The Rise and Fall of Ronald Weinland

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William Cutting

Dec 27, 2019, 10:44:29 AM12/27/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Another example of False Prophet Ronald Weinland being unfaithful to the word of God . Ronald Weinland has shown time and time again that he has been given over to Satan for his purpose , Ron claims to be a teacher of the Law but he is in fact a synagogue of Satan .

The word of Ron

"Now, “the Beast that Was, and Is Not, and Yet Is”
The last part of this same verse is still written as a riddle, but it is different from what was stated in the first part of the verse. Notice:

“The beast that you saw was, and is not, and will ascend out of the bottomless pit and go into perdition. And those who dwell on the earth will marvel, whose names are not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they see the beast that was, and is not, and yet is” (Revelation 17:8).

“whose names have not yet been written in the book of life,” are those who live during that millennial period under the rule of God’s Kingdom. They live during the time when they will know (see) what Satan has done for 6,000 years against God and mankind. They will $marvel$ and they will know that this being and the demonic world are no longer able to be in the presence of mankind to deceive and hurt.
All who live during the Millennium will know that Satan was the beast that “was,” and now “is not,” because he is no longer around mankind. They will also understand (see) that he still exists—he “yet is.” The people living during that 1,000 years know and believe the truth that is already recorded in scripture that this being will be completely removed from mankind and released only for a short time once the Millennium is over.
So indeed, this verse is very prophetic about the beast—about Satan. It is about the 7th and last revival, then it focuses on the time that follows it when Satan is finally placed in the bottomless pit (spirit abyss) and a seal placed completely over it for 1,000 years, beginning right after Christ returns. This is covered in Revelation 20:1-3." False Prophet Ronald Weinland

The Word of God - Revelation Chapter 13
" 5The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise its authority for forty-two months. 6It opened its mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander his name and his dwelling place and those who live in heaven. 7It was given power to wage war against God’s holy people and to conquer them. And it was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation.

******8All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast—all whose names have not been written in the Lamb’s book of life, the Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world. ******

Ronald Weinland is doing the Devil's work . The Word used in Revelation 17 :8 that Ronald quoted is

This is the same word used in Revelation 13:3 " And I saw one of its heads as it were wounded to death; and its deadly wound was healed; and all the earth (marveled), and followed the beast." 2296. thaumazó - I wonder at, admire. From thauma; to wonder; by implication, to admire -- admire, have in admiration, marvel, wonder.

Rev 17 and Rev 13 are speaking of the exact same event . It is not talking about people who live during the kingdom of God (1000 years) , it is speaking of those who are deceived by the beast Now ! in this time and in the time shortly to come BEFORE the return of Christ . Ronald Weinland is in the final days of his False Prophet career . Before Ron is destroyed with the beast , he is leading people right into the trap of the beast . As I have said this spirit (mystery of Lawlessness ) is IN Ronald.

The beast was taken, and with him the false prophet who worked the signs in his sight, with which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image. These two were thrown alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur. Rev 19 )

William Cutting

Dec 27, 2019, 12:07:18 PM12/27/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
In this same chapter of False Prophet Ronald Weinland's magnum opus , he mentions a False Prophecy by his predecessor that has kept people in the dark for almost 70 years now .

"Herbert W. Armstrong
Once again, it is important to know what God gave Herbert Armstrong at the end of WWII concerning the coming of a third world war. He was given the understanding that there would be one last revival of a final European empire and also that the United States would collapse before that last war reached its zenith."
"Herbert Armstrong had been given to understand that God uses mountains to prophetically speak of larger nations or kingdoms. In this verse, it was clearly revealing that the woman, the Catholic Church, was “on” each of these beasts during their revivals. But this woman, after the fifth revival under Napoleon, no longer had that kind of power and sway it had enjoyed and exerted since the time of Justinian. Nevertheless, its presence and influence through those periods of time is still what has molded Europe into being what it is today.

“There are seven kings, five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet, and when it comes, it must continue a short time [a little season]” (Rev. 17:10).

******"There was only one period of time, lasting only a few years, that this specific verse could be read and have the specific meaning that applied to that very period—to that exact moment in time. Its meaning was revealed to Herbert W. Armstrong during this time when it was being fulfilled.
From this verse, he came to see that, yes, there would be seven kings (a primary ruler over each revival), five had already fallen, and the sixth one was currently ruling in this Second World War. So of the seven kings, five had already reigned and fallen and one was currently reigning—Hitler, and the other—the seventh and final one— “was not yet.”********* " False Prophet Ronald Weinland

According to Ronald "There was only one period of time , that this specific verse could be read and applied to that very period" he goes on to say that it was revealed to HWA the Sixth Mountain /King was Hitler , ruling during ww2.

Here is a Great Example of how Herbert W Armstrong was Unfaithful to the Word of God and became presumptuous .

When the vision shown to John , the Angel told him (one is ) the mountain and king that was in the time of John #6 was Rome (one is during Johns Time ) . The prophecy of Revelation has absolutely NOTHING to do with the Catholic church ruling over Europe . As I have said the Catholic church is part of Babylon but so is the World Wide Church of God ! And any other unfaithful church that drinks from her cup . Before #6 Rome was # 5 Greece ,# 4 Medo/Persia #3 Babylon #2 Egypt #1 the kingdom before the Flood. Jesus Christ said this kingdom would come again ,(it would be as the days of Noah) (Beast out of the earth) this spirit comes out of the pit ,( it was )in the days of Noah , it (IS NOT) and it comes again in the end (yet is) it is Antichrist NOT Christian in any way shape or form . False Religion has sat on all these empires . These empires when they ruled had control over the whole world. The last head of the beast is a world kingdom where there is a falling away from Christianity completely , there will be NO Catholic Church in that day ! There will be No PKG in that day or any other unfaithful organization of deceived man .

HWA was presumptuous to think he had special revelation of his time during ww2 , from that presumption he has led countless thousands into False Prophecy ,and Ronald Weinland and his College pals are now finishing the job . Everything that these decevied men have written about will NEVER happen the way they think because they have not followed the word of God but preached something from the vanity of their own mind .

3Thus said the Lord GOD; Woe to the foolish prophets, that follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing! 4O Israel, your prophets are like the foxes in the deserts. 5You have not gone up into the gaps, neither made up the hedge for the house of Israel to stand in the battle in the day of the LORD. 6They have seen vanity and lying divination, saying, The LORD said: and the LORD has not sent them: and they have made others to hope that they would confirm the word. 7Have you not seen a vain vision, and have you not spoken a lying divination, whereas you say, The LORD said it; albeit I have not spoken?
8Therefore thus said the Lord GOD; Because you have spoken vanity, and seen lies, therefore, behold, I am against you, said the Lord GOD. 9And my hand shall be on the prophets that see vanity, and that divine lies: they shall not be in the assembly of my people, neither shall they be written in the writing of the house of Israel, neither shall they enter into the land of Israel; and you shall know that I am the Lord GOD.

William Cutting

Dec 31, 2019, 10:27:21 AM12/31/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
"Going through the history from the time the Roman Empire began and seeing the transformation of religious ideas can help a person better face the actual truth of what has morphed into what we see today in “traditional Christianity.” The birth of traditional Christianity has its roots in the very custom of mixing widely varying beliefs.
"The Romans incorporated a custom of blending religious beliefs and mingling other peoples’ gods with their own. After conquering a nation, they were accepting of others’ beliefs because it made it easier for them to merge different groups of people together to unite their expanding empire. This practice not only mixed beliefs from the Greeks, Celts, and Germanic people, but also beliefs from Judaism and those who held to true Christian beliefs and teachings in the empire" Chapter 4 The Rise and Fall of the EU - False Prophet Ronald Weinland

Did you know that the Roman Catholic Church counts the
day of Pentecost as 50 days after the pagan Easter, and observe the SAME DAY as the Worldwide Church of God? Did you know that the Sunday Pentecost of the Catholic Church is derived from the sacred festival of the ancient pagan goddess Flora?
The Jews since time immemorial have celebrated Pentecost, by counting seven weeks from the first High Holy Day of Passover. But the pagan Samaritans, and the hellenizing Sadducees, a quasi-religious-political sect among the Jews, counted their "Pentecost" differently. According to them, the wave sheaf offering was to be done on the day following -- not the High Day Sabbath of Passover -- but the WEEKLY sabbath day that occurs DURING the feast of unleavened bread.
By so reckoning, they automatically place the day of the wave sheaf offering on none other than EASTER SUNDAY -- because that is the Sunday which usually occurs the day after the weekly Sabbath during unleavened bread! By so reckoning, therefore, they have adopted EASTER SUNDAY AS THE DAY OF THE WAVE SHEAF OFFERING!
Thus the Catholic "Pentecost" corresponds to the Sadducean and Samaritan "Pentecost" in ancient times! This brings up the question: These Samaritans were PAGANS from Babylon (II Kings17:23-24). From where did they get their "Sunday" Pentecost? Since they were originally worshipers of the pagan deities, and then combined or amalgamated paganism with the Old Testament, undoubtedly their interpretation was influenced by their original PAGAN practice and observance of the Festival of Flora!
The Sadducees, in following the teaching of the Samaritans in this regard, were actually also influenced by HELLENISTIC PAGANISM! In the light of these facts, do you really believe that God Almighty commanded His people Israel to count off seven weeks from the WEEKLY Sabbath day which falls during the Feast of Unleavened Bread, to determine the date for Pentecost?
The official Jewish practice has always been to count the fifty days beginning with the day after the FIRST HIGH HOLY DAY of Unleavened Bread. The Pharisees, who were the religious leaders of the Jews during the time of Christ, endorsed this practice. Josephus the Jewish historian of the first century attests that this was the Pharisaical practice. He wrote:
"But on the second day of unleavened bread, which is the sixteenth day of the month, they first partake of the fruits of the earth, for before that they do not touch them. . . They also at this participation of the first fruits of the earth, sacrifice a lamb, as a burnt-offering to God.
"When a WEEK OF WEEKS has passed over after this sacrifice (which week contains forty and nine days), ON THE FIFTIETH DAY, WHICH IS PENTE- COST . . . they bring to God a loaf, made of wheat flour . . ." (Antiquities
of the Jews, Bk.III, X, 5-6).
Josephus himself was a Pharisee all his life, and this is the way the Pharisees counted Pentecost. Was it the correct way? Were the Pharisees right in how they reckoned Pentecost, by counting from the day after the First High Holy Day, or from Nisan 16?
Jesus Christ Himself also endorsed this method. It is clear, from the gospel of Matthew, that He recognized the authority of the Pharisees in matters of the Law. Even though the Pharisees were wrong in many of their customs and teachings, concerning washings of hands, and the like, yet they were the custodians of God's Law, and Jesus said that they sat in "Moses' seat." Notice!
"The scribes and the Pharisees sit in MOSES' SEAT: ALL THEREFORE WHATSOEVER THEY BID YOU OBSERVE, THAT OBSERVE AND DO . . . ." (Matt.23:2-3).Furthermore, the apostle Paul, who had been a Pharisee, taught at the feet of Gamaliel, says that he was "taught according to the PERFECT MANNER OF THE LAW of the fathers" (Acts 22:3). This would have been impossible, if Paul had been taught incorrectly by Gamaliel, one of the chief rabbis of the Pharisees!
As a final proof of this fact, notice that in his letter to the Philippians, Paul said that he was
"Circumcized the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law [which included Pentecost], A PHARISEE; concerning zeal, persecuting the church; touching the RIGHT- EOUSNESS WHICH IS IN THE LAW, BLAMELESS" (Phil.3:5-6).
If Paul, as a Pharisee, had been observing Pentecost on the wrong day, he could never have made this statement! It would have been a LIE! But, as a true apostle of Jesus Christ, Paul did not lie -- he bore witness and testified that as a Pharisee he observed God's LAW -- including the right day for Pentecost, counting from the First High Holy Day -- 'BLAMELESSLY"!!! ." The Incredible PAGAN Origin of a Sunday "Pentecost"

Ronald Weinland says Christ returns on Pentecost ,yet he does not keep Pentecost , he follows Roman doctrine including pagan times for feasts .
The world wide church never fully came out of Babylon . Can people break tradition ? Or is tradition so strong and the worship of idols so intoxicating that truth is trampled under foot ? If you never heard this information , maybe take a look and Prove all things . A little bit of study goes a long way and could save people a lot of time and money , could also save their life and recover themselves from the snare of Weinland the devil .

I know your works, and your labor, and your patience, and how you can not bear them which are evil: and you have tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and have found them liars

William Cutting

Jan 8, 2020, 8:12:42 AM1/8/20
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland

The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exalted.


Jan 9, 2020, 11:40:28 PM1/9/20
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
"After associating with the Church of God Seventh Day for several years, and being ordained a minister by their Oregon Conference in 1931, he began broadcasting in January 1934, and began the PLAIN TRUTH magazine in February 1934.  In those early years, he studied the Bible hours a day, and God revealed to him many basic truths unknown by most churches and ministers -- truths about the Sabbath, the annual holy days, the mortality of the soul, the truth about the false idea of an ever-burning hell, and truth about the identity of the United States and British Commonwealth in Biblical prophecy.  God revealed to him, as he studied, many wonderful truths.  ."

All garbage from Day One, Time Zero, and now Ron is capitalizing on his own brand of the same... Long live the Present Truth(TM).

William Cutting

Jan 10, 2020, 4:55:37 PM1/10/20
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
"In 1939 Herbert Armstrong wrote an article entitled "Did Christ Reorganize the Church?" In it he declared that after God divorced ancient Israel, the governments of the world were to continue under Babylonian rule until Christ returns to bring the Kingdom of God.  Until that happens, he wrote, there is to be no Church government as a spiritually ordained line of authority.  He wrote: "There is not one single HINT in the New Testament of any Church BOARD with authority to rule, to govern, to decide doctrine, or to handle tithes and Church finances (the whole Church)."
He went on, "But there is NO BIBLE AUTHORITY for any super-government, or organization with authority over the local congregations!"
Armstrong adds, "How, then, did ORGANIZATION, and the idea of CHURCH GOVERNMENT get into the Church?
'It came out of BABYLON!  Spiritual BABYLON -- that is, ROME!  The same as nearly all other false doctrines of Satan."
Centralized Church government began with Pope Leo (440-461 A.D.). Leo I set up an ecclesiastical form of Church government.  Said Armstrong, "And thus the very PRINCIPLE OF CHURCH GOVERNMENT becomes the IMAGE OF THE BEAST!"
Stirred to fiery indignation, he wrote back in 1939, "The whole thing [Church government] is FALSE!  It is NOT ACCORDING TO THE BIBLE!  It is part of BABYLON!  Those who are IN, and MEMBERS OF such an organized Church government, submitting to doctrines declared by unscriptural boards as a fellowship test are IN BABYLON and actually worshippers of THE IMAGE OF THE BEAST!  And God is calling us, HIS people OUT of BABYLON today, before it is too late -- before the PLAGUES fall!"

'Brethren," he entreated, "let us have the courage to accept the TRUTH, and to COME OUT."

Strange, isn't it, how Herbert Armstrong, who had so much truth of God in 1939, himself later instituted centralized authority and the very type of government he condemned in 1939, particularly after his son was disfellowshipped in 1978, and during the confrontation of the Church-State crisis in 1979!

Writes John Tuit, "In 1939, Armstrong was calling people out of spiritual Babylon.  Forty years later, Armstrong is leading people RIGHT BACK INTO SPIRITUAL BABYLON.  Just as the Church of God at Rome, in the first few centuries after Christ, fell into total paganized Babylonish worship, Herbert Armstrong, instead of remembering his early teachings, has STRAYED FROM HIS WAYS AND LED THIS END-TIME CHURCH OF GOD IN ITS FIRST STEPS ON A RETURN TO BABYLON" (The Truth Shall Make You Free, p.250-251).


Jan 11, 2020, 12:42:43 PM1/11/20
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Just told me the Detroit church is going down to once a month meeting not enough people


Jan 11, 2020, 1:05:40 PM1/11/20
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Great to hear....that the numbers are diminishing....

Enough is Enough

Jan 11, 2020, 6:30:08 PM1/11/20
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
That is terrific news!!!!!!

I am thrilled that some are to the point of "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH"!!!!!!

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