It's just a thought. I've seen a few attempts. Python, Perl and a few others touted being able to write scripts on the phone but it they were nothing more than text files. If I could've ran and it returned >> hello world, I would've been super impressed.
I'm not as knowledgeable as the people on your team. I have been reading from 2009 and I am very impressed with everyone working on this project. I know I am not as knowledgeable, yet, but what I do have to bring is a vivid imagination. I wanted to read through everything before posting any comments, but I just wanted to bring that idea to the team in case anyone wanted to have at it.
Can it be done? Well, there is a book by Napoleon Hill called Think and Grow Rich and in it is a brilliant story about Henry Ford and the V8-motor. If any of you haven't read it, it's a brilliant book.