always before me, for he is at my right hand that I may not be shaken;

Here is a question for anybody to answer...

Who is the "Lord" spoken of in Acts 2:25?


Nov 9, 2019, 3:25:16 PM11/9/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
In today's sermon, I heard this priceless gem.

Ron says he wants this 4th book, to replace the former 3 books, because "we" were out in left field in those books.

So even Ron doesn't believe his own garbage anymore. So he's coming up with new garbage.


Nov 9, 2019, 4:28:59 PM11/9/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland

2019-11-02 The Mystery Completed - Part 2

According to the liar Ron, the 7 last plagues, of the 7th Trumpet, occur after the Millennium now.


Nov 9, 2019, 4:33:16 PM11/9/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Enough of the old garbage- time for some new garbage.

Enough is Enough

Nov 9, 2019, 5:39:36 PM11/9/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Hey FNM:

How about this one !!!!   "... Ron says he wants this 4th book, to replace the former 3 books, because "we" were out in left field in those books ..."

Can you believe this idiot on this one!!!  I guess this vindicates all who told weinland to shove it!!!

I did notice the "we", really weinland, all we heard from "YOU" was how "YOU" were the chosen one and that "YOU" heard directly from God!!!!  Where does this "WE" come into play!?

Yep, typical weinland can not blame himself has to blame others and God for his lies lies and more lies!!!  Maybe some of what is left of his cult will catch the "WE" and say this guy really is a liar after all and walk out the door like the rest of "US"!!

Mike (DDTFA)

Nov 9, 2019, 5:41:58 PM11/9/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
That would be a royal "we".  The royal Weinland we.

William Cutting

Nov 9, 2019, 7:48:43 PM11/9/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Wow , I guess I got the answer to my question , Amazing ! $ We Were Out In Left Field In Those Books $

You mean the Books where you claim to be a prophet sent by the God of Abraham , the books BY Ronald Weinland ?
The Prophesied End-Time Revealed. 2008 - God's Final Witness and The Prophesied End-Time, both written by Ronald Weinland, explain God's plan of salvation for mankind and why catastophic events must occur before the return of Jesus Christ.

These books ?
That which is written in Ronald Weinland’s last book, Prophesy Against the Nations, is the last warning that God is now giving to mankind. This next period for when WWIII can now occur is from early 2019 to early 2020. God’s message through His prophet is a simple one, “If you will listen, God will listen!”

And this one ?

Crazy Crazy Crazy ! Quite Insane

William Cutting

Nov 10, 2019, 8:47:03 AM11/10/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
In a roundabout way Ronald just admitted he is a False Prophet , out in left field .

William Cutting

Nov 10, 2019, 9:09:33 AM11/10/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Ronald just told his people , the people that pay for his house and his trips all over the map , the hotels the BMWs etc.... That for the last 15 + years he's been leading them out to Left field . Is that right ? "we were out in left field in those books" really ?

Ron's books have been on the Internet for the whole World to see ! And they are still being promoted ! And they are leading people into Left field , Wow .

With this new truth , how long before we see these books taken off the Internet ? Ron wants to start over , revamp his image hahahah a little too late for that )

Truth is Ron and co are not in the ballpark , they are not even in the parking lot outside the park . The Game is over , now what will you do ?


Nov 10, 2019, 11:15:54 AM11/10/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Ron "46:49 I feel so blessed to be able to write a
fourth book to get it out there and get
rid of the others because we were far
from where we needed to be far from
where we needed to be a lot of things
needed to be cleared up things about the
seven last plagues that we were out in
left field on because of our beliefs
that have been there since the 80s...."


Nov 10, 2019, 11:31:52 AM11/10/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
This guy is priceless, he comes up with Pentecost 2019 date, based on numerology, but it has mathematically flawed calculations. Which means that God can't add, which is an insult to God.

Since this is nothing more than a variant of divination, which is condemned, the prophecy is moronic.

How much new garbage will Ron concoct? Who knows?

William Cutting

Nov 10, 2019, 8:29:17 PM11/10/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Martin " According to liar Ron , the 7 last plagues , of the 7th Trumpet , occur after the Millennium now . "

Ron " a lot of things needed to be cleaned up , things about the Seven last plagues that we were out in left field on because of our beliefs "

More revelation from Satan that is the opposite of what God says .

Rev 16 :1And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God on the earth.
2And the first went, and poured out his vial on the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore on the men *****which had the mark of the beast****, and on them *****which worshipped his image.******

Rev 15: 2And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the **victory over the beast**, and over **his image**, and over *his mark*, and over the **number of his name**, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God.

Rev 11:15And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.
18And the nations were angry, and ********your wrath is come******, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged,
********and that you should give reward to your servants the prophets, and to the saints********, and them that fear your name, small and great; and should destroy them which destroy the earth.

Revelation 19 :19And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army.
20And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that worked miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone

The spirit that is in Weinland is this same spirit that is in the world , it is a false prophet lying spirit , it comes out of the earth rev 13 . It is destroyed at the return of Jesus Christ . Revelation 19 verse 20 is the same spirit the apostle Paul is talking about in 2 Thessalonians 2 "And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming"

Ronald Weinland has the noisome and grievous sore IN his forehead . This is seen by his fruit . The sore is not a physical thing, notice the words used festering -becoming worse or more intense, especially through long-term neglect or indifference.

Rev 16:15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame

William Cutting

Nov 10, 2019, 8:43:14 PM11/10/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Rev 14
9And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, 10
The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God

Enough is Enough

Nov 11, 2019, 8:51:04 AM11/11/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland

Humbug weinland is no doubt attempting to rewrite his history of lies and deceit.

However, in my opinion, weinland is going to go in a different direction. He has failed with the HWA doctrines and realizes that no longer works for him. Notice the changes he is introducing, denying Christ's divinity, the drift away from actual prophecy, and using the name Joshua, plus there are others. It appears to me that he is trying to go in the direction of 7th day adventist and/or a mixture of hwa and 7th day.

But his problem is that the internet does not forget and that the information can easily be found. The idea of trashing the first three books and replacing with this fourth book is all to obvious of a change in direction. No doubt, the losses have led to this and now he is forced to go in a different direction, such as, mixing traditional doctrines and hwa doctrines. The best example of this is what happened to wwcog.

But, the change has to include tithing or it is a bust!!

This will be interesting to watch what the humbug actually does.


Nov 12, 2019, 9:47:13 AM11/12/19
As each trumpet of the 7 trumpets are sounded. An event happens right after it.

We know the 7th trumpet is sounded at the beginning of the Millennium.

It signals the return of Christ, so any conjecture that it is sounded at the end of the 1000 years is nonsense.

The idea that it's sounded at the beginning of the 1000 years, and the event that follows, happens at the end of the 1000 years is also utter nonsense.

Ron just presents these stupid ideas, to get attention.

William Cutting

Nov 13, 2019, 9:10:44 PM11/13/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Next level false prophecy .


Nov 16, 2019, 5:06:31 PM11/16/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland


Nov 17, 2019, 12:08:25 PM11/17/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland

The Mystery Completed - Part 3 (63:58)

how they're described the armies in
heaven and this is an expression
concerning the sky and the atmosphere
above the earth clothed in fine linen
white and pure speaking of again 144,000 followed him
on white horses I don't know what that
means you don't know what that means
spirit horse I don't know

Ron doesn't know a lot of stuff...

Why people stay with him, is beyond me...


Nov 17, 2019, 12:44:20 PM11/17/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Since Ronald Weinland is NOT a prophet anymore (well he's a false prophet), just who does he think the Two Witnesses are now?


Nov 17, 2019, 10:14:42 PM11/17/19

On Sunday, November 17, 2019 at 12:44:20 PM UTC-5, martin wrote:
Since Ronald Weinland is NOT a prophet anymore (well he's a false prophet), just who does he think the Two Witnesses are now?

According to Ron, those things remain exactly as they are...



Nov 18, 2019, 4:41:41 PM11/18/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
That's laughable!
It is sad that so many in PKG seem to be brain dead.

Now, the TWs are not explicitly called "prophets", are they prophets? Well, of course they are.
Rev 11:3,6 state that the TWs prophesy, in the days of their prophecy.
Prophets prophesy. Prophets give a prophecy. So, yes, they are prophets.

If only PKGers believed in Zech 4:14 (which Rev 11 is paraphrased from).
The TWs are referred to as the SONS of OIL. (look up a transliteral version)
I have heard NONSENSE from PKGers, who say, when I tell them this, that it could be translated "children of oil", thus allowing a female to be one of the Witnesses. Well, no, that's garbage, and untrue.

Ronald Weinland said he was "NO PROPHET". The TWs are PROPHETS. Thus it is impossible for Ron to be one of the TWs, and unless Ron's wife is a man, then neither can Laura be one of the TWs.

(Zec 4:14 LITV)  And he said, These are the two sons of fresh oil who stand by the Lord of the whole earth.
(Rev 11:3 MKJV)  And I will give power to My two witnesses, and they will prophesy a thousand, two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth.
(Rev 11:6 KJV)  These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will.


Nov 18, 2019, 5:33:05 PM11/18/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Ronald Weinland has the mental capacity of a seive.

Ron state that the 7 Thunders "remain exactly as they are..."

One of the 7 Thunders says that the world will recognize Ronald Weinland as one of God's PROPHETS.

Ron stated that HE WAS NO PROPHET.

Ron is nullifying his own false prophecy!



Nov 18, 2019, 8:22:49 PM11/18/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
More than just amazing- it's AWESOME!


Nov 18, 2019, 9:31:35 PM11/18/19
Dean....Why on earth does anybody stay with this blatant liar?

It baffles me!

Fooled No More

Nov 20, 2019, 10:34:25 AM11/20/19
Martin, to admit one was wrong especially if they belong to PKG, is an IMPOSSIBLE task! And the longer they are there, the more difficult it is to break away as you'd have to explain why you stuck with this nonsense for so long.

No, for most of them it's easier to keep up this charade, than to admit to being totally lied to (the evidence of the lies is OVERWHELMING). They'd rather save face and live a lie, than to say to themselves (and others) that Ron and Laura Weinland are two VERY corrupt lying individuals.

As we've said in the past, sadly enough most will NEVER leave. Just keep making excuses. :(


Nov 20, 2019, 3:27:31 PM11/20/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
"the evidence of the lies is OVERWHELMING"

At this point in time, the case is clear cut, it's not ambiguous, or some disgruntled opinion.

By every bible definition Ronald Weinland is a liar, thief and false prophet.


Nov 21, 2019, 2:57:52 PM11/21/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Here is a classic example, of Ronald Weinland, who can't think straight, and often does not know what he really is saying. He does this often, and it can be amusing.

At one point, Ron said that PKGers were the ones tormented for 5 months. (Rev 9:5)
Well, only "unsealed" people get tormented for 5 months. "Unsealed" people are people without the Holy Spirit.

So, basically, Ron announced that PKGers do not have the Holy Spirit.


Nov 21, 2019, 4:29:34 PM11/21/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Another priceless comment from Ronald clueless Weinland....

At one point, he said "we do not see", now what he meant was to not "see" prophetically.

One who does not see, is a blind person.

So you have Ron, who says he himself is blind, leading other blind people.

The bible says that both will fall into the ditch.

Enough is Enough

Nov 22, 2019, 9:22:54 PM11/22/19

You are correct in your assessment of pkg.

"... for most of them it's easier to keep up this charade, than to admit to being totally lied to (the evidence of the lies is OVERWHELMING). They'd rather save face and live a lie ..."  FNM

Yes, this is sad to see but true. What I have observed it is the social bonds that they have with one another (cult behavior) is due to their isolation from others that include family, friends, and so forth. However, I am seeing a sense of despair and disillusionment. I can say this because with the ones I know, when I see them, they are very reserved and do not want to discuss weinland.  So, I just keep it friendly and comfortable.

However, I have noticed that humbug weinland is acting as though he were still a prophet. I have always known that his arrogant egotistical demented personality would never accept the fact that he is not what he claimed to be. I have notice that in the recent posts on this forum. Also, the Malaga Spain feast site is nothing but a ruse!! Those two idiots still think they are the two witnesses and are stationing themselves in Europe for their catatonic ideas of being of some important to the world. They are nothing more than a pile of poop and that is all there is to it.

As far as january and febuary of 2020, they will come and go and prove humbug weinland is a liar once again!!!  Also, I notice another tithing demand the idiot was making. It was in a recent post in the "fresh bait from babylon" section. We all know it is all about money and nothing else!!

lies lies and more lies!!


Nov 23, 2019, 12:54:36 PM11/23/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
When you lie so many times, you need a spreadsheet to keep track of it all....


Nov 23, 2019, 12:56:59 PM11/23/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
When Ronald Weinland was in prison, he would write these "blog" posts...

What was hilarious, was how he would often contradict himself in the very same paragraph.

It was rather like an SNL skit........

Ron speaks with a forked tongue, now what creature in nature has a forked tongue?


Nov 23, 2019, 5:13:07 PM11/23/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland


Nov 25, 2019, 1:23:34 PM11/25/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
I don't know what baloney Ron is spewing out....

It sounds like he's writing up on bible basics (according to him that is).

He talks about maybe January or February something might happen...

What kind of horse manure is that? What kind of prophet is that?

MAYBE something will happen in the next few months??????????????????

Does that sound like a prophet of God to you?

Why not just say, MAYBE it might rain tomorrow. And see how that flies.


Nov 25, 2019, 1:58:42 PM11/25/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
"I don't know what baloney Ron is spewing out...."

Last time I checked it was horse baloney, but it may have changed since then.


Nov 25, 2019, 8:37:19 PM11/25/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland


Nov 29, 2019, 5:03:58 PM11/29/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
‘Tis asshole like I said for over 20 years none of his prophesy will never happen and they didn’t I’m not the smartest man but I have have common sense da asshole and his gossip bitch just stealing and lying to weak minded people Ron 0-20 Randy 20-0 and I’m dumb come on people open your eyes !!!


Nov 30, 2019, 3:43:57 PM11/30/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
He'll get his reward soon enough.
(hint: Ron won't want this reward)


Nov 30, 2019, 5:51:06 PM11/30/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland


Nov 30, 2019, 9:11:16 PM11/30/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
I expected to see Hillbilly Harrell® this week...


Dec 1, 2019, 12:17:34 PM12/1/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Hillbilly Harrel plans to go down with the sinking ship.



Dec 2, 2019, 9:19:08 PM12/2/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
I've said it before....if Ronald Weinland tattooed 666 onto his forehead and shoulders, and wore a sign that said he was a false prophet and antichrist, PKGers would still follow him.

Hillbilly Harrel will be holding Ron's hands when Ron falls into the ditch.

Enough is Enough

Dec 4, 2019, 6:53:19 PM12/4/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
the "cult" is fasting for the purpose of asking God to add to humbug weinland's cult.

money is short and january and february is closing in on the crying false prophet - oh boo hoo


Dec 4, 2019, 7:01:11 PM12/4/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
What happened to that prophecy where 63,000 were supposed to be running to join PKG?

Why would you fast if this were a true prophecy?????????


Dec 5, 2019, 2:57:30 PM12/5/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Imagine what this lying thief would do with the tithes of 64K members?

He would spend 5 cents on using it to preach on the radio, the rest he would use for deep tissue massages and Fredriks of Hollywood underwear.


Dec 5, 2019, 5:22:20 PM12/5/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
The so called prophecy (really an embarrassment) that 7K would die, and that was at the beginning of the so called last period of 1260 days (that ended at Pentecost 2019).

Does anybody have a link to this prophecy Ron spoke? Or was it in the third book?


Dec 6, 2019, 7:05:32 PM12/6/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland


Dec 6, 2019, 7:21:05 PM12/6/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Ronald Weinland "Not only was the First Seal of Revelation opened in December 1994, all the rest of the Seals have already been opened as well. The Sixth Seal was opened on the day of the First Thunder of Revelation. It is a day that almost everyone on earth is familiar with, but they do not know what it prophetically portends."


Fooled No More

Dec 7, 2019, 3:18:19 AM12/7/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
EIE, the act of fasting alone should be enough that God is not listening to them. How many of their "fasts" have been answered in the past??

Answer: None!

So they can fast and pray all they'd like to have things "happen", but it won't happen because the main culprit behind the lies is still speaking.............lies.

William Cutting

Dec 7, 2019, 12:06:14 PM12/7/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
12Although they may fast, I will not listen to their cry; although they may offer burnt offerings and grain offerings, I will not accept them. Instead, I will finish them off by sword and famine and plague.”


Dec 7, 2019, 5:06:51 PM12/7/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
More awesomeness from Ronald McClownland!

You can hear the faithful chatting away in the first few minutes.


Dec 8, 2019, 3:05:18 PM12/8/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
The idea that all the seals have been opened is a dumb statement to make.

If the last seal, the 7th Seal were opened, then the Trumpet plagues would have at least started.

These involve horrendous plagues....resulting in the deaths of billions of people.

None of that has started in any way shape or form.

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