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Where did you discover FalconPL?

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Earl Montgomery

Apr 25, 2018, 1:07:59 PM4/25/18
to FalconPL
In 2009 someone asked Giancarlo Nicollai about the unpopularity of Falcon.

I responded:
I learned about the existence of a handful of languages while perusing around with Falcon being one of those languages.  When I finally began to use Falcon I was very impressed.  I noticed that there were not many Falcon entries in RosettaCode.  Among the 800+ languages listed on there, I was surprised I found Falcon.  If not for RosettaCode I might not have found Falcon.

I am new to Falcon but I managed to add some Falcon entries to RosettaCode, thus boosting the awareness of it.

The people who frequent RosettaCode are programmers and developers who seem to truly have a love for programming.  The more of them that Falcon reaches the greater chance of Falcon reaching the professors and scientists of this world.  Possibly more Falcon entries on RosettaCode will boost its popularity.
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