TB 211215 - Media Influence On Human Society

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Dana Walker

Dec 15, 2021, 7:41:10 AM12/15/21
to OCFB Listserve

The Thunderbolt

News — Commentary — Calendar of Activist Events — Dumb Jokes




1) FYI Section:

  1A) Information from Glen Anderson

  1B) Reforming the Espionage Act

2) Documentary on Berta Cáceras

3) Bonus Tip of the Day


A detailed description of all events is located after the News and Commentary section

To go directly to an event description just type the index entry above into a search box





Media Influence On Human Society



A Blow for Freedom!


Hey, People!


With all its flaws, occasionally our great country does something that can make all Americans swell their chests with pride!


Yes, our own president Joe Biden recently did just that by striking a powerful and devastating blow against Chinese oppression by banning all American diplomats from attending the upcoming Olympic games in China!


Boy!  The Chinese better watch their P’s and Q’s or the next thing you know Biden’s going to be hitting them with a strongly worded statement at the UN or something!


Yes, we must consider all of the devastated fans who will no longer be able to see their favourite diplomats at the Olympic games — and consider the distraught athletes who were so looking forward to having the Secretary of Transportation there cheering them on.  They must now look elsewhere for their motivation and inspiration…


And while most American’s alarm over this development was probably mitigated by the fact that hardly anyone knew that diplomats even attended Olympic games in the first place, that is irrelevant!  This is simply the right thing to do and I think that we could use a little more personal sacrifice for the greater good anyway!



Take that, you Chinese oppressors you!



Leveraging Freedom


Information is power.  That is why our information is so censored and manipulated.  That is why Wikileaks is such a vital service and why there needs to be serious pushback to the persecution of Julian Assange.


Julian Assange has not only been the most effective journalist of the 21st Century thus far, but he has outdone everyone else combined.  In my opinion, Julian Assange should be receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom.


When they first published their information, Wikileaks partnered with the Guardian and the New York Times in order to professionally vet the information in order to make sure that no information that would compromise national security or endanger individuals was released.


In return for this due diligence, Wikileaks has been the target of relentless and vicious attacks from all quarters, including even media sources that didn’t hesitate to use Wikileaks files to win Pulitzer Prizes for themselves even as they were condemning Julian Assange — and I am convinced that a lot of this was because Mr. Assange scooped all of them and made them look bad by comparison.


Well — Wikileaks has information, and information is power:  In retaliation for the brutal persecution and torture of Mr. Assange, Wikileaks has just dumped ALL of their information online.


All of it.


Take that.


I just got this from AZ:


After The Royal Court of Justice UK allowed extradition of Julian Assage, Wikileaks just dumped all of their files online. Yep. Everything from Hillary Clinton's emails, Vegas shooting done by an FBI sniper, Steve Jobs' HIV letter, PedoPodesta, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Bilderberg, CIA agents arrested for rape, WHO pandemic... Happy Digging! Here you go, read and pass it on...


Index file: https://file.wikileaks.org/file/?fbclid=IwAR2U_Evqah_Qy2wxNY12FMqFC5dAFUcZL5Kl4FIfQuMFMp8ssbM46oHXWMI


Send to everyone you can as fast as you can


Looks like it will be a very busy time for the Media!


Index of /file/




An Inquiry into Freedom


In an interesting move, a Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry has been established in Poland to look into “unlawful actions taken with regard to Covid-19”.


According to reports, the Nuremberg 2.0 project is a civic initiative with the aim of collecting historical and legal documentation describing acts of crimes, lawlessness, abuses and omissions of public authority and to document individual tragedies unknown to the wider public today.


According to Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, “The virus is no more dangerous than the common flu.  The survival rate is 99.97%.  Children, statistically, have no risk of getting sick or dying from Covid. The PCR test to detect infection is totally unreliable and the way Prof. Christian Drosten set his test up was guaranteed to produce 100% false positives.


If you look at the damage that results from these measures then you know what this is about.   Because what we have learned from all the people we have listened to, including of course the psychiatrists and psychologists, it looks as though this damage is not accidental but intentional.”





The Monopolization of Everything


Have you ever heard of the ‘investment firms’ of Vanguard or of Black Rock?


You should.  They own your world.  Literally.


I have repeatedly pointed out that nearly everything in the world is owned and/or controlled by a small handful of people.  You probably thought that Jeff Bezos owns Amazon and that Mark Zuckerberg owns Facebook, right?


Wrong.  The majority of shares of both Facebook and Amazon are not only owned by ‘investment firms’, but they are largely the same handful of investment firms that also own pretty much everything else in the world that has any real value.


These same handful of ‘investment firms’ also own all of the major media outlets, often through yet other companies that they also own.




This video shows a revealing clip of news anchors from newsrooms all across the country — lots of them — saying exactly the same things using exactly the same words, as if their narrative was being dictated from some central information clearinghouse.  Over and over and over and over again — numerous talking heads from numerous mainstream media outlets using exactly the same words over and over again…


This video points out how this same small handful of ‘investment firms’ own not only all of the tech giants (including all of the allegedly ‘competing’ interests) but they also own every major food distributor as well as all of the major food brands.  Every single major brand of food you buy is owned by a small handful of giant agribusiness firms that are themselves owned by this small group of ‘investment firms’.


The same people own both Pepsi and Coca Cola.  (And you thought they were competitors, eh?)



These same people also own Exxon, Apple, Google, and all of the subsidiaries that are themselves owned by them or that they are themselves owned by.


These same people own Ebay.


Other areas that are only mentioned briefly in this video wherein these people utterly dominate everything are the NGO’s, universities, social justice organizations, and especially ‘environmental’ organizations.


This video does an eye-opening little sequence for the average family planning a vacation:  They first get travel information probably from Expedia or Sky scanner — both owned by these investment firms — then they fly on American or United or Delta — it doesn’t matter because they are all owned by these same investment firms as well — and you fly on jets made by Boeing or Airbus — both owned by these same investment firms.  If you book a room through Groupon, Booking Dot Com or Air B&B, well guess who owns all of those?  If you use Trip Advisor — well, guess who owns Trip Advisor?  The fuel in your jet is sold by these same people and the steel in your jet was mined by these same people and then manufactured by these same people.  They own all of the major oil companies as well as all the major solar panel production facilities.  They own all of the raw materials extraction, and all the companies that turn those raw materials into everything else we use and they own most of the retailers who actually sell us everything we use.


And — this very same small group of people who own everything also, of course, own the pharmaceutical industry.  They own Bayer, which owns Monsanto, which produces most of the cotton on the planet as well as the companies (i.e. Nike, Levis, Ralph Lauren, etc.) that convert that cotton into cotton products — and Monsanto also owns most of the seeds that are necessary for modern agriculture.  The same small group of ‘investors’ also own Moderna, Biontech, Astra Zeneca, Abbot Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson.


The same people.


Here is the best website for tracking these people that I have found thus far:




That video also highlighted a character that I’ve Thunderbolted many times before named Klaus Schwab, a German businessman who wrote a book that basically details exactly how the elites are going to turn the mass of humanity into their slaves for the rest of eternity.


It was Klaus Schwab who coined the term “The Great Reset”.  What he means by that is that all countries need to start suborning their sovereignty to a ‘world government’ that will know what is best for everyone.


Mr. Schwab has labeled his ‘Great Reset’ plan for world domination as “Build Back Better”.


That is not a joke — nor is it a coincidence.  That same video goes on to show a clip of over a dozen world leaders who, like their media counterparts, are all saying exactly the same things and even using exactly the same words as they explained to their respective countries how we need to “build back better…”



Go to Little Sis and you can start looking up who owns what and what owns who and who is on which boards of directors and who is on numerous boards of directors — and the same few names and the same few ‘investment firms’ keep popping up everywhere on every side and in every aspect.



It’s almost like a conspiracy or something…



Guest Writer: “Media Influence On Human Society is Deeper Than We Imagined


Liberal values of inclusivity have been twisted around.  Now, in order to be inclusive, you have to exclude all people who don’t share your particular definition of ‘inclusive.’  In order to be a team player, you have to excommunicate all people who don’t define ‘working together as a team’ in the same way that you do.  In order to ‘save humanity,’ as a liberal you are now expected to ridicule or ignore the part of humanity that has been injured or has died in a non-sanctioned manner.



While I can’t find the actual data, I once heard Thom Hartmann say that the top budget priority for the United States government for the first 100 years of our existence was the post office.  The reason for that was because the founders knew if their experiment in democracy was going to work and if the people were going to run the government then the people needed to know what was going on; the post office used to be the central disseminator of information and outlays for the post office represented a huge government subsidy for the free press — and if you think our modern press is partisan and dishonest, the American press during the late 18th and early 19th Centuries make our current political discourse seem downright agreeable.


Since I don’t really have anything this week again I have taken the liberty of reprinting an email I recently received from a friend of mine named Segue, that I know from my Seattle days back in the 90’s and it’s kind of funny because back then we were both almost totally non-political (I was a pot dealer for a good part of that time, which meant I couldn’t afford to be political) and in fact I never remember discussing political issues with Segue at all back then — but these days we now are both now buried neck-deep.


That is why I spend so much time on media manipulation.  We need credible information in order to make informed decisions and a lack of credible information is one of our central issues these days.


Anyway, I got this important information from Segue and I wanted to share it:


It’s simply astounding how fast all of this is happening.  I would like to share perspective of where we are at as humans.


Increasingly, it is becoming clear that the entire narrative of human culture is being steered and defined by media messages.  We all know that advertising works. If it didn’t, companies wouldn’t do it.  And we all think that we aren’t influenced by ads for products, but if we weren’t, again, companies wouldn’t put the effort in to make them.


Because even if you personally don’t buy that particular product, someone else is, someone who is your neighbor, co-worker, family member of a friend, and so on. So the products—and the values they represent—surround us in our world.


And the values promulgated by these ads speak to —but also shape— cultural norms and expectations.  For example, clean, streamlined, new, shiny are all considered desirable characteristics by our society at-large.  And anyone who doesn’t subscribe to all of those values is still relating to the dominant narrative by rebelling in some way.  It simply can’t be ignored.


Now, as you may already know, advertisers have been getting more sophisticated about their techniques used to sell products.  We have heard of the importance of ‘branding.’  So one example is how now companies focus on selling more than just a products, they work to sell a ‘brand’ and to associate a set of values or qualities with that brand or label.


A sort of meta-marketing approach.


I realized today just how far beyond this we have come.


In 2020, as the lockdowns initiated, the world’s people reacted with concern and confusion.  People sought answers and came to conclusions in the months following largely based upon the best information available to them at that time.


Sources of information varied widely however.  A few based their conclusions upon their own felt experiences or experiences of their peers, but because this was ‘novel’ and most of humanity didn’t have much experience yet to base opinions upon, most based them upon the opinions or stances of their peers, in order to maintain parity and connection with them.


Where were their peers getting their information?  For the most part, the news media (or media of some kind), either directly, or indirectly via social media.  And as we all know, different news media (we are including Q here and ALL media for the sake of discussion) have been promulgating wildly different messages.


The words that media (and corporations and government via media) utilized became the words we used.  We adopted the relationships between concepts that media defined.  We associated taking certain actions with innate human values based upon how media associated them.  We picked a group or camp to be associated with based upon how the media that we or our peers consumed were defining that group or camp or belief system.


In total, I’m now seeing how our entire organic culture is being subsumed by constructed messages promulgated by a handful of voices (and they ARE a handful, if you look at who is writing the checks).


And it’s subliminal, because you have to look at the spaces between the notes, as it were, to see it.


A great example is the redefinition of ‘liberal’ and ‘conservative.’  Liberals used to see themselves as on the fringes of society, the rebels pushed to the edges of mainstream culture for challenging and questioning the default narrative.  They saw themselves as more loving, accepting, open, freedom-loving and well-informed than traditionalists.   Conservatives used to see themselves as central to society, as the glue that held the entirety of ‘America’ together.  They saw themselves as maintaining and promoting the values that made America great and powerful and that could perpetuate that greatness and strength into perpetuity.  They saw themselves as committed, steadfast, foundational, enduring.


In 2020 (and it all got rolling with the 2016 presidential campaign), at some point, nearly all conservatives came to the startling conclusion that they had been muscled out of the central narrative.  The tables had turned.  In a very short period of time, media had redefined values central to the perpetuity of ‘America’ to be more in alignment with that of what liberals saw as important or valuable.  Conservatives found themselves pushed to the fringes and labeled as ‘conspiracy theorists,’ ‘Trumpers,’ ‘wingnuts,’ ‘extremists,’ ‘white supremacists’ and so on.   I’ve spoken with many conservatives who are astonished at how they now feel like an outcast in the nation they feel like they had made a lifelong commitment to build and sustain.  And liberals suddenly found themselves gleefully in power, shaping the dominant narrative.


Or did they?


After all, most ordinary liberals are as busy as everyone else, working harder than in previous decades to keep a roof over their head and food on their table.  So, who is having time to make decisions about what is important to liberals?


Liberal values of inclusivity have been twisted around.  Now, in order to be inclusive, you have to exclude all people who don’t share your particular definition of ‘inclusive.’  In order to be a team player, you have to excommunicate all people who don’t define ‘working together as a team’ in the same way that you do.  In order to ‘save humanity,’ as a liberal you are now expected to ridicule or ignore the part of humanity that has been injured or has died in a non-sanctioned manner.


In the past, I have encouraged you to see the documentaries ‘ShadowGate,’ ‘Network,’ ‘Wag the Dog,’ Hypernormalization,’ ‘Patriocracy,’ ‘The Social Dilemma,’ ‘The Corporation’ and ‘The Century of the Self.’


Have you seen them all yet?  If not, why not?  These are essential viewing, weapons of awareness that arm you and can protect you in this World War III, this War of Information.  What’s at stake is no less than your sanity and your soul.


If you want to remain human and to form satisfying organic natural relationships with the humans around you, it is absolutely essential to educate yourself to see HOW our relationships with ourselves and with each other are now being actively and aggressively manipulated by media messages.  It may have started thousands of years ago with organized religion and with State propaganda, but it didn’t stop there.  Now we are receiving messages that REFLECT the values of organized religion and State propaganda (and don’t forget the newest religion: money, promulgated by corporate culture), but sanitized of any direct relationship.


You need to learn how to SENSE what is not visible to the naked eye, to perceive how your emotions and perceptions and values are being toyed with by hidden interests and hidden agendas.


It may be the most important thing you do over the next 4 years, is to train yourself to really perceive the less-filtered and more personal organic essential truth, independent of —but not ignorant of— the messages bombarding you via technology-enabled media on a daily basis.  ALL of the messages, not just the ones with which you disagree.


This is important.  Make a deeper understanding of propaganda and marketing techniques a top priority.  Talk to immigrants from fascist and communist countries, read cultish manifestos and CIA documents on influence.  Learn about experiments in human behavior (such as Jonestown) and what was learned.  In this zeitgeist, the penalties for failing to do so could cost you everything.


With care,





Well said.  It’s time to get to work…





FYI Section:


1A) Information from Glen Anderson


Surprisingly enough, I got this information from Glen:


I keep posting information about a wide variety of issues to my blog, www.parallaxperspectives.org


Currently, THE ITEMS LISTED BELOW are the 10 most recent:

· Let’s use more HUMOR in our political organizing! It’s a creative way to overcome people’s barriers to fresh ideas!

· COP26: Information, Analyses, Successes, Shortcomings

· Nonviolent Grassroots Organizing Creates Light and Progress

· President Reagan armed and supported Saddam Hussein

· Death penalty worldwide: Executions declined. Here are new numbers by country.

· Our world on the verge of transition

· CALENDAR of events on many issues from MON NOV 29 through December

· Some ironies about guns

· Understanding Environmental Water Quality Problems and Solutions

· Proposing a Bold New Global Peace Movement Led by Women


The lower right corner of my blog’s home page lists many issue categories, so you may choose to see posts on each of those issues.  Visit www.parallaxperspectives.org so you can click any of the ones you want to read.  Click a category to see several pages of posts under that category.  (Many posts pertain to several categories.)


The green banner at the top of the home page:

· Allows you see ALL blog posts in chronological order

· Invites you to subscribe to future blog posts


Our world on the verge of transition:


“We are moving from a world in which individual choice and competition made sense to one in which collective choice and cooperation are necessary, not because ideologies have changed but because both the problems we face and the nature of the resources required to solve them have changed.


“When the costs of economic activity are collective, capitalism (i.e., private property rights and individual choice) is suicidal; when the benefits are collective (e.g., new vaccines for COVID, new forms of alternative energy), capitalism in inefficient.  The main challenge remains how deeply wedded politicians, economists and even the average person are to economic growth.


- Joshua Farley, University of Vermont, Professor of Community Development and Applied Economics


Glen Anderson (360) 491-9093 glenan...@integra.net

See information in various issue categories of my blog, www.parallaxperspectives.org




1B) Reforming the Espionage Act


I got this message from Janet:


Laws to control whistleblowers are seriously unfair.  They are not permitted to say why they leaked information, it is assumed they did it to harm the U.S. and they can't challenge that assumption.  Anything they leaked can be classified as top secret, even if it is not important to defense, for purposes of smearing the whistleblower.   Here is an update from Defending Rights And Dissent:


Last week, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) offered an amendment to the Protecting Our Democracy Act containing vital protections for national security whistleblowers. If passed Rep. Tlaib’s amendment would have made crucial reforms to the Espionage Act including 

  • Forcing prosecutors to prove a defendant had the specific intent to harm US national security
  • Requiring the national defense information at the heart of an Espionage Act prosecution be “properly classified”
  • Giving defendants the ability to testify about the purpose of their disclosure
  • Creating a public interest defense


Had the House Rules Committee ruled the amendment in order, it would have triggered a historic, once-in-103-year vote on reforming the Espionage Act. Unfortunately, yesterday the committee rejected the amendment as being out of order.


So, the reform was ruled "out of order," I don't know why, but the sponsors will try again.  Things are moving.  



  Janet Jordan





2) Documentary on Berta Cáceras


I got this message from the Radical Women of Seattle:


Berta Didn’t Die, She Multiplied

The political legacy of Berta Cáceras


This compelling 30-minute documentary centers on Berta Cáceras, the assassinated indigenous Honduran feminist and environmental leader. It highlights the activists who continue the fight with encouraging chants of “Berta didn’t die, she multiplied!” Learn about the Indigenous Lenca and Afro-Indigenous Garifuna peoples in their struggle against capitalism, patriarchy, racism and homophobia. The film illustrates how the movement organizes boldly despite violence from corporations, Honduran forces, and U.S. government interference. Discussion follows. Everyone welcome!

Register here: https://tinyurl.com/RWDecFilm

Sponsored by Radical Women
Info: RWse...@mindspring.com  facebook.com/RWseattle • 206-722-6057




3) Bonus Tip of the Day:


Don’t believe everything you read.










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