plz email DD re harassment

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Elliot Temple

Mar 12, 2021, 3:50:00 PM3/12/21
[12:31 PM] curi: plz email DD and ask him to disown andy and request his followers stop harassing me. i want EVERY subscriber to do this. it's very important. i don't want to fight back publicly nor continue being a victim. @everyone i want his side to at least offer some statement of their position on the matter. if he ghosts 10+ ppl it'd at least help clarify how unreasonable he's being. plz let me know when you email him and again like a week later if no reply. this is VERY IMPORTANT. i'd write it for you or give guidance except i don't want to tell ppl what to say so they're all different. but see if u haven't already
[12:31 PM] curi: DD's email is at teh bottom of this page:
[12:32 PM] curi: DD's followers have DDOSed and stalked me, written many hundreds of harassing messages, threatened someone with IRL harm, and more.
[12:33 PM] curi: the connection btwn the harassment and DD is pretty direct. DD -> his close associates -> direct ongoing public interaction with the worst criminal.
[12:34 PM] curi: please, seriously, send an email. try to help.
[12:36 PM] curi: (and plz only send one email each. you can also contact some of his associates, which would be great, but is less important. and plz do not harass any of them. the goal here is to get them to respond to the matter and deescalate things and get a truce, not to fight with them.)
[12:37 PM] curi: I will appreciate whoever helps.

Elliot Temple

Mar 14, 2021, 5:15:56 PM3/14/21
DD wrote a response to someone to maliciously lie about me, and also to say basically he doesn't want to receive further emails from anyone who agrees with me.

Elliot Temple

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