Bentley Topograph V8i

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Tommye Hope

Jun 27, 2024, 10:40:17 PMJun 27
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EXTON, Pa., May 13, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Bentley Systems, Incorporated, the leading global provider of comprehensive software and digital twins services for advancing the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure, today announced the availability of OpenSite Designer, its integrated application for civil site and land development workflows across conceptual, preliminary, and detailed design phases. OpenSite Designer advances BIM through comprehensive 3D site design, spanning reality modeling of site conditions from drone imagery and scans, geotechnical analysis, terrain modeling, site layout and grading optimization, stormwater drainage modeling and analysis, underground utilities modeling, detailed drawing production, and enlivened visualizations.

Bentley Topograph V8i

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OpenSite Designer enables rapid and iterative conceptual design, leveraging contextual information obtained through point clouds, reality meshes, GIS, and other sources to enhance understanding of existing site conditions. Interoperating with PLAXIS and SoilVision, Bentley's geotechnical engineering solutions, site plans can be enhanced with new information about the active properties of soil including bearing capacity, stresses, and displacement.

With OpenSite Designer, users can create intelligent 3D models containing site information, terrain data, parking lots, building pads, driveways, sidewalks, parcel layout, and related site features. During preliminary design, the site engineer can complete and subjectively improve the layout while relying on further automated optimizations, which respond to the engineering changes. To complete the project's digital workflows, OpenSite Designer fully supports the site engineer's detailed design including the production of all required project deliverables.

Dustin Parkman, vice president, civil infrastructure design integration for Bentley Systems, said, "The collaborative nature of digital workflows converging analysis and simulation with design and modeling is exemplified in our new OpenSite Designer. We're excited that for the first time there is a complete solution for site design and land development to accelerate site engineers going digital!"

Michael Semeraro, Jr., PE, PP, managing principal, EVP, Langan International, said, "Langan is always looking for opportunities to differentiate ourselves from competitors with technical excellence and expertise. We have depended on SITEOPS for site optimization, earthwork analysis, and cost identification in our planning phase. We now look forward to using OpenSite Designer to also produce our detailed designs and documentation."

With OpenSite Designer, users can create intelligent 3D models for civil site projects complete with site information, terrain data, parking lots, building pads, driveways, sidewalk, parcel layout and related site features.

About Bentley Systems Bentley Systems is the leading global provider of software solutions to engineers, architects, geospatial professionals, constructors, and owner-operators for the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure. Bentley's MicroStation-based engineering and BIM applications, and its digital twin cloud services, advance the project delivery (ProjectWise) and the asset performance (AssetWise) of transportation and other public works, utilities, industrial and resources plants, and commercial and institutional facilities.

Bentley Systems employs more than 3,500 colleagues, generates annual revenues of over $700 million in 170 countries, and has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions since 2014. From inception in 1984, the company has remained majority-owned by its five founding Bentley brothers. Bentley shares transact by invitation on the NASDAQ Private Market.

Bentley, the Bentley logo, Bentley PowerCivil, Bentley topoGraph, GEOPAK Site, InRoads, InRoads Site, MXSite, OpenSite, OpenSite Designer, PLAXIS, SITEOPS, and SoilVision are either registered or unregistered trademarks or service marks of Bentley Systems, Incorporated or one of its direct or indirect wholly owned subsidiaries. All other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.

At first glance, the task of realigning a busy segment of Colorado interstate highway might seem as daunting as the mountains surrounding the project corridor. With challenging topography, tight site constraints, myriad environmental considerations, and a wide range of stakeholders, designers of the I-70 Floyd Hill project faced complex, ambitious objectives. The project called for numerous upgrades to improve traffic flow, access, and sight distance while replacing aging infrastructure in a spectacular natural setting.

The project owner, the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), was seeking to enhance safety and mobility along the route, as well as rebuild pavement, bridges, and other infrastructure components. The 8-mile project, approximately 25 miles west of Denver, required numerous design disciplines to interact and present various alternatives to the client and the public. Digital technology enabled the team to create realistic models as the design progressed and share design progress throughout the course of the project.

Among the design challenges was adding a third westbound I-70 travel lane to relieve a two-lane bottleneck, not an easy task, given the mountainous topography and a creek that runs along much of the roadway. The new design elevates a portion of the new westbound lanes on bridge structures to fit all the components into a tight space and flatten out some previously sharp curves.

The design also called for constructing a missing 2-mile section of frontage road, improving ramps and other access points, and upgrading a greenway trail. Environmental mitigation work included two new wildlife passageways underneath bridge spans to connect previously separated natural areas. Various other measures were taken to improve air and water quality, stream conditions, and recreation in the corridor.

Working in a connected digital environment also saved time and money. The team estimates that they saved over $1 million managing more than 1,000 file sheets, including 5,500 hours in coordination time, and 97% of effort developing and publishing digital twins for review. The all-digital approach enabled the team to more clearly convey design intent, foster community integration, and quickly update models to mitigate environmental and social impact.

Construction of the $700 million project started earlier this year, and is scheduled for completion in 2028. Contractor Kraemer North America is building the project in three segments, with construction starting at the east end and generally progressing westward, with some schedule overlapping of the three segments.

The Montrose Interchange project was initiated to replace an existing at-grade T-junction on the N4 highway, improving traffic mobility, safety, and the local economy and tourism opportunities. Located between two rivers amid steep valleys between mountains, the project presented designers SMEC South Africa with difficult terrain for implementing the new high-standard, free-flow interchange. The project was also on a short timeline with no available survey data.

These three unique projects with significant design challenges demonstrate how digital technology can help address mounting infrastructure needs around the world. One can only ponder if these projects could even be attempted without the digital tools.

Bentley Systems, proveedora de soluciones abarcadoras de softwares para infraestructuras sustentables, anunci recientemente que adquiri a CharPointer Tecnologia, incluyendo su software topoGRAPH, solucin de alta precisin en levantamientos de campo y terraplenes, adems de diseo para proyectos carreteros y ferroviarios.

Con esta adquisicin, Bentley ampla su capacidad de lidiar con las enormes oportunidades existentes en Brasil para la creacin de un sistema de transporte moderno, ya que el pas est en rpida expansin de las ciudades y crece la demanda de nuevas industrias.

Trabajando juntos y de manera ms inteligente, Bentley, junto a sus nuevos y talentosos compaeros de equipo de CharPointer, podr proveer tecnologas de punta y las mejoras necesarias para ayudar a los proyectistas, ingenieros. A los contratistas les permitir entregar los mejores puentes, y las mejores carreteras y ferrovas que el pas precisa.

CharPointer Tecnologa desarroll el software topoGRAPH para ayudar a los ingenieros civiles y a los profesionales de infraestructuras en el proceso de levantamiento de datos generados por estaciones totales, por instrumentos de levantamiento a lser y por GPS. El software les ofrece a los usuarios herramientas poderosas para hacer dibujos y planos, analizar modelos de terreno, calcular de volmenes de terraplenes, as como para concebir carreteras y ferrovas.

Para obtener ms informaciones sobre la nueva lnea de productos Bentley Topograph, visite*Pointer. Por ms informaciones sobre esta adquisicin, lea una entrevista realizada a Joo Rocha, Director de Ventas de la Divisin Geoespacial y Transportes de Bentley Systems, quien le habl con exclusividad al Portal MundoGEO.

tenho uma chave do topograph Se98. Quando usava, tenha a ultima atualizao. Hoje ao instalar via CD, tenho apenas a verso original de quando comprei o programa, e no consigo abrir os trabalhos. Tem como adquirir a ultima atualizao ?

tenho uma chave do topograph Se98. Quando usava, tinha a ultima atualizao. Hoje ao instalar via CD, tenho apenas a verso original de quando comprei o programa, e no consigo abrir os trabalhos. Tem como adquirir a ultima atualizao ?

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