The Thunderbolt 211124 — Unsimple Truths in the Larger Context

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Dana Walker

Nov 24, 2021, 4:40:04 AM11/24/21
to OCFB Listserve

The Thunderbolt

News — Commentary — Calendar of Activist Events — Dumb Jokes




1) FYI Section:

  1A) RIP Larry Hildes

  1B) Breakdown of Talauna Reed Election

2) Bonus Tip of the Day


A detailed description of all events is located after the News and Commentary section

To go directly to an event description just type the index entry above into a search box





Unsimple Truths in the Larger Context





The Temporary Return of the Mad Thunderbolter


Hey, People!


In Kurt Vonnegut’s novel Cat’s Cradle, a mad scientist who is creating end-of-the-world weapons for the US military gets distracted by a personal side project and stops coming into work.  When government agents query the scientist’s children for ideas on how to get him to come back to work, they recommend stealing his personal project, whereupon the government sends in a team to do just that, whereupon the mad scientist, suddenly finding himself with nothing else to do, comes back to work again.


Anyway, now that I don’t have the bus project taking all my time and energy, I now have time and energy to start hurling Thunderbolts again…



Media Island: From Political Powerhouse to Not Much of Anything


I warned the community a long time ago that Media Island International had been converted from an invaluable community resource into and exclusive private club, and that I greatly feared for the future of both the organization in general and the radio station in particular.


Even though I had my whole life turned upside down because of that article, all of the facts I reported upon have since proven out and all the fears I expressed in that article appear to be coming true.  While it has taken longer than I expected, KOWA has been off the air for several weeks now, and since the new management at MII conducts their affairs with North Korea-levels of secrecy then I can’t find out why.  Nor could I find anything about how long this state of affairs is going to last.  There is a post on their website saying they’re building a new studio — which, along with the new solar panels and the new paint job and probably some other physical improvements that I’m not aware of, means that they’re spending a lot of money on physical infrastructure — but since they seem to be doing not much of anything else, that leads me to question what they are building all of this infrastructure to do?


One caveat, though, is that I did finally actually find something that the new crew over there has actually accomplished:  They successfully pushed the city to name the new municipal park at 911 Adams St. after a black businesswoman from 19th Century Olympia named Rebecca Howard.


At this period of history I cannot think of a better person to name a local park after than someone who from all accounts was both an historical black woman and an incredibly amazing and accomplished human being.


However, I can’t help but note that Media Island has thus gone from playing a central role in shutting down the whole WTO in 1999 and occupying the state capitol in 2011— to working with the City of Olympia to name parks.


Am I out of line to consider that a major comedown?


I have also learned that Media Island is no longer an ‘activist resource center’.  It has now been transformed into a ‘cultural center’.


And the frigging radio station!  There are people all over this country who would give a body part to have a broadcast license — yet the new MII crew seems to be treating the radio station like it is some kind of part-time nuisance or something.



Once again I plead:  If you can’t keep the radio station on the air then please give it back to those of us who not only can, but who in fact did for decades…



Self Offence


According to the verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse case, everyone on both sides will be able to bring all their guns to all of these actions — and then when the smoke clears all of the survivors will be able to claim ‘self defense’.


Concerning the details of that case though:  Mr. Rittenhouse claimed that Joseph Rosenbaum, the first person he shot and killed, was attacking him and trying to take his weapon.  Whether you believe that or not, that scenario is quite possible — and remember that the jury watched videos of the lead up to that shooting.  Anthony Huber, the second person he shot and killed, was attacking Mr. Rittenhouse with a skateboard, and Gaige Grosskreutz, the guy he shot in the arm, testified that he was pointing a gun at Mr. Rittenhouse at the time.


Mr. Huber and Mr. Grosskreutz considered Mr. Rittenhouse to be an active shooter and thus they both acted very heroically — and yes, Mr. Rittenhouse took a gun and crashed someone else’s party looking for trouble and he found it — but technically I’m afraid that his self-defense claim actually carries water.


The case of Ahmaud Arbery is an entirely different thing:  That was a modern day lynching.  The killers claim they were making a ‘citizen’s arrest’.  Making a ‘citizen’s arrest’ was indeed a legal thing to do in Georgia at that time (that law has since been rescinded) but they did not make their ‘citizens arrest’ claim to the responding officers at the time, and one of the legal requirements for making a ‘citizen’s arrest’ is that the arrester must personally witness the arrestee committing a crime — which in this case they did not witness Mr. Arbery committing any crimes and one of them admitted as much in court — meaning that they do not have a legal leg to stand on.


If those guys get away with what they did then that would be very bad — and since 11 of the 12 jury members consist of white people from southern Georgia then I’m thinking that at best there’s probably going to be a hung jury on this one.


The feds have filed their own charges, so there may eventually be some form of ‘justice’ in this case — but in any event a hung jury would be a very bad outcome in nearly every way and I really hope I am wrong and that they convict at least the actual shooter.



Unprecedented Admission


As usual, the most interesting aspect to the exoneration of Muhammad A. Aziz and Khalil Islam, the two men who were wrongly convicted men for the murder of Malcolm X, is not that two men spent decades in prison for something they didn’t do.  Nor is it particularly noteworthy that the FBI — from J. Edgar on down — knew full well that these two men were completely innocent the whole time and in fact conspired with the New York Police Department to conceal evidence that proved their innocence.  Anyone who studies cases such as these knows that this is pretty much standard operating procedure in cases that involve prominent dissidents.  Think Leonard Peltier.  Think Mumia Abu Jamal.  Think Assata Shakur.  Think MOVE.  Think Fred Hampton.  Think even Ken Kesey and Timothy Leary.  And then think about the fact that what was done to those people was done in the full light of journalistic scrutiny since those were all famous people — and then think what happens to all the non-famous people that they are able to railroad without anyone except the victims and their families even really noticing.


No, the most interesting aspect to this particular case is that the Machine is actually admitting it.  I can’t think of any other such politically prominent and explosive case in all American history where their Machine has publically admitted that they intentionally railroaded innocent men into prison for political reasons.


I don’t know what that says or what it will mean from here — but this is a very good thing.


Vampires cannot withstand sunlight.



So what’s next?  Are they finally going to admit that it was a cabal of very powerful people orchestrated by Allen Dulles who assassinated JFK?


Don’t hold your breath…



Un-Simple Truths


The Truth is rarely pure, and it is never simple…

      Oscar Wilde


I have come to the conclusion that this whole vaccination thing is so inter-tangled with so many other things that it is impossible to find out what is really going on.  Making things even more confusing is the fact that a whole bunch of crazy fact-free conspiracy theories concerning Covid and the vaccines are making the rounds, and I’m pretty sure this is happening at least partly because having a bunch of fact-free conspiracy theories floating around makes it very easy to discredit the actual researchers who are investigating the actual conspiracies concerning Covid and the vaccines — and the fact is that Black Rock, Vanguard, and all of the other Big Money Manipulators are all over every aspect of the vaccines and the lockdowns and the resultant economic disruptions and in fact they are behaving rather like sharks in a feeding frenzy — and so all of this means that we are being engulfed in a tidal wave of pure unadulterated bullshite.


And these days, the very best way to get yourself censored on social media is to publish any information that is critical of the lockdown/vaccine regimen in any way, even if you are sharing actual hard evidence that can’t really be disputed — in fact, especially if you are sharing actual hard evidence that can’t really be disputed.


Yet I suspect even many of the central players themselves have no idea of what all is going on in all kinds of various hidden nooks and crannies.  Anthony Fauchi is a lifelong tool of the pharmaceutical industry and Anthony Fauchi proved during the AIDS epidemic that he placed pharmaceutical profits over human lives — and in the lawsuit over the opioid crisis that our own Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson has filed he is saying out of one side of his mouth that the pharmaceutical industry are a bunch of sociopathic mass murderers when it comes to opioids — but out of the other side of that same mouth he is saying that we should blindly trust many of the very same people that he is suing when it comes to the Covid vaccines.


As far as that goes, here is new link that I got from SF to a British Medical Journal article indicating that Pfizer fudged their numbers by quite a bit in order to get their FDA approval:


And I keep getting disturbing information from a wide variety of normally trustable sources about other aspects of everything to do with Covid.


This is from the Lancet, for instance:  “Vaccination reduces the risk of delta variant infection and accelerates viral clearance.  Nonetheless, fully vaccinated individuals with breakthrough infections have peak viral load similar to unvaccinated cases and can efficiently transmit infection in household settings, including to fully vaccinated contacts.  Host–virus interactions early in infection may shape the entire viral trajectory.”


How many of you have heard about that?


And we now have a story from Italy, where the Italian Institute of Health recently released its most up-to-date Covid statistics and they learned that of all the people that died, only 2.9% had died with no comorbidities.  That means that only 3,783 deaths in Italy since the pandemic was declared were directly attributable to the virus alone.


And in yet another bizarre little twist, it turns out that when Anthony Fauchi was director of the NIAID, the NIAID funded research that literally involved torturing puppies.  While it is unclear whether Dr. Fauchi personally approved the projects or even knew about them — those are some truly terrible optics.


And then there is always the original Plandemic series, where they claim they were “100% censored and 0% debunked”.



Like I say — I don’t really know what to believe — and with the stakes that are at play here, that very monumentally sucks.



The Larger Contexts


And speaking of the stakes involved here, all of this must be viewed in the context of the fact that the Machine is using the pandemic and their proposed ‘digital vaccination passports’ to vastly accelerate their plans for a digital dystopia where everyone is completely enslaved by various tracking technologies.  Israel now requires ‘vaccine passports’ to do lots of things, and soon those ‘passports’ will be required to travel or work or go out in public…


i.e. the ‘’digital ID’ that they want to eventually assign to everyone everywhere so they can completely track everywhere you go and everyone you meet and so they can eventually completely control your access to your money and your health care and to everything else…


…and all of this needs to be understood in the even larger context that China is about to push the Western powers out of the Western Pacific and become the world’s leading hegemon.


Even as the West was dumping trillions of dollars into the black hole of Afghanistan, rather than treating the Third World as if they were basket cases in need of charity and/or helpless marks whose resources were to be looted, China instead began treating the Third World like an investment opportunity.


Rather than bombing everyone’s grandmothers, China has instead been building dams and roads.


And in that context, there is yet another highly relevant fact here that has largely been hidden from the American public:  China has been spending big bucks on their military over the last few years and they could now almost certainly defeat the American military in any conventional war fought in the Western Pacific.


Alfred McCoy laid all of this out in a recent segment on Democracy Now:


And another highly relevant fact in this context is the fact that China is an authoritarian nightmare.  All of the technologies I have been warning you about — all the tracking tech, all the smart grids, the cameras on every street corner, facial recognition software, tracking credit cards, ring cameras, digital currencies, social credit scores — all of these things are already in place in China.  This means that inside China it is now literally impossible to organize any resistance of any kind whatsoever to the Chinese Machine.  That is how they get away with silencing doctors who try to warn the world about Covid.  That is how they get away with conducting genocidal destruction of entire ethnic groups.  That is how they get away with disappearing world famous tennis stars who accuse high officials of sexual abuse.


And then — to expand the context even further — there is actually one area where we can take some comfort in that the reign of China as World Dominator is likely to be very short — though some may consider that comfort to be rather cold since the reason that the happy faced Chinese nightmare isn’t likely to enjoy their ascendency for very long is because climate change is about to wipe out China along with nearly everywhere else.


Researchers are predicting that within the next 30 years Shanghai will be underwater and that the Chinese northern plain will be uninhabitable during summer months due to daytime temperatures that will become so hot that a healthy person at complete rest will die of heat stroke unless they can find some kind of air conditioning — or a deep cave.



Civilization will have likely already collapsed by that point, and since a civilization is required for an all-seeing authoritarian super state, then at least our cave-dwelling survivors (if any) won’t be likely to be living under some authoritarian boot heel.


I guess we need to take comfort wherever we can.



Here’s some information for you:





1A) RIP Larry Hildes


Local activist attorney Larry Hildes passed this week.  I will let Larry’s colleagues over at the International Workers of the World [IWW] speak to that:


Fellow Workers,


 On Saturday morning, November 20th, at 3:30 AM, friend, Fellow Worker, musician, social activist, and legal attorney for the downtrodden and oppressed, Larry Hildes passed away quietly, surrounded by the love of his family who were close by.  Larry had been ailing with congestive heart failure for nearly four years which steadily progressed in severity and ultimately was the cause of his death.  He was preceded in death by his beloved wife FW Karen Weill, who died in March 2020 as the result of complications related to the removal of a brain tumor.  Larry lived in Bellingham, WA. He was a paid-up, charter member of the Whatcom-Skagit GMB.


A public funeral service is being arranged for this Tuesday. Please stand by for details. We hope Wobs will attend from far and near.


 Larry's work in taking on the legal struggles of those among us least able to defend ourselves in court was relentless and ongoing.  Over the years Larry never wavered in his commitment to seeking justice for those who had been victimized by the system. For the last few years FW Larry was Leonard Peltier's attorney. Larry first joined the IWW in 1990, when as a young attorney he participated in legal defense for IWWs and Earth First members during the famous 'Redwood Summer' environmental and organizing efforts. But despite this tremendous professional commitment to what were often frustrating and losing causes, Larry maintained a hopeful and optimistic outlook.  He also had a deep love of music, of travel, and of sports.  To the very end of his life he religiously attended online folk music circles during Covid, and was a contributor of many beautiful and powerful songs.  He loved baseball, enjoyed football, and was looking forward to being a Kraken fan. Larry was also one of the wickedly best punsters this world has ever produced.  


 Larry will be deeply missed by those who loved him, and yet those who cared for Larry breathe a deep sigh of relief as well today, for the simple reason that Larry is for the first time in a very long time, not suffering the pains of a disease that came to limit his life to the hotel room that he and Karen, had come call home.  


Larry, you may be gone, but you are still with us.

Your Wobbly friends and comrades,

Tuck, Scott, and Linda"




1B) Breakdown of Talauna Reed Election


Dan Leahy did a major breakdown of Talauna Reed’s run for City Council that is both interesting and would be useful for anyone wanting to get involved in local politics:


Dear Friends and Colleagues,


To my mind, Talauna Reed was the only person running for Olympia City Council who was not a person dedicated to selling our community to corporate investors like Walker John, J. Brent McKinley, Aaron Angelo, Ronald Dean Newman, Ken Brogan, Kyle Schrader or Kern Rexius.


As a result of her independent stance, I think it’s worth analyzing the shape of her vote, if only as a guide for those who might want to challenge the investor class supporters in the 2023 Council elections


I’ve included two charts. One is her vote tally broken down by four quadrants or neighborhoods. The second is a brief description of each precinct so you can get any idea where they are located. The best guide, however, is a precinct map that you can print off from the County auditor’s office.


Broadly speaking, she did well in the close-in precincts and lost in those precincts on the periphery of the four quadrants, i.e. those precincts farthest from the downtown core. 


For example, she did her best in the 12 NE precincts losing by only 259 votes and winning five of the 12 precincts. In the 9 precincts of the SW, she lost by 401 votes, but she received the highest number of votes city wide in the close-in precinct 28 which runs Harrison to 9th Avenue. Her greatest loss was in the two precincts south of Capital Mall and Ken Lake. In the 11 NW precincts, she lost by 470 votes. She won in three close-in precincts around the Garfield school, the Coop and Bing street, but lost in those precincts in and around Goldcrest. 


Probably, the most important quadrant in City elections is the SE with the largest number of registered voters, 13,936, and the highest voter turnout at 45.6% for the 21 precincts. Again, she did well in in three close-in precincts (5,15, and 50), but lost heavily in three of the cities largest precincts (48,9 and 35), two of which are east of Boundary Road; the other is the Ward Lake area. 


I think the precincts in the SE will continue to dominate City elections, unless voter turnout is increased in the SW and NW quadrants. Seven of the SE precincts had a voter turnout of 50% or more, ranging from 51.3% to 58.6%, all voting against Talauna Reed. In the SW, the largest precinct in the City, precinct 02 with 1,179 registered voters that runs along 9th Avenue SW, had a turnout of 25.2%. Talauna Reed lost this precinct by 2 votes. Another relative large precinct in the SW precinct 12 with 966 registered voters in the Yauger Park area had a turnout of 16.6%, the lowest in the City 


In the 11 NW precincts, two of them, 13 and 26, which run from Harrison to Bowman east of Division, voted at 57.5% and 55.7%. Talauna Reed won in 13 and lost 26 by only 9 votes. The NW would need to boost its voter turnout in the other close-in precincts if it is not going to be dominated by those larger precincts in the Goldcrest area. For example, while precinct 7 (Bing Street area) with 902 registered voters voted for Reed, it had the lowest turnout, 19.9%, of all NW precincts. 


If you hear of candidates like Talauna Reed who are considering running for City Council, perhaps you could pass this information on to them and their campaign team.


Of course, if you have any comments about ll of this, I'd love to hear from you.




Dan Leahy

1415 6th Avenue SW

(360) 402-0441




2) Bonus Tip of the Day:


Always question truths that seem too simple.










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