The Thunderbolt 211013 — Referred Action

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Dana Walker

Oct 13, 2021, 6:55:02 AM10/13/21
to OCFB Listserve

The Thunderbolt

News — Commentary — Calendar of Activist Events — Dumb Jokes




1) FYI Section:

  1A) Calendar of Events from Glen Anderson

  1B) Corporate-Backed Police Foundations Pose 'Threat to Democracy and Black Lives'

2) Bonus Tip of the Day


A detailed description of all events is located after the News and Commentary section

To go directly to an event description just type the index entry above into a search box





Referred Action





Referred Action


Hey, People!


Yes, I’m aware of the fact that I railed for two weeks in a row about the dearth of activism in Olympia — and now I’m basically taking a bunch of time off myself for a personal project.


Well — I need to take care of myself if I want to continue doing what I do and feathering a nest where I can be without worrying about coming up with extortionist rents has become part of taking care of myself.


I have included a full activist calendar from Glen Anderson this week (who seems to never take a break) and I intend to solicit information from others about the upcoming election as I’m not going to have time myself to cover it properly.


Once I get into a groove and once the novelty wears off a little then I imagine I will still be able to come up with a few things now and then, but for the next few months we’re very likely to have some foreshortened Thunderbolts.



Anyway, I need to go build a bus, so it’s time to get to work…





The Olympia Action Alert

Week of October 13th thru October 19th, 2021




1) FYI Section:


1A) Calendar of Events from Glen Anderson


I got all of this from Glen:


Monthly Events:


Climate:  Thurston Climate Action Team (TCAT) has active committees that meet monthly:  See their calendar at this link:


Climate:  Carbon Free Thurston (Thurston County WA) meets every third Wednesday of the month, alternating between 3:00 pm and 6:30 pm. For more information and Zoom link please email Tom Crawford at


Climate:  2nd Saturday of each month:  The Olympia area’s Citizens’ Climate Lobby invite you to their monthly meeting from 9:30 am to 12 noon to promote legislation to put a tax on carbon.  Citizens’ Climate Lobby is a non-profit, non-partisan, grassroots advocacy organization focused on national policies to relieve the climate crisis, especially by putting a price on carbon-based fuels.   Info: 


Immigrants’ rights:  1st Monday of each month:  The Olympia area’s Strengthening Sanctuary Alliance meets on the first Monday of each month from 6:00 to 8:00 pm (Pacific Time) on Zoom video conference. New members and ideas welcome. Contact:  or email direct to  or call (360) 570-0848


Nuclear weapons:  3rd Thursday of each month:  Nuclear weapons statewide meeting:  Washington Against Nuclear Weapons meets from 2:00 to 4:00 pm by Zoom video.  (The Olympia Coalition to Abolish Nuclear Weapons is an active member.)  Info: or (206) 547-2360  Olympia area info:  Glen Anderson (360) 491-9093


Nuclear weapons:  3rd Thursday of each month:  Olympia Coalition to Abolish Nuclear Weapons meets from 5:00 sharp to 7:00 pm by Zoom video.  Info:   Glen Anderson (360) 491-9093


Peace:  21st day of each month:  Participate in the Global Days of Listening, a monthly worldwide peace phone conversation organized by young people in Afghanistan:  Info:


Peace:  Olympia’s Veterans for Peace Chapter 109 (the Rachel Corrie Chapter) meets on the first Sunday of each month from 12 noon to 2 pm.  Info about the meetings – or about joining the local mailing list:  Mark Fleming or (360) 357-1060. Their website is


Weekly Events:


Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday (and anytime online):  “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” – Each month a new TV interview program focuses on an issue related to peace, social justice, environment, economics, or other progressive issue.  It airs three times a week on Thurston Community Media (cable channel 22 in Thurston County WA):  Mondays at 1:30 pm, Wednesdays at 5:00 pm, and Thursdays at 9:00 pm.  Also, people anywhere can watch at any time through Glen’s blog,  Each program is posted to the blog’s “TV Programs” category and also to categories related to the topic (e.g., “Peace” or “Economics”).  Each blog post includes a link to the video and a link to a thorough summary Glen typed up, so you can read what we said during the interview.  The thorough summary also includes links to many sources of information.  Info: Glen Anderson 491-9093


Info about the OCTOBER TV program:  “Religious Freedom – What it IS and What it is NOT -- The October 2021 episode of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series (watchable on your computer as well as local cable TV) provides fresh information and insights into some controversies that have confused and misled many Americans about many matters, including our human rights and how our government functions.


In a free society, people need to get along with each other – including people whose beliefs differ from each other – and we must protect fairness for all people.  This includes the relationships between religious beliefs and governments.


The October interview features a national-level expert who clarifies what religious freedom IS and what it is NOT.  We clear up confusion about the American principle of the separation of Church and State.  We set the record straight on how to protect religious freedom and our democracy and human rights.


My guest, Rob Boston, has worked many years for a nationwide organization that I support, Americans United for the Separation of Church and State.  Their website says:  “The wall of separation between church and state protects us all. It makes our country more fair, more equal and more inclusive.”  Their website says it envisions “a nation where everyone can freely choose a faith and support it voluntarily, or follow no religious or spiritual path at all, and where the government does not promote religion over non-religion or favor one faith over another.”


Thurston County’s people with cable TV can watch it 13 times throughout the month on channel 22 (every Monday at 1:30 pm, every Wednesday at 5:00 pm, and every Thursday at 9:00 pm). 


Also, before it debuts on TV on September 1, Glen Anderson will post it to his blog,, so people anywhere can watch it at any time. He will post the video and also a transcript of what he said during the TV program to three parts of his blog:  “TV Programs,” “Energy,” and “Climate.”

Questions?  Contact Glen Anderson, the TV series’ producer/host at (360) 491-9093  


Every Monday, Thursday and Saturday:  Olympia’s Veterans for Peace Chapter 109 (the Rachel Corrie Chapter) airs its TV Program (“The Veterans Hour”) at 5:00 every Monday, 8:00 pm every Thursday, and 2:00 pm every Saturday on Thurston Community Media cable channel 22 in Thurston County WA.  Also, people EVERYWHERE can watch them at ANY TIME through  Info:  Mark Fleming or (360) 357-1060.  The group’s website is


Wednesdays from 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm:  Peace Vigil in downtown Olympia WA in NW corner of Sylvester Park (at Legion & Capitol Way) has persisted every Wednesday since March 5, 1980, regardless of weather or holidays.  Please come for all or part of the hour to witness in a friendly way for peace and nonviolence.  We provide plenty of signs.  Masks required.  Space out 6+ feet apart.  Info:  (360) 491-9093 


Thursdays from 12:00 to 1:00 pm (Pacific Time):  Kim Dobson’s “Parallel University” on KAOS 89.3 FM interviews knowledgeable, interesting experts on peace, social justice, the environment, progressive politics, and other alternative viewpoints.  Info: Kim Dobson. 951-4382  Listen locally at 89.3 FM or anywhere at


Fridays from 4:30 to 6:00 pm in downtown Olympia WA:  Peace Vigil at Percival Landing’s south end and SW corner of 4th& Water.  Please join us for whatever length of time you can.  We provide plenty of signs.  The Artesian Rumble Arkestra street band joins us at 5:00 with lively music to support our vigil!  The vigil has persisted every Friday regardless of weather or holidays since November 1998.  Masks required.  Space out 6+ feet apart. Info: 491-9093 Info:  (360) 491-9093 and


Fridays from 5:00 to 6:00 pm in Olympia WA:  “Women in Black” Silent Vigil for Peace on the south side of W 4th Ave near the fountain (across the street from Olympia Oyster House). Women only. Please wear black. They provide signs. Since 1988 “Women in Black” has been a loose network of women worldwide opposed to war and violence.  Info:  (360) 866-6468 or (360) 866-4768 or


Daily Events:


Democracy Now! broadcasts news from a progressive perspective on TV and radio and e-mail.  See  For example, in Thurston County WA people can watch cable channel 22 every Monday through Friday from 5:00 to 6:00 a.m. and 3:00 to 4:00 p.m., and listen to KAOS 89.3 FM from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time (and through, adjusted for your time zone).


AlterNet (, Common Dreams (, Truthout (, CounterPunch News (, and other internet sources send news collections every day by e-mail and post them to their websites.  You may sign up through their websites to receive daily e-mails.  If you want additional recommendations, contact Glen Anderson at (360) 491-9093  


Here is an easy way to learn about important federal legislation and policies about nuclear weapons (and also the historic Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons):  Glen Anderson compiled information and posted it to his blog:


Thurston Climate Action Team (TCAT) has a calendar listing many climate-related and environmental activities throughout the month.  See their calendar at this link:


FRI OCT 1 THROUGH SUN OCT 31:  The Center for Constitutional Rights invites you to watch powerfully informative films in its month-long “War on Terror” Film Festival:  This series ( is a month-long, virtual program organized by the Coalition for Civil Freedoms featuring 20 award-winning films made over the last 20 years that document abuses, highlight crimes, and satirize absurdities of the so-called “War on Terror.”  This virtual film festival will take viewers on a journey to bear witness to the devastating consequences of the United States’ wars and security state. Together, these films paint a picture of the experiences of those who bore the brunt of U.S. post-9/11 policies, as well as their pain, hope, and resilience.


The slate of featured films include documentary and narrative features and cut across genres from drama to comedy--and include some of Center for Constitutional Rights’ staff favorites! From the Oscar-winning Citizenfour and Taxi to the Dark Side to the Oscar-nominated Dirty Wars and the highly-acclaimed The Mauritanian, Four Lions, Fahrenheit 9/11 and The Feeling of Being Watched, these films shine a spotlight on the wars on Afghanistan and Iraq, indefinite detention at Guantánamo Bay prison, torture, and surveillance. Each screening will be accompanied by a panel discussion with filmmakers, actors, scholars, survivors, and resisters, who will reflect on the challenges of living through these policies and telling these stories.


All films and panel discussions will be accessible through the website. Register to receive email updates and full, free access to watch the films.

The Center for Constitutional Rights stands with social justice movements and communities under threat—fusing litigation, advocacy, and narrative shifting to dismantle systems of oppression regardless of the risk.


FRI OCT 1 TO THURS NOV 11:  The Spiritual Wisdom of Trees: Insights from Our Elders:  The Center for Spirituality in Nature is offering this 6-week interactive online course on lessons we can learn from trees.  Info:


SAT OCT 9:  Webinar on “Linking Space & Climate Crisis – The Latest News from Indo-Pacific”  Hear several expert speakers at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time.  To join, CLICK THES ZOOM LINK here


SAT OCT 9 and the next three Saturdays:  FREE ONLINE COURSE:  “Nuclear Weapons Nowadays:  What You Can Know and Do” – Four well informed members of the Olympia Coalition to Abolish Nuclear Weapons have conducted this FREE course about ten times – and we keep receiving rave reviews!  Many Americans stopped paying attention to nuclear weapons 3 decades ago when the Cold War ended.  Much has changed since then.  This course will bring you up to date with fascinating new information!  Many of the people who took our course were already well informed – and these experts learned a lot more!  Some people liked the course so well that they took it a second time!  We invite you to SIGN UP NOW for this highly informative and inspiring 4-session course in October.  It is FREE and online.  It includes solid information, links to resources, and discussions.  You may choose either TUESDAYS (5-7 pm Pacific Time) or SATURDAYS (10 am to 12 noon Pacific Time).  See more information at this post on Glen’s blog:  To sign up, please contact Joanne Dufour at  If you have questions, please e-mail Glen Anderson or phone me at (360) 491-9093.


SAT-SUN OCT 9-10 and SAT-SUN OCT 16-17:  Learn how to organize for more profound democracy, including the rights of nature and people-powered solidarity with the environment:  A Virtual Democracy School will be conducted by the Snohomish County Community Rights (SCCR) on these four days from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 pm Pacific Time.  It is based on the insights and activities of the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF)Educating yourself and your community is one of the most powerful steps toward change you can make.  Democracy School is a stimulating and illuminating virtual course that teaches residents and activists an empowering new approach about how to reframe exhausting and often discouraging single-issue work – such as banning pesticides, halting overdevelopment, protecting water and watersheds, and addressing climate change – in a way that we can confront corporate control and government interference on a powerful front: the people’s right of local self-governance and Nature’s rights.  More information and registration  Also see the Website post  Space is limited. Please register soon.  More info:  Snohomish County Community Rights


MON OCT 11:  The KEEP YOUR PROMISES RALLY in Tacokma urges Congress to protect immigrants’ rights and pass BOTH the infrastructure package and the Build Back Better package.  As Congress struggles to pass the Infrastructure and Build Back Better Bills, the promised pathway to citizenship might get dropped out of this crucial legislation.  We can't let this happen!  Immigrant advocates have called for a National Week of Action to demand that our Democratic legislators keep their promise to deliver on citizenship this year.  Many organizations in Washington State that support immigrants’ rights are organizing and supporting today’s rally.  It runs from 5:30 to 7:00 pm at the Northwest Detention Center, 1623 East J Street, Tacoma.  At 5:30 people can gather, get to know each other, and make signs before the one-hour rally starts at 6:00.  Info:  Register here:


MON-FRI OCT 11-15:  The People Vs. Fossil Fuels - Week of Action:  The excellent non-profit organization Beyond Extreme Energy ( invites all of us to take very strong nonviolent actions now to keep global temperature increases below 1.5o Centigrade.  Despite Biden's promises of making the U.S. a global climate leader, he has taken no steps to halt fossil fuel development and his infrastructure plan is a mire of false solutions.  From October 11 to 15 thousands of people are taking action in Washington D.C. as part of the People vs. Fossil Fuels week of action. We invite you to join us in taking non-violent direct action to increase the pressure on the Biden Administration. You’ll be joined by frontline activists fighting against fossil fuel expansion, indigenous organizers fighting for land sovereignty, and community members fighting against environmental racism.  For more information and to sign up, CLICK THESE LINKS:  Sign up to take part here:  and


WED OCT 13:  Learn how to do “Deep Canvassing” in order to significantly strengthen outreach and build stronger grassroots movements:  Are you interested in making our world a better place and learning how to build bridges across differences? Join the next round of skills training offered by the Deep Canvass Institute!  Our hope for a better world requires the ability to listen to each other and find common ground and deep canvassing helps you to build the skills that we need to strengthen and build a truly multiracial democracy.  The New York Times highlighted deep canvassing as one of the ideas to help make the world better. Come and learn the skills to help listen without judgment and build connections across differences. The training starts with actually participating in a deep canvass phone bank and then we have two follow up sessions that help you to build rapport; share your own story; and listen with compassionate curiosity.  People’s Action and the New Conversation Initiative have launched the Deep Canvass Institute to help train tens of thousands of people to have hundreds of thousands of these types of powerful and courageous conversations that can transform our country. Join us!


·         STEP 1: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, from 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Eastern: Minneapolis Deep Canvass Phonebank and Training: learn to make deep canvass calls with our Transforming Public Safety campaign in partnership with TakeAction Minnesota.


·         STEP 2: MONDAY, OCTOBER 18, & TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, from 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.: Skills include: Building Rapport, Compassionate Curiosity, Storytelling, Assertiveness and Redirects.


This is sponsored by People’s Action (, which empowers people to make progress on a variety of progressive issues.  Register here


WED OCT 13:  How Washington state can fix our Mental Health Care CRISIS:  Suicide is the tenth leading cause of death overall in the U.S., and the second leading cause of death among youth and young adults aged 10-34.  What makes this problem worse is that millions of Americans cannot access or afford behavioral health care, and the pandemic has made America’s mental health crisis even worse!  Join Health Care for All - WA on Wednesday, October 13 at 7:00 p.m., for “How Washington state can fix our Mental Health Care CRISIS.”  Our special guest, Katherine Seibel, MSSW, from the Washington state chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness will review the victories for behavioral health care in the 2021 Legislative Session and address the priorities for next year.  Bring a friend and share with your networks!  RSVP hereHealth Care for All-WA has been working effectively for many years to promote Universal Single-Payer Health Care statewide.  See their website:


THURS OCT 14:  Town Hall:  Governmental corruption and the decline in public trust:  The public is increasingly alarmed and angry that all levels of government have been corrupted.  This has weakened the public’s trust in government.  That endangers democracy even further!  Today’s nationwide virtual event will help you understand why trust in government is so low — and what Congress can do about it.  Representative Abigail Spanberger (D-VA) will headline the event, and her remarks will be followed by a discussion with a panel of experts on government corruption.  If you register ahead of time, you can submit questions before the event starts.  It runs from 2:30 to 3:30 pm Eastern Time (11:30-12:30 Pacific Time).  Register Now


THURS OCT 14:  Talk online with progressive prosecuting attorney Larry Krasner about how to significantly reform the criminal justice system:  In 2017, Philadelphia’s voters elected Larry Krasner, an absolutely transformational leader to become Philadelphia's District Attorney.  As one of the first truly progressive District Attorneys of a major American city, Krasner has reformed sentencing guidelines and eliminated the use of cash bail in many cases.  He has placed his focus on fighting for stronger rehabilitative services, working with community activists, and fundamentally shifting away from punishment and towards rehabilitation.  A civil rights lawyer with a track record of successfully holding the police accountable, Larry Krasner is one of the most prolific and important figures in the criminal justice movement.  Here is your opportunity to join with Larry Krasner and other progressives in discussing his book For the People: A Story of Justice and Power – and his inspiring vision of how people can take back power to establish real justice.  So, whether you've already read the book or haven't and just want to learn more about criminal justice in America, please join us on October 14th at 6:30 pm ET to be a part of the conversation.  That’s 3:30 pm Pacific Time.  RSVP HERE:


FRI-SUN OCT 15-17:  Celebrate draft resistance through the film “The Boys Who Said NO!” by participating in the Gala Online Film Launch and watch the film online during this 48-hour opportunity:  While the film is continuing a successful film festival run – invited to screen in nine festivals and winning four top awards – it's now time to get the film out more widely to reach and inspire a broader audience. Starting Friday October 15 at 3 pm PDT the film will be available for 48 hours to view online.  An hour-long livestream event will follow on Sunday, October 17 at 5 pm PDT, featuring an online discussion with Joan Baez, Daniel Ellsberg, David Harris, Mandy Carter and me. The event will include a special tribute to our film’s founding producer, Christopher Jones, as well as an update on pending legislation that will require young women to register for the draft.  Tickets are $12 to view both the film and the livestream event. Click below to order your tickets.  Following the Gala Launch, the film will be available for community screenings and classroom use. We're also working with an agent to pursue national broadcast and streaming options.  We hope you'll join us for the Gala Online Film Launch –– and share this great opportunity with others nationwideGet more information – and your Gala Event tickets – here:


TUES OCT 19:  Strengthen the campaign for No First Use of nuclear weapons:  David Borris, a peace activist active in the No First Use campaign, will speak in the middle of the U.S., so our Pacific Time will likely be 5:00-6:00 pm through Zoom.  Get the Zoom link from Walt Zlotow,


TUES OCT 19:  The Rights of Nature: Saving the Planet or Harmful to Humanity?  This is part of the weekly webinar series sponsored by Gonzaga University’s Climate Center.  The “rights of nature” concept asserts that the environmental regulatory system – which treats nature as merely property to be owned – has failed to protect nature and our own life support systems, and that a radical change in the law is needed which re-positions humanity in the role of a guardian or trustee of the best interests of those natural systems.  Opponents of this approach see recognizing the rights of nature as inappropriate and ultimately demeaning to the special dignity of the human person – undermining a rights-based system of law which makes humans exceptional. This webinar features one panelist on each side:  Thomas Linzey, Senior Legal Counsel, the Center for Democratic and Environmental Rights (CDER) and Wesley J. Smith, Chair and Senior Fellow, Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism.  This Zoom meeting is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.  It runs from 5:30 to 7:00 pm (Pacific Time).  Register at this link:


THURS OCT 21:  Abolish nuclear weapons!  Join today’s online meeting of the Olympia Coalition to Abolish Nuclear Weapons:  The Olympia Coalition to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (OCANW) will meet by Zoom video on THURSDAY OCTOBER 21 at 5:00 pm sharp.  I hope you will join us!  Our monthly meetings are informative, productive and enjoyable.  I will develop the agenda with the usual topics.  Please tell me any additional items you’d like to include on the agenda.  When the meeting starts at 5:00 you’ll be able to add more agenda items.  You may join as early as 4:45 pm to make sure your video, audio, etc., are working OK so we can start promptly at 5:00.  To join this Zoom meeting, click this link:  The Meeting ID is 857 6943 2072 with Passcode: 508389.  If you can’t use video and must call in by telephone, call (253) 215 8782 through Tacoma WA.




1B) Corporate-Backed Police Foundations Pose 'Threat to Democracy and Black Lives'


I also got this information from Glen:


Corporate-Backed Police Foundations Pose 'Threat to Democracy and Black Lives': Report 


"We cannot let corporations talk about 'Black lives' on their Twitter feeds while also funding police violence on our streets."



For many years, Badshah Khan – a devout pacifist Muslim from the mountainous Pashtun area of what is now in Pakistan, NW of India and near Afghanistan – practiced courageous nonviolent resistance to the British Empire along with Mohandas (“the Mahatma”) Gandhi.  He found that profound nonviolence was fully compatible with his Islamic faith, just as Gandhi found it fully compatible with his Hindu faith.  This man organized an “army” of pacifist Muslims to practice Satyagraha in support of independence – and he spent many years in prisons in his homeland.  (Some accounts exceed the 16 years I had heard of, ranging up to 30 or 37 years in total.)  I highly recommend the informative and inspiring book by Eknath Easwaran titled:  A Man to Match His Mountains.  Here is something he wrote about Satyagraha:


"Satyagraha has a double meaning: it signifies a determined holding on to, a grappling with truth, while at the same time it implies the force that arises from that grappling, what Gandhi called “soul-force”. It stands for both the means and the ends, the struggle and the force that is generated in the struggle. As heat is generated by friction, Gandhi contended, power is released from writhing the depths of the human spirit in its struggle toward truth." 

—Badshah Khan, who was known as “The Frontier Gandhi”


For more information contact me, Glen Anderson, at (360) 491-9093

See information about nonviolence, religion, organizing, etc., at various parts of my blog,




2) Bonus Tip of the Day:


Take care of yourself so that you can help others.










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Online version of this week’s Thunderbolt newsletter:


The Thunderbolt newsletter archive (new editions posted every Wednesday morning) and the Thunderbolt radio program archive (new shows posted every Friday morning):


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