Fresh bait from Babylon

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William Cutting

Nov 15, 2019, 11:56:59 AM11/15/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
False Prophet Ronald Weinland is Madly Changing the game up again , after coming up Bust with his last false prophecy which consisted of 7 periods of 1260 days that led to nothing at all . Ron has not been very successful with his short game , so he is now working on his long false prophecy game with hopes the pkg faithful didn't notice the last 15 years.

"It’s like we talked about Babylon. Our thinking has been in times past, and we have to go through these things to learn this—our thinking in times past, is that when Christ returned that that would be the end of Babylon, that Babylon would have been destroyed now because God’s Kingdom is here, Christ is here, and the 144,000. That didn’t destroy Babylon. When it says “Babylon, Babylon,” it talks about it, it’s no longer. Well, it comes back in great force, in great power, and it’s not going to be an easy job." False Prophet Ronald Weinland

Rev 18 "16And saying, Alas, alas that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls! 17 For (in one hour )so great riches is come to nothing."

Rev 17: 12“The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for (one hour )will receive authority as kings along with the beast

16The beast and the ten horns you saw will hate the prostitute. (They will bring her to ruin and leave her naked) ; they will eat her flesh and burn her with fire.

William Cutting

Nov 22, 2019, 8:42:13 AM11/22/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
"That’s why, if we really understand it, this doesn’t take very long. The war that’s coming doesn’t take very long. We may be planning for Malaga but it may not be there next year."

William Cutting

Nov 22, 2019, 9:17:39 AM11/22/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
"Anyway, that’s the kind of world we live in, a sick world, and when it’s unleashed it happens quickly, one thing leads into another, and there is really no stopping it except for God, and by the time it gets stopped God says one-third of everything will have been destroyed."

"That’s hard to comprehend, but that’s where we live and that’s God’s judgment. Sad it takes something like that, of that magnitude to get the attention of people to where people will start listening to God, and even many in the scattered Body, it’s going to take that. It’s going to take that nuclear war to start."

"It’s not going to be drug out. It’s not going to be drug out like whatever how long this things lasts, because we don’t know how long it’s going to last because it’s dependent upon how quickly some begin to turn against each other once this nation is brought down, and it will be brought down. It’s very clear this is where it begins—it’s the first four Trumpets, the events of the first four Trumpets. When the sealing is complete it’s going to start."

"I hope we’re that close – January, February. Wouldn’t that be awesome to finally just be at a point in time where finally the 144,000 is complete? Because that’s what this is all about."

"I do believe with all my being there will be a book there though that’s going to be the best of finally the maturity that’s come that God has given finally after three before that He’s used for that process to bring us to where we are and now we’re there." False Prophet Ronald Weinland 11/16/19

Ron is preparing pkg for WW3 , along side planning a trip to Malaga Spain . Malaga looks nice ! Lifestyles of the Rich and $hameless

New book is just enough Bait to pay for a few more vacations . Sham Pain wishes and WW3 Dreams )

"You know, you’ve got to stand firm, if there is a disagreement about something. It’s like tithing. If you have a job. Let’s see, even a mate and they have a job, whatever it is, but the point is that whoever you are, man or wife, you have a job and they’re going to know that you’re going to tithe on that money! I have known tons of people in God’s Church who wouldn’t make that stand or who played games with it! Think, no, you don’t, that’s God’s." False Prophet Ronald Weinland

You cannot buy or sell without the mark.


Nov 22, 2019, 1:37:53 PM11/22/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Speaking of tithes- Please Keep Giving, PKG! Ron needs that money for his Christmas vacation in the Netherlands.

William Cutting

Nov 22, 2019, 5:43:11 PM11/22/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess.


Nov 22, 2019, 7:06:09 PM11/22/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Chapter 2 of Ron's book is up... Lies, lies and more lies!!!


Nov 22, 2019, 7:17:58 PM11/22/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
I don't know what Ron's focus will be in this book, or what will be different than the previous 3 lying books.

William Cutting

Nov 22, 2019, 8:40:32 PM11/22/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
False Prophet Ronald Weinland has called the first chapter of his fresh bait "THE WAR THAT ENDS ALL WAR"

Chapter 2 is called "TRUTH AND SCRIPTURAL PROOF"
"So Passover began at sundown on the 14th of the first month (Nisan) as it continued into and through the nighttime. The daylight portion of Passover followed once the sun rose. Then at sundown on that day, the first annual Holy Day for that new year began

"Keeping this timing in mind, it is important to note that Christ observed the Passover with his disciples beginning with eating the roasted lamb during the nighttime portion of the Passover, which preceded the daytime portion of the Passover day when he was put to death." False Prophet Ronald Weinland

If people could truly understand this from the Scriptures then they would be Free of Ronald Weinland once and for all ! Read this in your own Bible and understand the Truth , Jesus Christ did not eat the Passover with his disciples . The reason He did not eat the Passover is because He became the Passover for All ,at the exact time the Father ordained . Jesus Christ said " Are there not twelve hours in the day? " John 11:9 .
False Prophet Ron quotes Matthew 27 "Now from the sixth hour [12 noon] until the ninth hour [3 pm] there was darkness over all the land. At about the ninth hour [3 pm] Joshua cried out with a loud voice, saying, ‘Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?’ That is, ‘My God, My God, why have You forsaken me?’

Now look at the time Jesus was in front of Pilate for Judgment John 19 "13When Pilate therefore heard that saying, he brought Jesus forth, and sat down in the judgment seat in a place that is called the Pavement, but in the Hebrew, Gabbatha. 14And it was the preparation of the passover, (and about the SIXTH HOUR). : and he said to the Jews, Behold your King! " after he had a meal he was arrested , the next day he was Judged at Noon 12 pm . Not on cross yet .

It was the Sixth Hour (12 Noon) when Christ was presented to the Jews . IT COULD NOT BE THE 14th DAY YET BECAUSE CHRIST WOULD HAVE ALREADY BEEN ON THE CROSS . From the sixth hour to the ninth hour , there was Darkness over the land . Jesus Christ was on the cross from the third Hour to the ninth hour of the day . Mark 15:25 "And it was the third hour, and they crucified him."
"34And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?" Christ was on the cross 6 hours from 9 am to 3pm on the 14th day . The preparation day that Christ was in front of Pilate and the Jews was the 13th day , the night before when he had a meal with his disciples was also the 13th day. After Christ was judged he was put in prison over night , the night he was in prison was the beginning of the 14th day , the next morning he was Crusified . Jesus Christ died the afternoon of the 14 th day when the lambs were being killed for the Passover feast , which THE PROPHET EZEKIEL CALLS A FEAST OF SEVEN DAYS
"21In the first month, in the fourteenth day of the month, you shall have the passover, a feast of seven days; unleavened bread shall be eaten. Ezekiel 45:21)

The scriptures do not lie , Ronald Weinland is in Darkness and he is a spiritual pharaoh . When you see and understand this *Abomination* you are to flee such people , this is the witness of Ron and his followers, they are in Egypt . They are not free because they do not follow the word of God in the bible. Jesus Christ is the Word made Flesh. Ron is an unrepentant man of sin , he preaches a false christ he marries people to a false christ .

Jesus Christ was killed the afternoon of the 14th day of the first month this was also a preparation day for the feast that began at sundown. This is the truth from the scriptures it is not my opinion or some idea I just came up with , but it is in the written Word of God . I understand Tradition is a hard thing to break but this is the plain truth , The Scriptural Proof . Ronald does not know when Passover is ! he also does not have the foggiest idea when Pentecost is ! It is sad that the above information will be shrugged off and overlooked but this is the truth "And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified."
"And judgment is turned away backward, and justice stands afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter. Isaiah 59:14

William Cutting

Dec 10, 2019, 3:33:18 PM12/10/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Almost time for False Prophet Ronald Weinland to get his calculator out again

"And you better be on guard because you don’t know when it is. You don’t know when it is. You think it still can’t happen soon? Oh, yes, it can. We’re to keep watch. And we have these markers in front of us. 2020 and 2000, what was it, 23?" 11/23/19 False Prophet Ronald Weinland

What was it ? When was it again ? It all sounds very serious Indeed . So is it three years or three and a half years after the Catholic Pentecost 2020 marker ?

Anyone wanna take a shot at the new math ? I like how Ron has transformed his false prophecies into $Markers$ ) each marker is a time period consisting of 1260 days plus 1 year , it would be interesting to see the amount of money that pkg offers to their god (Ron) from marker to marker . Anyone wanna take a shot at the math on that ? 2008-2012 + 2013 2015-2019 + 2020

Catholic Pentecost in 2023 is May 28 , 1260 days before that is December 15th , this month , so ol Ron better get on his horse or pkg might have to Recalculate .

Mike (DDTFA)

Dec 10, 2019, 3:38:21 PM12/10/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
I've already done his calculating for him:!topic/false-prophet-ronald-weinland/qDH9sSyje2E%5B1-25%5D

The next time Christ doesn't return: May 20, 2029

William Cutting

Dec 10, 2019, 7:05:10 PM12/10/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
"How much time do we have yet? It could still be 2020. That’s my first marker. I’m still running toward 2020, okay? That’s my marker. Once I get there I’m shooting on to the next one which is 31⁄2 years up the road." False Prophet Ronald 11/2/19

He's been chumming the waters with this 3 1/2 years up the road BS

We know Ron does not follow his own rules , he likes to madly change Everything . I think he put himself in check here ? but Ron does not play Chess , he plays Blackjack . He might have to call for one of those Vegas elders meetings so the brass can put their heads together and crunch some numbers ?

Not that Ron even cares or the people that worship him will even notice :( once Ron *gets there* to his next 2020 False prophecy , sorry I mean $marker$ then there is going to have to be some kind of Intermezzo before a fresh 1260 days begins and eventually ends with him in Church on Sunday with fresh bullshit.

Mike (DDTFA)

Dec 10, 2019, 7:10:45 PM12/10/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
When Ron's 2012 prophecy failed, he had a trial balloon 2013 prophecy while he worked up his 2019 prophecy.    So his 2020 speculation could be a device to keep his dwindling flock with him while he works on 2029.

William Cutting

Dec 10, 2019, 7:31:34 PM12/10/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Mike , I take my hat off to you , Bravo ! You have done a great service to many by the work you have done over the years exposing False Prophet Ronald Weinland . You may be right on the money with Ron's plans for the long haul . One thing is for sure , Ron will not be able to announce a return of Christ 2023 fire drill unless he forsakes his 2020 false prophecy marker and springs some type of $New Truth$ this week )

Mike (DDTFA)

Dec 10, 2019, 7:35:20 PM12/10/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
2029 may be perfect for Ron.  Close enough to get people hooked, and yet enough time to make a cash haul before he and Laura retire and turn it over to the next set of Two Witnesses. 

William Cutting

Dec 10, 2019, 7:45:57 PM12/10/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
New book needs some time to get out to the nations after all , like the last one ) time to prophesy Again

William Cutting

Dec 10, 2019, 9:10:03 PM12/10/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Ron's last 1260 day False Prophecy and accompanying book started Nov 8th 2015
"This period of additional time revealed another remarkable total number of days that contained even greater meaning. This could be described as an extended deeper meaning to Christ’s coming. This change from 2012 to 2019 added another 2,570 days to the countdown for Christ’s coming. This too is awesomely significant, as this now gave the addition of two more very specific prophetic end-time periods of 1,260 days to that overall count.
This second additional end-time period of 1,260 days runs from the 8th of November 2015 to the 20th of April 2019. This count concludes on the weekly Sabbath that is in the midst of the first Holy Day season of that year, the Feast of Unleavened Bread. This period is now recognized as the time for God’s two witnesses to complete the physical fulfillment of their witness to the world.

Ron's 1260 day False Prophecy before that started Dec 14th 2008 and ended May 27 2012
"The second specific end-time prophetic period of 1,260 days that God revealed to be of great significance is what was seen at that time as the final period leading up to Christ’s coming. It began when the Seven Trumpets of the Seventh Seal were blown (December 14, 2008) and then 1,260 days later led up to May 27, 2012 (Pentecost).

Its all very remarkable and awesomely significant because now his 8th period of 1260 is going to have to start soon , I hope this new book explains the significance in this 8th period of 1260 days . All these Quotes from False Prophet Weinland can be found here

Ron , if you are listening remember you have to start your new timeline in 5 days or Laura will turn into a pumpkin come 2023 .

William Cutting

Dec 10, 2019, 9:40:21 PM12/10/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Prophesy Against the Nations
"Within this extension of seven more years, there was then this addition of two more end-time periods of 1,260 days to the overall existing count for Christ’s coming. The five 1,260-day periods that occurred before the Pentecost of 2012, along with these two additional ones, now give 7 complete end-time periods of 1,260 days. False Prophet Ronald Weinland


Dec 11, 2019, 12:02:28 AM12/11/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Did anybody tell Ron that his 1260 x 7 nonsense, had math errors?

To me it is blasphemy to say something with math errors comes from God....

God can't do math??? Really? Ron should be glad he's not a black smudge on the floor.

William Cutting

Dec 11, 2019, 1:44:42 AM12/11/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Ron's next Blasphemy December 6th 2020 ---$$$$$----- May 19 2024

8th 1260 day period of False Prophecy

Mike (DDTFA)

Dec 11, 2019, 4:48:24 AM12/11/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
I had Pentecost of 2024 on June 12.  Maybe that's wrong.  What is your source for that date?

William Cutting

Dec 11, 2019, 8:16:04 AM12/11/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
It gets confusing with all the man made calendars but most of the time for churches that follow a Calendar made by Rabbis , Pentecost will almost always fall on the same date the Catholic Church celebrates it , 50 days from Easter Sunday.

I did a quick search and found this

This group has Pentecost on June 16th in 2024 , I really don't know how they end up with these dates , I do not follow a man made Calendar .
Out of 14 years on the ucg calendar Pentecost is the same day as the Catholic Church 10 years . I assume there is some kind of leap rule from the rabbis otherwise it would match all 14 years .

Mike , you might have it right for 2024 , I am really not sure but that would bring the start of Ron's 8th tribulation to December 30th of next year 2020.

December 30 ---$$$$----June 12 or for others maybe the 16th of June ???? Babylon means confusion right :)

William Cutting

Dec 11, 2019, 9:48:42 AM12/11/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Ron still has a few days to throw in the towel on 2020 , he could start his 8th Tribulation on the 15th of this month , that would bring him to 2023 with the Pope of UCG and Pope Francis (May 28th 2023) - 1260 = Dec 15 2019
But he has to double down ! In blackjack you split Aces and Eights but pkg can only play one hand this time . If he waits his tribulation cannot start until the last days of 2020 , that a pretty long way ! Pkg is nothing without a mind control timeline to go by , and this new book seems to not have any of that special magic like chapter 7 of the last book had , that and the fact that Christ will not return when pope Ron is keeping Pentecost with pope francis and pope of UCG in 2020 , could be bad for Ron's bank account ? That's less people to pay for euro trips ! Ron have you considered this ?

Double Down , Ron ! Pkg needs signs and wonders to hold on to otherwise it is going to get boring really quick , you say your temple is clean and you and the wife finished correcting of the nations , so what's the hold up ? Is it Malaga ? Have the people of Malaga not heard your fame ? I'm sure they will repent when you wash up on their coast . Fold on 2020 and go for 2023 )

Enough is Enough

Dec 11, 2019, 1:14:39 PM12/11/19

I don't know how you'all can stomach reading all of weinland's garbage!!!

What is this crap that he and his phony wife claiming their temple clean!? What kind of crap is this!! 

Both of them have been outright liars and ruined people lives and they claim to have a clear conscious (temple). What a JOKE!!

This is nothing but BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS and more BSSSSSS!!!

lies lies and more lies


Dec 11, 2019, 3:27:29 PM12/11/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Where does Ron say the temple is cleaned? and they are finished correcting the nations?

William Cutting

Dec 11, 2019, 7:02:58 PM12/11/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
EiE , Trust me I can only glance at his Insanity for a minute or two , it's like looking into the abyss .

Martin , it's all in Chapter 7 of the Nations book .

He started in with that BS back when there was the 2012-2013 Exodus , people left and were kicked out because they knew he was a False Apostle and False Prophet , Ron the devil that he is had to make it some kind of cleansing , he is a devious , conniving Bastard , and I promise you , the Light will shine on him until his dying day . NO repentance , just Blasphemy , more and more Blasphemy , it gets worse and worse because he is cursed , the very plagues of revelation are on him , they are spiritual , And they come on those who are in Babylon (confusion ) that's why God says to flee out of Babylon so you do not Partake in her sins and you are not punished with her Rev 18:4) Babylon is a whore (unfaithful to Christ ) listen carefully Ron is a whore , Unfaithful to Christ , his church is not faithful to the word of God , these things are obvious !!! This a time of extreme spiritual poverty , because iniquity abounds people get bitter and lives are destroyed by blaspheming Hypocrites like Weinalnd .

William Cutting

Dec 11, 2019, 7:23:43 PM12/11/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Blah Blah Blah Nations
"Within this extension to Christ’s coming, the first of these two new periods is from May 27, 2012 to November 7, 2015. God revealed early on that this first additional period of 1,260 days was the 42 months mentioned in Revelation 11 that is about the “measuring of the temple” of God that would occur within that period of time, which is about the final preparation of God’s Church for the final work leading up to Christ’s coming."
"These people are described as being rejected in the measurement of the temple, as they are in the area of the court. In other words, they gave the appearance that they were part of the Church, but they did not practice true worship of God within the temple. Being within the court would reveal that they were not part of the Church and were living falsely before God and before those who were actually in the Church. So the instruction was to keep them separated from the temple, as they were not to be measured as part of it. Instead, they were to be revealed for where they truly were, which is within the court—within the environment of the Church—but not in the temple, not in the Church. By only being in the court, they were actually with the gentiles (a term used for unbelievers). These were rejected by God and removed in one way or another from the appearance of being part of God’s Church.

This is indeed what happened during that period of time, and at the time of this writing, there are now only a couple of months remaining in this period for measuring the temple. Once that is complete, then the world will enter into the 7th and last end-time period of 1,260 days before Christ’s coming. Within the environment of the Church, God has been removing members who have been unfaithful. In that group there have been quite a few in the ministry that have been removed as well, including the removal of several senior ministers and even one evangelist.

This period has not only included a great cleansing of the Church, but those who have remained faithful have been going through a measuring process of being far more fully trained, strengthened, and made ready for Christ’s coming. During this time, the Church has drawn closer together spiritually with one another and with God than at any other time within the history of the last several hundred years of God’s Church. Before this book is published, the Church will have been made fully ready for the coming of their High Priest, Passover, and elder brother—Jesus Christ. " False Prophet Ronald Weinland

And what happened Ronald was Proved a False Witness Again . A Unfaithful Whore Church .

"The 7th and last end-time prophetic period of 1,260 days will be the period when God gives His two end-time witnesses the primary work that they have been prophesied to fulfill. Throughout the entirety of the 5th and 6th prophetic end-time periods, these two individuals have been the focus of much ridicule, hatred, mockery and scorn, and during each of these prophetic periods, these two will have fulfilled a specific kind of witness, yet their major witness is during the final 1,260 day period."
"God will give His two witnesses power to cause devastating destruction from whatever plagues they determine, according to their own judgment. This means they will decide when, where, what kind, and how long specific plagues will strike and when plagues should be repeated. Some of these plagues that are pronounced will be coupled with events outlined within some of the Seven Thunders."

7th prophetic 1,260 days
November 8, 2015 to April 20, 2019"

what foolish people , shameful . There is no excuse in the end for any of them , they were warned and did not understand .
Proverbs 5

William Cutting

Dec 11, 2019, 9:03:10 PM12/11/19
to False Prophet Ronald Weinland
Ron's water is turned to Blood . Anyone who drinks it Dies . PKG is microcosm of something on a worldwide scale , all rivers and fountains are turned to blood as part of the plagues , these things are not meant to be seen as physical . The rivers and fountains represent the multitudes of Churches that mishandle the word of God and blaspheme His Holy Name .
Rev 16:4 And the third angel poured out his vial on the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood.

Notice how at the end of all these plagues ,Christ gives the warning :15Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.

Pkg is a dead body : 28For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together. If you understand what these birds of prey are , you will see the spirit behind weinland .
And I will appoint over them four kinds, said the LORD: the sword to slay, and the dogs to tear, and the fowls of the heaven, and the beasts of the earth, to devour and destroy. Jeremiah 15:3

Ron is a beast , his god is his belly $$$

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