The Thunderbolt 220224 - The Same Old Same Old Same Old

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Dana Walker

Feb 24, 2022, 5:38:20 AM2/24/22
to OCFB Listserve

The Thunderbolt

News — Commentary — Calendar of Activist Events — Dumb Jokes




1) FYI Section: Citizens for a Clean Black Lake Arise

2) Visionary Organizers Fighting Colonization

3) Public Hearing to Dissolve the Black Lake Special District

4) Bonus Tip of the Day


A detailed description of all events is located after the News and Commentary section

To go directly to an event description just type the index entry above into a search box





The Same Old Same Old Same Old





How to Become an ‘Influencer’!


Hey, People!


Yes, I know:  It’s been awhile.


I was just thinking that maybe I could be motivated to start producing regular newsletters again if I could convince some right-wing group or school board somewhere to officially ban my newsletter so that I could become famous too!


Who knows?  Maybe I could become an ‘influencer’!



The Same Old Same Old Same Old


Yes, the bus is taking the bulk of my time and energy these days — but yet another reason that production has seriously fallen off of late is because we are seriously losing and I’m sick of watching it.


For instance:  Lately there is non-stop wall-to-wall coverage of this ginned up choreographed passion play labeled the ‘Ukraine Crisis’ that is being created out of whole cloth so that all the war profiteers who so thoroughly infest Joe Biden’s White House can all cash in on the manufactured hysteria.  Even frigging Democracy Now chimed in trying to produce terror amongst their listeners and viewers at the thought of a Ukrainian nuclear power plant being blown up during this ‘crisis’.


The Russians themselves insist they have no intention of invading Ukraine.


The Ukrainians themselves insist that the Russians have no intention of invading Ukraine.


In spite of all that, and in spite of Russia’s very real security concerns, the Western Media is simply repeating State Department and CIA propaganda word-by-word insisting that Russia is about to invade Ukraine.  This is nearly textbook:  They keep accusing Russia of all kinds of heinous actions and intentions, including planning ‘false flag’ attacks, probably in order to cover up ‘false flag’ attacks organized by the Western powers, and they make these allegations and accusations without a single shred of actual evidence to back any of it.


And everyone seems to be falling for it.  Again.  WMD’s in Iraq notwithstanding.


And that is why we are losing.  The elites are already getting everything they want from you, right now, exactly as things are.  They aren’t constructing a cage for you — they are merely tightening the bolts on a cage that was already constructed a long time ago.  We are losing because the elites have evolved an understanding that you can exert a lot more control over a population with mass-scale psychological manipulation than you can with overt force.  They have been developing the science of mass-scale psychological manipulation ever since World War I and they have been refining and improving their game for the entire 100+ years since that time to the point where they can now make large masses of people believe pretty much anything they want them to believe.


Even if elite interests are eventually able to surgically implant microchips into our brains and/or some other method of controlling everything that we think and/or do, I can’t think of anything that they might want to make us think and/or do that is significantly different from what the overwhelming majority of us are already thinking and/or doing.


Meanwhile, Cancel Culture is killing the left with their never-ending circular firing squads even as the Right is getting activated organized and ready to take back the federal government.


I’m tired of it, and I’m taking a break from it.  I’ll still be around — and you will probably still hear from me now and then — and I’m going to continue airing reruns of the radio show every week for the foreseeable future, as I have almost ten years worth of shows collected now, so it’s not like I need to keep playing the same thing over and over.


And as far as that goes, while it is good for playing reruns of my radio show, the fact that most of those old shows are still totally relevant is very bad for the world at large and that is a major part of what I’m talking about here.  Even listening to those old shows makes me tired.



Consider this possibility:  The real obstacle to peace and human harmony on this Earth is not so much opposing ideologies as the fact that all attempts to see clearly what's really going on are being actively obstructed and then manipulated by elitist propaganda that promotes their own petty interests at very great cost to the planet in general and the rest of humanity in particular.



It’s time to get to work…





The Olympia Action Alert

Week of February 24th thru March 8th, 2022




1) FYI Section: Citizens for a Clean Black Lake Arise


There are all kinds of secret meetings and skullduggery going on concerning a private/public management district at Black Lake


I got this information from Esther:


Hello Friends,


Thank you all for your support for Citizens for a Clean Black Lake in our drive to restore  and stop the spraying of toxic chemicals into the Lake, which comprises a large portion of the County's sole source aquifer.  


Through hard work and collaboration, we overcame some significant roadblocks from the County and finally got it to set a Public Hearing on dissolving the current Black Lake Flood Control District.  This is the first step to having the County,  local municipalities, state agencies and citizen groups assume responsibility for the protection of our Strategic Groundwater Reservation and the restoration of Black Lake to a healthy ecosystem.


Protect Black Lake


As you probably know, Suzanne Kline, who spearheaded Citizens for a Clean Black Lake and was its Co-Chair, recently succumbed to a fast acting cancer, the kind of cancer tied to exposure to some of the toxic chemicals being used on Black Lake.  Her vision of a Lake restored to health where kids can swim and life can flourish free of the perils of pollution as nature intended,  is one I think we all share.  The best way we can honor Suzanne is to join with her in spirit and express our most reasonable and heartfelt wishes to the County Commissioners for the well-being of Black Lake and all its life.  


Below is a link to a Take Action page that will allow you to register for the Public Hearing, and/or submit an email to the Commissioners in advance of March 8.  Please take a few moments to do so, and also please send it to your contacts so that together we can show the Commissioners that protecting our drinking water and respecting and restoring Black Lake is a high priority for many Thurston County residents.  


Protect Black Lake - Link to the Public Hearing and more information


For those of you who are interested, below are 2 more links to articles in The Intercept detailing the capture of the EPA by industry, and a recent Federal Court case which determined the EPA and the Department of Ecology were not upholding the federal Clean Water Act.


Federal court case     How pesticide companies corrupted the EPA

Whistleblowers expose corruption in the EPA


There will also be an article in the March issue of Works in Progress, and Jerry Dierker and I will speak about Black Lake on Parallel University on KAOS this Thursday at noon.  


Wishing you all the best and thank you for your support,



From: Esther Grace Kronenberg <>





2) Visionary Organizers Fighting Colonization from Turtle Island to Palestine to the Philippines

Sunday February 27th

2 pm on Zoom


I got this message from Rochelle:


Visionary Organizers Fighting Colonization from Turtle Island to Palestine to the Philippines


Register at: https:/


Indigenous people are leading and winning fights to protect people, the planet and what is sacred. Come listen to, learn from, and be inspired by visionaries who have been organizing at the forefront of movements from the Philippines, to Minnesota, to Palestine. Three brilliant community organizers will speak with us about the ongoing colonization of these places, and the politics and strategies of decolonial resistance. We will be joined by Big Wind (Two Spirit member of the Northern Arapahoe tribe), Mohammed El-Kurd (Palestinian author and organizer), and Angelica Lin (Solidarity Officer of GABRIELA USA speaking on the Philippines).


There will be Spanish language interpretation, sign language and closed captioning. If your organization is interested in co-sponsoring please reach out to


Thank you to our co-sponsors including SURJ, Garbiela USA, Indigenous Solidarity Network, Yalla Indivisble, and JVP Boston!

Description: mage

Sunday, February 27, 2022 at 2 PM


Description: mage

Register: https:/





3) Public Hearing to Dissolve the Black Lake Special District

Tuesday March 8th

3 pm on Zoom


This is in association with the Black Lake information in the FYI section.  I got this invormation from Esther:


The Public Hearing to Dissolve the Black Lake Special District is set for March 8 at 3 PM.  Please share this information with others concerned about the quality of our drinking water and our water resources.  The Hearing will most likely only be via Zoom.  Here is the link:


After registering, you should receive a link to the meeting.  


If you can't attend but would like to submit comments anytime ahead of March 8, you can email the County Commissioners at: or you can cut and paste the individual Commissioner emails from the message below.


I'm forwarding our last letter to the Commissioners emphasizing that the County is not responsible for the bond that was issued for the 2021 alum treatment, and including a recent Court case in which a Federal judge found that the Department of Ecology has failed to adequately protect the waters of the State from toxic chemicals.  Since it was Ecology that issued the permit for the Black Lake District without any environmental assessment and which was based on inaccurate information, it makes it even more important that the Commissioners take appropriate action to protect our water through proper stormwater runoff management and enforcement of Board of Health laws for failing septic systems, both of which are the main contributors to Black Lake's water quality problems. 


Black Lake is in hydrologic continuity with the city wells of Tumwater and Olympia, overlies 16 Critical Area Recharge Areas, and forms a large portion of the Strategic Groundwater Reservation for the State Capitol, and state and local governments are legally responsible for its protection.  Besides the alum application that was done last spring, the only action the Black Lake District takes is to annually spray toxic carcinogenic herbicides, like diquat and glyphosate, into the water to control weeds, primarily so as not to damage their watercraft engines.


If you live in the District, you might also mention, as several residents have, that you are being unfairly taxed as a flood control district on a lake that doesn't flood and that the District Board is not responsive to residents.


I will send a separate email with a flyer that we will be distributing to Black Lake residents in the next few weeks.


Thanks for your support and for disseminating this information to your contacts.


All the best,



From: Esther Grace Kronenberg <>




4) Bonus Tip of the Day:


Don’t do the same old same old.










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