The Thunderbolt 220630 - Me and Thom Hartmann

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Dana Walker

Jun 30, 2022, 4:29:53 AM6/30/22
to OCFB Listserve

The Thunderbolt

News — Commentary — Calendar of Activist Events — Dumb Jokes



1) FYI Section:

  1A) Actions from WWFOR

  1B) Report from the Citizens for a Clean Black Lake

  1C) Link to Michael Moore's 2007 movie "Sicko"

  1D) Appeal of DNR Permit to Log Cooper Point Rd

  1E) More Information on Proposed Cooper Point Clearcut

2) Bonus Tip of the Day

A detailed description of all events is located after the News and Commentary section

To go directly to an event description just type the index entry above into a search box



Me and Thom Hartmann




The Thunderbolt is Plagiarized!

Hey, People!

On January 11th, 2018 I published a Thunderbolt called The Martha Mitchell Effect, wherein I described the misadventures of Martha Mitchell, who was both the wife of Richard Nixon’s attorney general John Mitchell and the original whistleblower in the Watergate affair. 

I aired the radio show version of The Martha Mitchell Effect on March 2nd of the same year.

To recap:  When Martha Mitchell started seriously embarrassing Richard Nixon in public she was subjected to a White House smear campaign — supported by her own husband — to label her as delusional and schizophrenic, and she was subsequently diagnosed as such.

I called my piece The Martha Mitchell Effect, both for her effect on the Watergate saga, and for the fact that the ‘Martha Mitchell Effect’ is now a recognized psychological phenomenon wherein someone is originally diagnosed as delusional but then it is later discovered that the ‘delusional’ things that they had been saying were actually true.

Well — Netflix has begun airing a documentary about the misadventures of Martha Mitchell — and they are calling their show The Martha Mitchell Effect.

The show is actually quite good — with lots of clips of Martha Mitchell running her famous mouth, which you didn’t get in either my newsletter or on my radio show — and this documentary would serve as a good adjunct to that Thunderbolt — even if they did steal my title.

In celebration I am going to replay The Martha Mitchell Effect for this week’s radio show.  It will be on my website on Friday. 


The Well Greased Slippery Slope

Since the beginning of this Thunderbolt adventure back in 2011, I have repeatedly and regularly warned readers and listeners about the profound dangers of censorship of any kind other than speech that causes actual provable harm.  I have repeatedly pointed out that once you set a precedent that it’s okay to censor anyone’s speech, then very soon after that they will be censoring everyone’s speech.

The last couple of years have proven that contention in spades.

At first all of the social media and search engine monopolies fought censorship tooth and nail.  I would say that was to their credit, but their position was purely from a business point of view rather than any principled stand for free speech, so whatever.

Finally, they agreed to start censoring ‘hate speech’.

Hate speech is properly hated by nearly everyone, and I believe there is evidence that hate speech can lead directly to actual physical harm to people, so many if not most Americans probably have little if any problem with the censorship of ‘hate speech’.

However — that slippery slope was thoroughly greased and ready to go…

Soon, they started censoring anyone who criticized the Covid vaccine regimen — even though there were all kinds of lies, misleading information, corruption, and thoroughly nasty economic and political bullshite going on behind that whole vaccine circus.

And now, just a few months after censorship began in earnest, Fedbook, Goggle, and everyone else have started censoring anyone who criticizes American policy in Ukraine.

Badda Boom.  Don’t say I didn’t tell you so.

And, to that end, they are now censoring a whole bunch of long established and highly respected news organizations, several of whom have been outing American government perfidy for decades.  Truth Dig, Consortium News, CounterPunch, The Grey Zone — on and on.

Along with Julian Assange, they are now persecuting and in many cases censoring anyone who criticizes government policy.  Mission accomplished.

Don’t say I didn’t tell you so…


Democrats Continue Being Democrats

Profound hypocrisy in the Democratic Party is pretty much their defining feature — yet Uncle Joe surpassed himself when he refused to invite the leaders of Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela to the Summit of the Americas because of their allegedly atrocious records on civil rights.

Punishing countries who abuse their own citizens is a policy I could actually support — but first of all, Raul Castro and Nicolas Maduro are frigging boy scouts compared to a lot of other world leaders — many of whom are armed by the American government — but literally the next day Joe Biden flew to Saudi Arabia in order to kiss the oily ass of the crown prince of Saudi Arabia.

As a candidate, President Biden said he planned to make Saudi Arabia’s government “pay the price, and make them, in fact, the pariah that they are,” so I guess it is to be expected that he would do the complete polar opposite of what he promised during his campaign.  That is what Democrats always do. 


The Battle of Evermore

Putting all of the recent debate over gender identities aside for a moment, the bedrock fact beneath all of that is that women can have babies and men can’t have babies.

That means that, all things being equal, it is women who choose which men will perpetuate future generations — and which men will not.

If you think about it, that is kind of the ultimate power dynamic.

Therefore, a great deal of time and energy has been expended over the centuries by a bunch of justifiably insecure men to make all things very unequal.  They took advantage of their superiority in physical strength and then combined that with a bunch of cultural and psychological manipulations in order to dominate women and seize that ultimate power away from them — largely successfully.

All of that has now culminated in five creepy men and one creepy woman having decided that the government can own a women’s body and can thus overrule those women’s decisions about what they can do with their bodies.

The Court’s reasoning in overturning Roe V. Wade is that we don’t have any federal rights that weren’t granted to us by a bunch of long dead 18th Century elitist slave masters when they wrote our Constitution.

This judicial ‘philosophy’ is called ‘original intent’.

As for the ‘original intent’ of those long dead 18th Century elitist slave masters, their ‘original intent’ was that slavery would be perfectly acceptable.  Their ‘original intent’ was that women were to be the property of either their fathers, their husbands, or the proprietor of the local whorehouse.  Their ‘original intent’ was that only wealthy white male landowners would have the right to vote.

A lot of that ‘original intent’ really sucked, in other words.

Second of all, during the late 18th Century abortion was not only completely legal in England, the United States, and in all of the individual states, but evidently it wasn’t even controversial enough to talk about since no one ever so much as mentions the subject in any of the legal documents or in the personal correspondences of the time.  The only widespread opposition to abortion at that time was coming from the Catholic Church — and there were not only very few Catholics in late 18th Century America, but there was a great deal of anti-Catholic prejudice and oppression going on against the few that were there.

(Note:  I believe that at least five of the six justices who voted to eliminate federal abortion protections are Catholic…)

Whatever:  Even by their flawed ‘original intent’ standard, it is very obvious that the ‘original intent’ of the framers was that abortion should be perfectly legal.

And even Alito’s argument that we don’t have any federal rights not granted by the Constitution:  That very contention itself is belied by the Constitution itself.  Evidently Samuel Alito either forgot to read the 9th Amendment or he is intentionally ignoring it, since the 9th Amendment specifically states, quote:  The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.” 

James Madison was clear as to why the 9th Amendment was included in the Bill of Rights:  It has been objected against a Bill of Rights, that, by enumerating particular exceptions to the grant of power, it would disparage those rights which were not placed in that enumeration; and it might follow by implication, that those rights which were not singled out, were intended to be assigned into the hands of the General Government, and were consequently insecure.” 

However, Samuel Alito went much further back in history to find legal opinions to support his position on Roe v. Wade:  He enthusiastically quoted a 17th Century English jurist named Sir Matthew Hale.

Availing the legal musings of a jurist from the Middle Ages to shape modern 21st Century American law may strike one as outrageous enough on its face — but it gets much better:  Mr. Hale also appears to have been the very first jurist to articulate what would later become a widely accepted legal principle in both England and right here in the United States for most of our history that a husband could not be prosecuted for raping his wife.

Wow, you may say.  Really?  A proponent of rape — yet Samuel Alito is quoting this guy to support his legal opinions?

Well — it gets even better…

It turns out that Sir Matthew Hale was — literally — a witch burner.

Witch burners literally determining modern American law?  Supreme Court justices depending upon a legal theory that a 3rd grader could spot as seriously flawed?

Who knows — maybe soon the Court will be ruling on whether or not it is legal for a husband to lock his wife into a chastity belt…


Me and Thom Hartmann

I’m thinking most Thunderbolt readers are already familiar with Thom Hartmann, but in case you aren’t he is a highly accomplished left-leaning pundit and author known mostly for his nationally syndicated radio talk show, the Thom Hartmann Program.

Mr. Hartmann is brilliant, educated, articulate, and he has an output that seems almost superhuman in its sheer volume.  I first became aware of him during the George Bush administration in 2003 whilst ensconced  at the Federal Correctional Institution in Sheridan Oregon, where I was able to tune into Portland radio stations.  Besides KBOO — one of the best independent public radio stations in the entire United States —  there was also a commercial AM station that every weekday aired a three hour local talk show featuring Thom Hartmann — which was then followed immediately thereafter with yet another three hour talk show also featuring Thom Hartmann, this one nationally syndicated on the Air America network.

Thom Hartmann was live on the air 30 hours every week — and that 30 hours did not include the incredible amount of research the man did in order to be so knowledgeable so as to be able to fill 30 hours per week with compelling programming.

At that time I was literally spending nearly all my waking hours either reading or walking around a track in circles whilst listening to the radio, and I listened to all thirty hours of Thom Hartmann every week.

I thought that Thom Hartmann was the most awesome thing ever to hit the airwaves.

Then, his show cemented my adoration when Mr. Hartmann’s co-host, Heidi Tauber, once referred to the Earth First! kids as ‘eco terrorists’.  I wrote Ms. Tauber a letter explaining why that was a very uncool thing to do — and she not only acknowledged her error, but she actually read my letter on the air!

That firmly established me as an ardent fan the Thom Hartmann Program, and I continued listening after my release in 2007 since The Thom Hartmann program also aired on a Seattle station at the time that I could pick up in Olympia.

Then came Barack Obama…

When I first understood that Barack Obama was a serious candidate back in 2008, I did what I always do and I looked up who was giving him money.  (This was pre-Citizens United, so such things were much easier to research back then…)

When I saw that Barack Obama’s top private contributor was Goldman $achs, that told me all I needed to know about Barack Obama.

I tried to warn people back then, but I got so much serious flack for doing so that I finally just shut up about it — which is very unlike me.

During the campaign a whistleblower exposed the fact that at the very same time Barack Obama was pumping up American labor with fervent and passionate promises to repeal NAFTA, Obama’s people were up in Canada reassuring the Canadians that Obama actually had no intention of repealing NAFTA and that he was just saying that so organized labor would vote for him.

Everyone mostly just ignored that story when it broke.  I didn’t.

After assuming office, of course, Barack Obama not only made absolutely no move to repeal NAFTA, but he did his very best in an attempt to shove an even more heinous ‘trade agreement’ down our throats called the Trans Pacific Partnership.

And then the Democrats appeared to be truly puzzled as to why the white working class jumped en masse into the arms of Donald Trump in 2016.

I have an 4-minute audio clip of Barack Obama in 2008 making promise after promise after promise, most of which he not only never followed up on but in many cases he did the complete polar opposite of what he had ‘promised’ during his initial campaign.  He made numerous fervent and passionate promises that Wall Street would play no role in his White House, for instance.  After he was elected — and before he even assumed the office — Barack Obama announced that Larry Summers and Robert Rubin would be heading his economic team — the very same Wall Street insiders who had brought us the Great Collapse of 2007 in the first place.

Then, when Barack Obama thew Main Street under the bus whilst simultaneously funneling trillions of dollars to the Wall Street thieves who caused that whole mess in the first place, and when Barack Obama turned out to be a prototypical corporate war monger and war criminal, and when he started mass-murdering children all over the planet using remote controlled flying robots, I was able to say that I had told them so — but not only did no one seem to care, but they would generally get upset if I brought up these facts.

And to be clear:  They were not upset by the facts — they were upset over the fact that I was mentioning those facts.

I also noted the fact that the large and active anti-war movement that had been thriving during the George W. Bush years evaporated almost without a trace immediately upon Obama’s election — which I suspect was one of his central purposes as far as the War Machine was concerned for their installment of Barack Obama into the White House.

As Obama’s administration progressed and as I saw everything I had been warning people about coming to pass — and as I saw that everyone on the Left had begun wearing blinders and were refusing to acknowledge that Obama was a wholly owned subsidiary of the War Machine —  I started noticing a very disturbing tendency in Mr. Hartmann’s coverage:  While he would regularly call out individual Democrats over corporate malfeasance, when push came to shove Thom Hartmann invariably started spouting the same crap that got us into this mess in the first place, i.e. we needed to support the ‘lesser evil’ of the Democrats or the ‘greater evil’ of the Republicans would win.

One of the many problems with this strategy, though, is that the lesser evil is still evil.  Another problem is that the lesser evil not only makes only token gestures (if that) against that greater evil, but the lesser evil usually ends up merely enabling the greater evil — and the Democratic Party is an almost stereotypical example of all that.

The Democratic Party is a pacifier that the War Machine sticks in our leftist mouths so that they can shut us up without having to provide us any actual substance.

For instance:  During the first two years of Obama’s administration, the Democrats had a large majority in the House and a 60-vote super-majority in the Senate.  They could have done anything they wanted — yet they did nothing.  They could have codified abortion rights into federal law, for instance.  They could have repealed Taft Hartley.

Again:  They could have literally done anything they wanted to do — yet they did NOTHING.

Then, as I listened to Thom Hartmann’s heap praise upon Barack Obama whilst simply ignoring Obama’s Wall Street-centric economic policies and Obama’s heinous war crimes and Obama’s attacks on our most basic civil liberties, I became slowly disenchanted with his program until, finally, I heard Thom Hartmann refer to leftist critics of Barack Obama as “…whiny progressives who didn’t get everything they wanted.”

With an utterly disgusted expletive, I shut off the Thom Hartmann Program and I never listened again until recently, when I stumbled over his show on KPFK, the Pacifica outlet in Los Angeles.

I decided to see where he was at these days — and sure enough, Thom Hartmann has now become a full-throated supporter of the numerous war profiteers who completely dominate the Biden administration (i.e. Anthony Blinken, Lloyd Austin, Jake Sullivan, Avril what’s her name, and even Susan Frigging Rice — amongst many others — who spent the Trump years whoring for war contractors).  According to Thom Hartmann, the Western Powers are the white knights riding to rescue the world from the arch-evil Putin — even though Putin is not doing anything the Americans themselves have not done dozens of times over the years, with one big difference being that — unlike the Americans — the Russians actually have vital strategic national security interests at stake here.

I would turn this around on Mr. Hartmann and ask him what he would think were the Russians to support a military coup that overthrew the elected government of Mexico, installed a Russian-friendly regime there, and then started building Russian military bases and missile silos right on the American border?  Does anyone think that anyone else would accept that for one second?

Yes, the Russians are a bunch of murdering psychopaths — but so are the Ukrainians.  Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world and both the Ukrainian government and the Ukrainian military have significant factions of pure-bred Nazis within their ranks — and as I said, the current government came to power as a result of an American-backed coup against the legitimate government.

Yes, that government was also totally corrupt — but that’s beside the point here…

Since Joe Biden has completely failed to follow up on virtually any of the promises he made during his campaign (in most cases, he did not even make an attempt) then the Democrats are in deep political doo doo and there is nothing like a war to pump up the old approval ratings — but even that is failing to prop them up properly.  In spite of wall-to-wall propaganda and in spite of outright censorship of critics, the Ukraine conflict is failing to ignite the imaginations of most Americans as any kind of vital national security interest — especially since more and more people everyday are finding themselves no longer able to financially afford to be alive anymore — but that’s also beside the point here…

The point here is that the War Machine now has a brand new conflict so they can continue funneling all of America’s treasure into America’s never-ending wars and making sure that all those war profits continue pouring into their secret bank accounts overseas rather than to building a society that is worth living in — and rarely has that Machine had a better ally in those efforts than Joe Biden, who refuses to even discuss negotiations of any kind in Ukraine and who simply wants to keep pouring a waterfall of gasoline onto that fire and to continue shoveling tens of billions of dollars into the coffers of Lockheed Martin and Raytheon under the guise of aid to Ukraine in order to prove Joe Biden is ready to fight the Russians down to the last Ukrainian.

I don’t know if Thom Hartmann actually believes the crap that he espouses or if he is a paid shill — and I don’t know which of those possibilities would be worse.  Then man has millions of dedicated fans, and as mentioned, I was one of his most dedicated fans for many years.

He is very good at what he does.

It is hard for me to believe that anyone as knowledgeable and as insightful as Thom Hartmann is could be so deluded.

However, if the War Machine is indeed paying him to spout his pro-war crap — then I would suggest they probably aren’t paying him enough.

It’s time to get to work…



The Olympia Action Alert

June 30th 2022



1A) Actions from WWFOR

I got this message from the Western Washington Fellowship of Reconciliation:

Following is a list of regional activities from WWFOR calendar covering most of the summer:


1B) Report from the Citizens for a Clean Black Lake

I got this message from Esther:

Please accept this and the attached list of chemicals  as my public comment, due by June 17.  

I'm attaching a  list of the chemicals that were found at the Asarco Smelter. This is a verifiable list compiled by the EPA which I obtained from a resident of Pierce County who has tracked the Smelter for decades. None of the named chemicals have been or plan to be tested for in the proposed fill.  Please consider the effects of these chemicals on the public health.

Also, even if the arsenic levels are below MTCA levels, arsenic is a cumulative poison that with continual exposure can build up in human bodies to the point of causing organ failure, cognitive changes and death.  I hope the County considers the possibility of future liability lawsuits from injured parties that live on or near this site.

Also, since the runoff from this site heads to Black Lake which empties into Budd Inlet, any approval must go through federal agencies charged with enforcement of the Endangered Species Act to protect the almost extinct salmon and orcas.  I noted from public comments that there also is Mazama pocket gopher in the area.

Since this site is in a high groundwater area, seepage into the groundwaters that supply the aquifers for the entire County are threatened by any toxic releases.  Considering the extensive list of chemicals that are not being tested for, on their own or in combination, it would be nothing less than unconscionable for the County to approve importing contaminated fill on an uncontaminated parcel and then site families with children and pets on top of it to breathe in the toxic fumes, dig in the chemically laden dirt and drink the chemically laden water.  

The Public Health is the County's primary responsibility.  Before importing huge quantities of fill into a residential area, the County has a duty to fully test for ANY AND ALL toxic substances that can cause injury and contaminate our groundwater and PROVE that no danger exists.

Thank you for your serious consideration of the dangers of this project.  

Esther Kronenberg


1C) Link to Michael Moore's 2007 movie "Sicko"

I got this information from Glen:

This insightful, easy-to-understand and enjoyable-to-watch movie exposes the stupidity and corruption of the U.S. health care “system” which enriches insurance companies and Big Pharma (and corrupts politicians) but hurts everyone else.


Michael Moore contrasts the U.S. system with the public health systems in Canada and the U.K. and France and Cuba.  In all four nations, taxes pay for a much better system that provides EVERYONE with FREE, HIGH QUALITY health care.


Watch this movie for FREE at this link:



1D) Appeal of DNR Permit to Log Cooper Point Rd

I got this message from Esther:

Dear Friends,

I write to inform you of a clearcut by a private landowner that is imminent on Cooper Point Rd NW and 20th Ave, just across from the Sundberg Gravel Pit.  

The clearcut will destroy a Legacy Forest within Olympia city limits of the Green Cove Creek Basin that borders the Cooper Crest open space and Green Cove Creek,  and is close to The Evergreen State College's environmental preserve and old growth forest.  The site is a critical area for aquifer recharge, threatened species and landslides.  The loss of this forest will create conditions  that greatly exacerbate the possibility of flooding, fire, landslides, contamination of ground and surface waters, damage to road and culvert infrastructure and destruction of fish habitat in the federally protected waters of the United States.  The naked top of this highest hill in Olympia will be the site of the first slash burn in more than a decade and to be replanted using chemical herbicides.  This will add to the load of contamination which already exists across the street at the Sundberg Gravel Pit that we fought to get on Ecology's Model Toxic Control Act list.

The City of Olympia and Thurston County have no jurisdiction over DNR policies as currently written.  That is a whole other issue that needs attention in the future.

Please read the attached appeal.  If you agree and are outraged by the loss of this pristine woodland that will damage the wellbeing of residents and the ecosystem for decades to come so that a few private individuals from outside the area can make a quick profit, please consider signing on.  

We will deal with the after effects and try to bring some light to this dark situation to guide future policies and practices.  We are painfully learning that we need to connect in mutual support to protect our home and its forest, fish and wildlife, and to weather the calamities that the near future will bring.


For now, we are asking for you to consider joining our appeal.  Please respond to this email if you want to add your name.   I will keep you all informed of any subsequent actions we plan resulting from this project.  I plan to submit this first thing Monday morning, so please contact me before then to be included.

You can also use our document as a template to craft your own message.    All documents are due by July 9 to the 3 addresses below.  

 Pollution Control Hearings Board  -

Office of the Attorney General, Natural Resources Division

Department of Natural Resources, South Puget Sound Region

If you would like copies of the large attachments that we filed with this appeal, let me know by email and I will send them to you.

Thank you for all support

Esther Kronenberg


1E) More Information on Proposed Cooper Point Clearcut

I got this message from Oly Ecosystems:

Clearcut Imminent in Green Cove Creek Watershed Adjacent to Cooper Crest Open Space

A clearcut by a private landowner is imminent on Cooper Point Rd NW and 20th Ave. The cutting has been authorized by the WA Department of Natural Resources. This area includes the headwaters of one arm of the Green Cove Creek - Olympia's best potential salmon recovery habitat. An appeal is being filed by the Green Cove Defense Committee, but time is short and conservation is the only long-term solution.

The clearcut would destroy a legacy forest within Olympia city limits in the Green Cove Creek Basin that borders the Cooper Crest Open Space and Green Cove Creek, and is close to The Evergreen State College's environmental preserve and old growth forest. The site is a critical area for aquifer recharge, provides habitat to threatened species, and stabilizes the slope to prevent landslides. The loss of this forest would create conditions that greatly exacerbate the possibility of flooding, fire, landslides, contamination of ground and surface waters, damage to road and culvert infrastructure, and destruction of fish habitat in the federally protected waters of the United States. The naked top of this highest hill in Olympia would be the site of the first slash burn in more than a decade and is to be replanted using chemical herbicides, seriously endangering water quality and salmonid health in the basin.

The City of Olympia and Thurston County have no jurisdiction over DNR policies as currently written. This case highlights a set of circumstances that must be addressed in policy changes at the City and County level. We will work on that, but regrettably, policy changes will not come fast enough for this area.

Further downstream, the County is dealing with a collapsed culvert under Country Club Dr. NW situated on an extremely steep slope. The County is in the midst of restoring fish passage at this junction at the cost of millions of dollars to accommodate the more than 1000 salmon that made it to the culvert this past year in search of upstream habitat that they could not reach. At present, another big storm could potentially cause a landslide that would completely block the stream and/or damage the present bridge.

Increased runoff from the logging of these 22 acres is inevitable and a direct threat downstream to the integrity of Green Cove Creek, to property and infrastructure, and to fish habitat, all of which the County is spending millions to enhance and protect just from the rainfall alone. Since this area has an extremely high pressure aquifer where water comes up out of the 320-foot high hill and flows in all directions, water is likely to come up and out faster when the ground is cut open by logging skidders.

The deadline for the appeal is July 9th. If you wish to join the appeal as a signatory, please reach out to Charlotte Persons ( before COB Monday, June 27th.

You can also use the language below as a template to craft your own message. All documents are due by July 9 to (ALL) the 3 addresses below.  

Pollution Control Hearings Board  -

Office of the Attorney General, Natural Resources Division

Department of Natural Resources, South Puget Sound Region

If you would like to support this appeal, you can send this short message by July 9. You can also add your own concerns and/or knowledge to the message. Thank you!


RE: Forest Practice Application #2422931 - Cooper Crest, Olympia WA

Dear Government Agency,

I join/support the administrative Appeal submitted to your office on the above noted FPA application. 


Your Name

Please send your message to ALL of the recipients below:

Pollution Control Hearings Board  -

Office of the Attorney General, Natural Resources Division

Department of Natural Resources, South Puget Sound Region

Realistically, Conservation is the only answer

Ultimately, this property and the other remaining key properties of the Green Cove Creek watershed can only be saved through conservation. 

A successful appeal can slow the process and perhaps reduce some - but not all - of the damage.

The cost of acquisition from the private owner may be about $650K. With a successful appeal, time and negotiations will ultimately determine the cost. If you can make a significant donation towards protecting this area, please contact OlyEcosystems at

The future of Green Cove Creek depends on it.


2) Bonus Tip of the Day:

Stop supporting war.





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