The Thunderbolt 220109 — The Warmongers Apotheosis (Reprint)

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Dana Walker

Jan 19, 2022, 5:09:06 AM1/19/22
to OCFB Listserve

The Thunderbolt

News — Commentary — Calendar of Activist Events — Dumb Jokes




1) FYI Section:

  1A) Latest Covid News

  1B) Information from Glen Anderson

2) Storytime Acupuncture:  Get Stuck for Stonewall

3) Bonus Tip of the Day


A detailed description of all events is located after the News and Commentary section

To go directly to an event description just type the index entry above into a search box





The Warmonger’s Apotheosis (Reprint)






January 6th Surprises


Hey, People!


Interesting fact:  The vast majority of the January 6th Coup participants who were arrested were otherwise ‘normal’ white people.  While the Loud Boys and the Oaf Keepers were definitely there organizing things and inciting riot, most of the participants that day were plumbers, businesspeople, professional people, and working people in every field.  They came from all 50 states.  Most were middle-aged.  Most of them were not there to overthrow the government.  One woman arrested said she didn’t even know that Congress was in joint session at the time.


Almost all of them stated they were simply doing what the President of the United States had told them to do.


Another interesting fact:  Both the organizers of the January 6th Coup Attempt and their co-conspirators in the Rump’s administration not only expected Antifa to stage a major counter-demonstration at the capitol on January 6th, but indeed, they were counting on it.  However — for once Antifa did the politically and strategically wise thing and they stayed the F%#K away from the January 6th insanity — and as it turns out it was an especially good thing that Antifa did stay away since a key part of the right wing plan to subvert the election consisted of the Loud Boys and the Oaf Keepers inciting violence with the Antifa factions whereupon the Rump would declare a ‘national emergency’ due to rioting outside the capitol thus forcing him as president to suspend both the elections and the Constitution so that he could deal with Antifa’s violent assault upon our democracy.


Then, once that ‘national emergency’ was declared, he would simply fail to un-declare it and remain president.


He could legally do that.  Jay Inslee has been assuming ‘emergency powers’ right here in Washington State ever since Covid broke out.


Several corporate mouths evidently didn’t get the memo in time since right at first there were several news reports that blamed Antifa for the violence — but that position quickly became untenable due to a complete lack of any shred nor thread nor molecule of evidence to back that contention.


And consider:  It is possible that Antifa’s no-show saved our democracy on January 6th since with their non-presence they wrecked that entire plan and thus the January 6th Coup Attempt unfolded as it did without any doubts whatsoever as to who incited the violence…



The Warmonger’s Apotheosis (Reprint)


The fact that Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin are wagging their penises at each other again should come as absolutely no surprise to Thunderbolt readers since immediately after Biden won the election I pointed out that most of Biden’s proposed advisory team — including especially Secretary of State nominee Anthony Blinkin — was made up of a bunch of war profiteers.  Literally.  They spent the Trump years lobbying for various arms manufacturers.


However, since some of you may have missed that article, I have decided to reprint it in the current context not only of hostilities possibly breaking out yet once again with Russia but hostilities breaking out yet once again with Russia based upon pure bullshite…



Now that the ironic exception of Donald Trump is out of the way, never-ending interventionist wars are likely to once again become a bi-partisan issue.  I say ‘ironic’ because Trump was the first president since Dwight Eisenhower who did not take us into a new war and in fact Trump’s distaste for foreign military entanglements was one of the only shining lights of his entire administration.


As a result, though, the war profiteers backed Biden much more than they backed Trump and they are now publicly stating that with Biden’s election then they have nothing to worry about.


A Joe Biden administration is going to continue the traditional American policy of bread and circus for the American public and fiery death and destruction for vast swaths of the rest of the planet.


Therefore, I can guarantee that Joe Biden is gearing up once again to begin rattling sabers in order to make all of his defense contractor/campaign contributor friends happy — and indeed, nearly every candidate for a cabinet post shares a long history of both promoting every interventionist war that ever came along and then extracting huge financial profits from those wars.  Don’t look for Alexandria or Bernie or even Elizabeth to be advising our president in cabinet meetings; instead we’ll reportedly be seeing people such as Susan Rice, who is evidently being resurrected from whatever mediocre oblivion she’s been so deservedly living in for the last few years to begin officially warmongering again, most likely this time against China and Russia.  Since leaving the spotlight Susan Rice has been deeply involved with the Center for a New American Security [CNAS] which is a for-profit think tank specializing in ‘US national security issues’.   CNAS is a very small but very influential organization that mostly advocates policies of sabre rattling at China and Russia.  Biden’s nominee for Secretary of Defense Michèle Flournoy is a founding member of CNAS.  (More on her in a minute…)  Kamala Harris is also an enthusiastic supporter of CNAS policies.  Some of the CNAS’s top donors include war-profiteering luminaries such as Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems, Open Society Foundation, Airbus Group, The Boeing Company, Chevron Corporation, Lockheed Martin Corporation, Raytheon Company, the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office, BAE Systems, BP America and Exxon Mobil Corporation, and the US government.  CNAS carried a lot of weight with the Hillary Clinton campaign and they are now about to occupy several top spots in Biden’s administration.  Typically, Susan Rice is now lying about her documented enthusiasm for the Iraq Occupation at the time and she is now claiming that she had advocated for a short-term military intervention that she hadn’t been onboard with how far George Bush had taken everything.  That is pure bullshite.


Anthony Blinkin, now nominated for Secretary of State, was Biden’s long-time Senate foreign policy aide, meaning that he was involved in Biden’s promotion of all those never-ending interventionist wars all over the planet — and it was Mr. Blinkin, in fact, that was largely responsible for crafting many of the excuses that Joe Biden used to justify invading and occupying Iraq.  And remember:  The Democrats had the Senate at the time and Joe Biden was the chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee at the time, which was the key committee as far as getting the Iraq invasion passed through the Senate.  Both Biden and Blinkin enthusiastically promoted the lies that were used to justify the Iraq invasion and occupation, and they both continued to promote those lies long after they had been exposed as lies — and now Biden is lying about his role in that fiasco as well.


Yes, his involvement in the Iraq occupation would certainly qualify Anthony Blinkin for a job with Biden’s team in and of itself — but that’s not all!  Mr. Blinkin is also an active participant in the now time-honoured practice of using his political connections to make the Big Bucks!  Mr. Blinkin co-founded a company called WestExec Advisors, which pushed the Pentagram to award big fat contracts to the usual Silicone Valley suspects in order to develop face recognition software for use in killer drones — and so Anthony Blinkin not only made lots of money from his Iraq policies but he directly profited from supplying some of the weapons used for the mass murder of mostly civilians that was part of those policies in Iraq, and in numerous other locales as well.


Then we have Nicholas Burns, a National Security Council staff member under George W. Bush.  Mr. Burns was also a cheerleader for the Iraq invasion and he referred to Edward Snowden as a “traitor”.


Ah — and welcome Avril Haines back into the fold as the nominee for Director of National Intelligence!  Former Deputy Director of the CIA and former Deputy National Security Advisor who was responsible for compiling all of those ‘kill lists’ that were presented to Barack Obama every week so he could decide who would be blown to bits with a predator drone — along with whatever civilians happened to be in the general area at the time.  In other words, Avril Haines was deciding who deserved to live and who deserved to die — along with whatever civilians happened to be in the general area at the time.  People like that make me very nervous.  It was also Ms. Haines who redacted the Senate report on torture under the Bush administration to the point of pointlessness, and it was Avril Haines who undermined the CIA’s Inspector General by refusing to punish the CIA personnel who were caught spying on US senators.  Avril Haines also combines her political clout with financial interests, as she also spent time as a lobbyist for Palantir, a tech company that contracts with ICE to digitally profile immigrants for deportation.


It would seem that Avril Haines will also fit right into the Biden Administration.


Then we have Jake Sullivan, nominee for Biden’s White House National Security Adviser!  Amongst other feats, Mr. Sullivan was an aide to Hillary Clinton when he helped convince Barack Obama to go into Libya and institute ‘regime change’.  Boy, that operation was certainly a big bang success!  They did indeed get rid of Gadhafi!  True, along with the traditional mass-slaughter of civilians, Libya was transformed from a wealthy, vibrant, and educated country into a burnt-out cluster-f*%k with rival warlords battling over whatever territory was still standing — and true, the intervention created a whole new weapons pipeline between various terrorist organizations throughout several other countries — and true, Libya has now become a completely lawless free-for-all with literal slave markets operating openly on the streets of Tripoli — but at least Gadhafi is gone!


Of course the person who thought that all of that was a good idea should be back in the White House influencing presidents again!


Kathleen Hicks was an undersecretary of defense in the Obama administration and then later an employee of the Center for Strategic and International Studies [CSIS] a think tank funded by a host of NATO governments, oil firms, and weapons makers such as Northrop Grumman, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, and General Atomics.  General Atomics produced the Predator drones used by the Obama administration to kill thousands of civilians in throughout the Middle East and Africa.  Hicks was a vocal opponent of the Rump’s plan to withdraw US troops from Germany.


Two other members of Biden’s Pentagon team, Andrew Hunter and Melissa Dalton also served in Obama’s Defense Department, and also moved from there to CSIS.


And we can’t forget Michèle Flournoy!  She is Biden’s pick to run the Pentagram and she has an even more impressive resume:  Former national security official in the Bush administration, she is now with the American Enterprise Institute — probably the most influential warmongering think tank in Washington DC.  Michèle Flournoy was Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy under Bill Clinton and Under Secretary of Defense for Policy under Barack Obama, as well as a principal advisor to US Secretaries of Defense Robert Gates and Leon Panetta from February 2009 to February 2012.  There were lots and lots of war crimes under her watch that she presumably ‘advised’ upon.  Flournoy was the principal author of the May 1997 Quadrennial Defense Review [QDR] that advocated the unilateral use of military power in defense of US interests.  Michèle Flournoy crafted the Obama Administration's policy of counter-insurgency in Afghanistan (i.e. mass-murdering civilians with drones) and along with Jake Sullivan she was instrumental in helping persuade the Obomber to intervene militarily in Libya.  And — surprise, surprise! —Ms. Flournoy has also very successfully cashed in on her ‘public service’:  Along with Susan Rice, Michèle Flournoy co-founded the aforementioned Center for a New American Security [CNAS].  Flournoy then joined the Boston Consulting Group as a senior advisor — where she oversaw the development of $32 million in military contracts for that lucky company.  Then, in 2018, Flournoy went big time and joined the board of Booz Allen Hamilton, that infamous publicly traded consulting firm that makes so very many dollars from so very many military contracts.  Ms. Flournoy also joined Anthony Blinkin over at WestExec Advisors, where she was also a co-founder as well as the actual managing partner.


Busy lady…



So — with the Biden Administration we have all the war makers and all the war profiteers all in the same package!  Now they’re in charge again!


What could go wrong…?



See For Yourself…


So — I just gave you a whole bunch of information, and I did so ignoring my usual policy of providing links to source material.  I did that because ALL of this stuff is right out there in the public record, it is ALL easy to find, and every single person and every single company and every single organization that I mention in this week’s feature article can easily be easily researched.  I would encourage you to do that just to prove to yourself how easy it is to find this kind of information — and then consider the fact that no one in the Media Machine ever so much as mentions any of these connections.


It is not as if those connections don’t stick out like a big sore thumb…


Most people don’t do their own research, though.  They depend upon the media.  Therefore, since the media never talks about all of these corrupt and interest-conflicted connections then virtually no one knows about all of these corrupt and interest-conflicted connections.  What makes this truly horrific and what makes all of this so vitally important is that this lack of informed consent is probably the number one reason that the United States keeps engaging in all of these endless wars.  I am convinced that this lack of information amongst the general public is why our government keeps getting away with reducing large swaths of the planet into burned out wastelands and why the keep getting away with killing hundreds of thousands of mostly innocent people and leaving millions of others fleeing for their lives.



This lack of basic information is why we need publications such as the Thunderbolt.



It’s time to get to work…





The Olympia Action Alert

Week of January 19th thru January 25th, 2022




FYI Section:


1A) Latest Covid News


There is lots of information about Covid that is not making the news.


I got this message from OA:


Dear, friends - perhaps you have read all these studies, back when they were first published, I'd assume?  Also, I'm sure you're aware that most black people in New York City (~70%) are aware of the risks of getting 'the illness', but still prefer not to get the new gene-therapies?  [Same thing is happening in LA]  And, that there is a digital passport system in place there that bars them from entering restaurants, etc.?  Even though much of that population was generationally born-and-raised in NYC, an urban environment that has been heartbreakingly ravaged by gentrification, in no small part by the major tech/media companies and their employees, etc., whom support the implementation of that very same digital passport system (because they profit from and funded it)?  The black and minority populations there - I'd venture to say - aren't generally uninformed, nor are they Republicans, nor are they the 'religious Right'.


What would you say to them?  How do these facts square with your politics?  And, if you weren't already made aware of such things, why do you think it is that your favorite ("independent") news outlet didn't mention them, earlier*?

"Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States"

"... fully vaccinated individuals with breakthrough infections have peak viral load similar to unvaccinated cases and can efficiently transmit infection in household settings, including to fully vaccinated contacts."

"As this field continues to develop, clinicians and public health practitioners should consider vaccinated persons who become infected with SARS-CoV-2 to be no less infectious than unvaccinated persons."

"... data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial"

"We find the 'fact check' performed by Lead Stories to be inaccurate, incompetent and irresponsible."

"Acknowledging residual uncertainties, the available evidence suggests average global IFR of ~0.15% and ~1.5-2.0 billion infections by February 2021 with substantial differences in IFR and in infection spread across continents, countries and locations."

"In people < 70 years, infection fatality rates ranged from 0.00% to 0.31% with crude and corrected medians of 0.05%."

"Age-specific mortality and immunity patterns of SARS-CoV-2 [We find that age-specific IFRs estimated by the ensemble model range from 0.001% (95% credible interval, 0–0.001) in those aged 5–9 years old (range, 0–0.002% across individual national-level seroprevalence surveys) to 8.29% (95% credible intervals, 7.11–9.59%) in those aged 80+ (range, 2.49–15.55% across individual national-level seroprevalence surveys).]"

"This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity."

"The natural immune protection that develops after a SARS-CoV-2 infection offers considerably more of a shield against the Delta variant of the pandemic coronavirus than two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, according to a large Israeli study..."

"Children develop robust and sustained cross-reactive spike-specific immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 infection"

"Had COVID? You’ll probably make antibodies for a lifetime"

"Lasting immunity found after recovery from COVID-19"

"Natural Immunity After COVID-19 Found Durable and Robust"

"Ultrapotent antibodies against diverse and highly transmissible SARS-CoV-2 variants"

"Robust T cell immunity in convalescent individuals with asymptomatic or mild COVID-19"

"No point vaccinating those who’ve had COVID-19: Cleveland Clinic study suggests"

"Individuals who have had SARS-CoV-2 infection are unlikely to benefit from COVID-19 vaccination, and vaccines can be safely prioritized to those who have not been infected before."

"Longitudinal analysis shows durable and broadimmune memory after SARS-CoV-2 infection withpersisting antibody responses and memory B andT cells"

"Comprehensive investigations revealed consistent pathophysiological alterations after vaccination with COVID-19 vaccines [This is a comprehensive investigation of the pathophysiological changes, including detailed immunological alterations in people after COVID-19 vaccination. Results indicated that vaccination, in addition to stimulating the generation of neutralizing antibodies, also influenced various health indicators including those related to diabetes, renal dysfunction, cholesterol metabolism, coagulation problems, electrolyte imbalance, in a way as if the volunteers experienced an infection.]"

"Given past data on multiple SARS-CoV-1 and MERS-CoV vaccine efforts have failed due to ADE (Antibody-Dependent Enhancement) in animal models (75, 81), it is reasonable to hypothesize a similar ADE risk for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies and vaccines."

"In conclusion, ADE may occur in people receiving vaccines based on the original Wuhan strain spike sequence (either mRNA or viral vectors) and then exposed to a Delta variant."

"Converging lines of evidence indicate that SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic, can pass from person to person in tiny droplets called aerosols that waft through the air and accumulate over time."

"Vaccines for COVID-19: Strong association with cardiovascular death, especially hemorrhagic stroke and venous thrombosis"

"Among the 469 cases in Massachusetts residents, 346 (74%) occurred in persons who were fully vaccinated ..."

"Penetration of cloth masks by particles was almost 97% ..."

"The overall reduction in ILI or laboratory-confirmed influenza cases in the face mask group was not significant in either studies ... None of the household studies reported a significant reduction in secondary laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infections in the face mask group."

"COVID-19: stigmatising the unvaccinated is not justified"

"Vitamin D and the Immune System"

"COVID-19 Mortality Risk Correlates Inversely with Vitamin D3 Status, and a Mortality Rate Close to Zero Could Theoretically Be Achieved at 50 ng/mL 25(OH)D3"

"Relative risk reduction and absolute risk reduction measures in the evaluation of clinical trial data are poorly understood by health professionals and the public. The absence of reported absolute risk reduction in COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials can lead to outcome reporting bias that affects the interpretation of vaccine efficacy."

"For three deaths prevented by vaccination we have to accept two inflicted by vaccination."

"Informed consent disclosure to vaccine trial subjects of risk of COVID-19 vaccines worsening clinical disease"

"Imperfect Vaccination Can Enhance the Transmission of Highly Virulent Pathogens"

"In the UK it was described that secondary attack rates among household contacts exposed to fully vaccinated index cases was similar to household contacts exposed to unvaccinated index cases (25% for vaccinated vs 23% for unvaccinated). 12 of 31 infections in fully vaccinated household contacts (39%) arose from fully vaccinated epidemiologically linked index cases. Peak viral load did not differ by vaccination status or variant type.  In Germany, the rate of symptomatic COVID-19 cases among the fully vaccinated (“breakthrough infections”) is reported weekly since 21. July 2021 and was 16.9% at that time among patients of 60 years and older. This proportion is increasing week by week and was 58.9% on 27. October 2021 providing clear evidence of the increasing relevance of the fully vaccinated as a possible source of transmission."

"Their ability to rapidly change their genome underlies their ability to emerge in novel hosts, escape vaccine-induced immunity ..."

"Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G"

"Individuals aged >=70 years vaccinated from 4th January had a similar underlying risk of COVID-19 to unvaccinated individuals. With BNT162b2, vaccine effectiveness reached 61% (95%CI 51-69%) from 28-34 days after vaccination then plateaued."

"Latest statistics on England mortality data suggest systematic mis-categorisation of vaccine status and uncertain effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccination"

"The result is that infected but vaccinated individuals have extended survival, allowing highly virulent pathogen that would normally reach an evolutionary dead-end in a dead host, can transmit. The evolutionary consequences of high virulence are thus reduced and these pathogens can be selectively favored as a result of leaky vaccination. "

"The risk of developing acute coronary syndrome (ACS) significantly increased in patients after receiving mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, according to a report presented at the American Heart Association (AHA) Scientific Sessions 2021, held from November 13 to 15, 2021."

"Previously, researchers had developed a pseudotyped virus system for SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, based on HIV-1 core, bearing virus spike protein."

"In earlier studies, we assessed the efficacy of previous natural infection as protection against reinfection with SARS-CoV-22,3 as being 85% or greater. Accordingly, for a person who has already had a primary infection, the risk of having a severe reinfection is only approximately 1% of the risk of a previously uninfected person having a severe primary infection."

"Endogenous Deficiency of Glutathione as the Most Likely Cause of Serious Manifestations and Death in COVID-19 Patients"

"Despite Sweden’s having kept schools and preschools open, we found a low incidence of severe Covid-19 among schoolchildren and children of preschool age during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Among the 1.95 million children who were 1 to 16 years of age, 15 children had Covid-19, MIS-C, or both conditions and were admitted to an ICU, which is equal to 1 child in 130,000."

"However, we find little evidence that lockdowns reduced fatalities, and though use of PCR testing resulted in more recorded infections, it was unassociated with fatalities."

"From March to June 2020, there were 4,476 deaths involving COVID-19 with no pre-existing conditions in England and Wales."

"We reported a potentially high false negative rate of real-time reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) testing for SARS-CoV-2 in the 610 hospitalized patients clinically diagnosed with COVID-19 during the 2019 outbreak."

"Pathogenic priming likely contributes to serious and critical illness and mortality in COVID-19 via autoimmunity"

"The potential danger of suboptimal antibody responses in COVID-19"

"A majority of uninfected adults show preexisting antibody reactivity against SARS-CoV-2"

"Some people who have recovered from COVID-19 might not benefit from COVID-19 vaccination. In fact, one study found that previous COVID-19 was associated with increased adverse events following vaccination with the Comirnaty BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine (Pfizer–BioNTech)."

"SARS-CoV-2-specific T cell immunity in cases of COVID-19 and SARS, and uninfected controls"

"Previous COVID-19 infection, but not Long-COVID, is associated with increased adverse events following BNT162b2/Pfizer vaccination"

"Minimal cross-over between mutations associated with Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 and CD8+ T cell epitopes identified in COVID-19 convalescent individuals"

"Decreased severity of disease during the first global omicron variant covid-19 outbreak in a large hospital in tshwane, south africa [Fewer than half (45%) of patients in COVID-19 wards compared to 99.5% in the first wave required oxygen supplementation. City and provincial rates show decoupling of cases, hospitalisations and deaths compared to previous waves, corroborating the clinical findings of milder omicron disease in the hospital.]"

"Ivermectin for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 Infection: A Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Trial Sequential Analysis to Inform Clinical Guidelines"

"Ivermectin as a SARS-CoV-2 Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Method in Healthcare Workers: A Propensity Score-Matched Retrospective Cohort Study [In 28 days of follow-up, significant protection of ivermectin preventing the infection from SARS-CoV-2 was observed: 1.8% compared to those who did not take it (6.6%; p-value = 0.006), with a risk reduction of 74% (HR 0.26, 95% CI [0.10,0.71]).]"

"Ivermectin: a multifaceted drug of Nobel prize-honoured distinction with indicated efficacy against a new global scourge, COVID-19"

"Hospital admissions and deaths from covid-19 are simply too uncommon in the population being studied for an effective vaccine to demonstrate statistically significant differences in a trial of 30,000 people. The same is true of its ability to save lives or prevent transmission: the trials are not designed to find out."

"Prolonged activation of nasal immune cell populations and development of tissue-resident SARS-CoV-2-specific CD8+ T cell responses following COVID-19 [Taken together, we demonstrated that SARS-CoV-2-specific CD8+ T cells in the nasal mucosa can persist for months after viral clearance. This suggests the establishment of local protective immune memory responses that could rapidly control and attenuate reinfections by SARS-CoV-2.]"

"Next, we showed that patients (n = 23) who recovered from SARS (the disease associated with SARS-CoV infection) possess long-lasting memory T cells that are reactive to the N protein of SARS-CoV 17 years after the outbreak of SARS in 2003; these T cells displayed robust cross-reactivity to the N protein of SARS-CoV-2. We also detected SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells in individuals with no history of SARS, COVID-19 or contact with individuals who had SARS and/or COVID-19 (n = 37). [Therefore, ORF1-specific T cells could hypothetically abort viral production by lysing SARS-CoV-2-infected cells before the formation of mature virions.]"


*this message not brought to you by Pfizer




1B) Information from Glen Anderson


I got this information from Glen:


I keep posting information about a wide variety of issues to my blog,


Currently, THE ITEMS LISTED BELOW are the 10 most recent:

· Bridging the gap between strategic and principled nonviolence

· Martin Luther King urged a “Radical Revolution of Values” — Learn about this here.

· Martin Luther King recognized very serious problems, but he remained hopeful. We can be hopeful too — and keep pushing ahead!

· The U.S.’s “democracy” is seriously weakening!

· Minimum wage is trapped too low. CEO/worker pay gap increases widely.

· “America First” is morally wrong, cruel, stupid, dangerous, and counter-productive in many ways

· Martin Luther King, Jr., spoke STRONGLY AGAINST nuclear weapons

· Let’s Recognize Legal Rights for Nature

· Links to very smart articles to help us communicate more effectively about the climate — and other issues too

· Good news! Chile’s voters elected a young, very progressive president!


The lower right corner of my blog’s home page lists many issue categories, so you may choose to see posts on each of those issues.  Visit so you can click any of the ones you want to read.  Click a category to see several pages of posts under that category.  (Many posts pertain to several categories.)


The green banner at the top of the home page:

· Allows you see ALL blog posts in chronological order

· Invites you to subscribe to future blog posts




2) Storytime Acupuncture:  Get Stuck for Stonewall

Saturday January 2nd

7 to 8 pm @ Unity Church, 1335 Fern St. SW


I got this message from Shelby:


I have some exciting news for you. January 22nd at 7-8pm-ish there will be a delightful event meant to entertain and enchant you for the evening. A local writer will be reading from a book of short adventure/fantasy stories while participants receive acupuncture. Treatments will be designed to relax the body and uplift the mind so you can dreamily listen to exciting tales of wonder and adventure. 


The cost is $30-60 sliding scale, all proceeds go to Stonewall Youth.

Location: Same place - inside Unity of Olympia at 1335 Fern St SW. 

Spots are limited- Sign up now!  

When: January 22nd 7pm-8pm-ish


The event requires proof of vaccination. Spots are limited, to sign up, send an email to  


Payment will be accepted at the door or you can pay ahead directly to Stonewall Youth using Venmo, CashApp, or mailing a check:


checks made out to: Stonewall Youth

Venmo: @stonewallyouth

CashApp: $StonewallYouth

Please write in the notes section "Storytime Acupuncture"


What is Stonewall Youth? Founded in 1991, Stonewall Youth is a youth-led organization that empowers LGBTQ+ youth to speak for themselves, support each other, educate our communities, and work for social justice. Stonewall Youth provides a fantastic array of crucial programming for the regions LGBTQ+ youth. You can read more about them here:


I hope you can come and enjoy a respite from the rain and cold and current day stresses. As usual masks will be required, chairs will be distanced, air filters on, and if you have any symptoms related to COVID- please stay home and rest. 


Take good care everybody! 





Olympia Community Acupuncture

Gentle, Affordable, Effective





3) Bonus Tip of the Day:


Pay attention to what they don’t tell you.










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