Hard Truck 2 King Of The Road Save Game.rar

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Tommye Hope

Jul 15, 2024, 7:50:46 PM (2 days ago) Jul 15
to faislinteldi

This topic will be soon improved with links to all items and some maps and it's opened for discussion and contributions.
For the PS2, PSN version, and Xbox users anything that is diferent in your platform please post it so that this topic can be the most accurate as possible.

First of all I want to explain why I felt the need to create this topic. I have been playing San Andreas basically since it came out in the PC version but it was only at 2010 that I have been exploring this amazing game on most of his free-roaming capabilities. And for that I want to say thanks to all contributors of this forum that have somehow shown all of us how to do something in the game.
I've actually done my own mastersaves in all 3rd generation GTAs but San Andreas is by far my favourite game regarding the gameplay, I love the 80's ambiente on Vice City and of course I love the graphics on GTA IV but none of this have provided me the fun that is playing GTA San Andreas.
Now the real reason for the creation of this topic is that this is actually my 5th 6th attempt on creating a "Mastersave" game in San Andreas, mostly for the fun part but also because I've encountered more and more challenges along the way, making me redo all over again so that I could accomplish all this challenges that were discovered. Well on my first attempt basically I did all 13,37% that is mandatory for calling a save "mastersave" and then saw a few videos on how to acomplish other things that I though to be impossible, like doing all stunt jumps and acquiring some rare vehicles. Then I did all this and found out that you could acquire by a "backway" michelle's racing outfit and at the same time found out that since i did the taxi missions for last that i had a game glitch that only a fix would resolve so I decided to do it again and every time saying this would be the last time. Then finally I did all of the above and when I was already almost on the second city missions I found a way to get the hydra, and someone said it would be possible to do it in mastersave, so now "for the last time" on PC (already started doing for PS3) I did it what a this moment i believe it's possible to accomplish in a mastersave (sorry I'm getting ahead of myself, I still haven't finish getting King of San Andreas criminal rating but it's really only a matter of time) .
So doing this topic is my way to contribute to the forums putitng in one place all the info I've been acquiring over the years.

0. Usefull Info
There are a couple of things you should know before starting a mastersave.
First of all you can only name it a mastersave if you don't start the first mission "Big Smoke", so after Tenpenny drops you off in the ballas country just ignore what the game is telling you and start getting money to buy a safehouse (killing drug dealers is for me the best choice at this point, but also doing some sidemission will do the trick).
Now there are a couple of glitches you may want to avoid, the taxi glitch (just avoid flying or sailing off the map borders), the gym glitch (which has recently discovered by OrionSR to be caused by exceeding the time on the gym, so just never excedd that time), and the most important the mafia call glitch (just avoid owing money to the casinos in Las Venturas early in the game or you won't be able to finish the story-missions).
Another thing that you should avoid is doing the oyster exploit too early in the mastersave, that way you won't loose progres with your girlfriends when you are achieving other items on certain areas even areas that are not locked and you will be able to keep their progress =>43%. Just gather 49 oyster at any time and leave the last oyster for last. ###edited in 08-05-2013###

1. Buying a property to save a game before the first mission (Getting Money)
1.1 Stealing from Drug Dealers

hard truck 2 king of the road save game.rar

Download https://vlyyg.com/2yMySW

Good stuff starting this up again, my PS3 has broken down so im replaying the GTA games one last time before I put them away for good. I feel games in this generation don't offer the amount of replayablilty that games from this generation had, but maybe thats just me getting old and not really getting used to the new stuff. The problem I can see with this topic is that a lot of us who were enthusiastic about growing this save file have sort of moved on, most of this stuff has all been covered.

Anywho, for improvements you could add the skimmer to the very rare list, but also maybe give a different value rating to what you should store. For instance, cars that are in fixed parked locations on the map such as the dune arent as valueable as say a tourismo that rarely spawns in LV, whats the difference between the LV impound lot storing a fixed car location and the stadium in LV storing the Dune? Its that sense of ownership I suppose, but they are both equally accessible.

If you want to enjoy this new save file, dont think about things that you can own or things relative to your stats, but think about how you will be playing the game, what rules and what methods you are using to get what you want. From experience, coming up with methods to get what we want on these list is what made the save file so fun to make.

Now you might also want to talk about what order you should do things a bit more when it comes to GF vehicles. Stuff like leveling up gun stats and other progression goals dont really need to be considered, but the whole GF process is something that cannot be turned back.

Personally, if you look at the save file as a stopping point, that you will never progress past the Big Smoke mission, then things have certain value, that is your GFs progress actually means something. However if you look at this as a simple rule, that you gotta do all this stuff FIRST before doing Big Smoke, then things like GF progress and even the audio really arent that big of a deal because if you lose a GF, you can always get it back.

I think im getting ahead of myself, but if you want to talk about a perfect master save file, then you gotta define what the save file actually is, is it a fixed file that you will never grow past the first mission, or is it an activity that you are doing for fun? If its the latter, I might suggest something slightly different.

What I might do next time I play GTA SA is do a master save file up to the Green Sabre. this way you can pretty much do the exact same things you would do before, but you can enjoy the missions as well so collecting those special vehicles and doing gang wars sort of makes the project bigger and gives you more freedom. Also with all these new gang war glitches we have recently discovered, you could do stuff like try put gangs over seas.

This is just to have a basic template on what to talk about about the order of the things to do I'll try to go beyond a list of things and have a little explanation on what and when to do that, much like the info on the taxi glitch.

The save game I have will never be perfect if that's even possible and the topic is more about things you should do before others, but like lil weasel posted a master save it's basically only the mandatory things explained in the list, things that will affect your stats percentage without doing the 1st mission. All other things are only optional it's not about having a rule on how to do it, it's only about the challenge to do them at that point. I can easily have all this list of vehicles in a later time in the game, but the fun part is to get them before you should like the hydra or the rustler, or even the rare turismo.

Thanks for the more explanatory definition of master save I will have that in mind and I only use cheats to test ideas or pratice certain things the final versions are all CHEATS, MODDS and TRAINERS Free. In that case I will have to remove the Black Perennial and UC2 Dark Purple Voodoo.

Yeah I know what you guys mean by a master save file, I was just trying to think of a new way of going about DOING the master save file, not what has to be collected, sorry if thats a little off topic.

Anyway about the beagle, does it fit in the Sf impound? Also you could try land it next to the broadway in Idlewood and impound it that way, you might not be able to get it out but if you are in to collecting stuff, well there you have it.

Finally im wondering, what are you going to store? There is a limited amount of space in LS, and if you store stuff overseas in the SF garage or impounds then is there really a difference between picking them up from the impound in 4 star territory and picking them up where you found them?

So maybe you could talk about what you store and where you store it, as well as the order. Personally cars that spawn rarely on the streets or more valuable to me than fixed car locations overseas, such as the Dune in the LV stadium, I wouldnt go out of my way to store that anywhere because well, it is already stored really.

Anyway as a side note im playing the series again with a different mindset than I usually do, im turning off the minimap except for tedious missions and im not using any online guides or maps to find things. I expect this will take a while to get 100% but it ensures that I explore the games and focus on the detail more. Im not really going to do a master save file this time, but I am going to take my time playing the game, so while im doing all the tags in LS (which takes time if you arent using maps) I will also be mixing up my activities by collecting rare vehicles overseas as that is quite thrilling and they are worth more if you actually use them to explore, you value them that much more because you know if you crash your tourismo while looking for tags, its going to be a pain getting another. You can also mod those vehicles if you keep playing through missions.

No beagle I hadn't tried it before to take it to a Impound but the wings are too large even if you push the plane with no person inside you won't be able to make it through the impound doors, the broadway technique might work haven't tried it but there's two problems 1st the LS impound doesn't deal very well with airplanes and 2nd you might be able to store it but you won't be able to use use it afterwards because you can't remove it from the impounds, the "save" wtf I mean the same happens with the cargobo and the hotdog. I might do a video explaining this since it's kind of fun to get these vehicles just to realise in the end that you can't store them.

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