The Thunderbolt 211027 -- To Vax? Or Not To Vax?

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Dana Walker

Oct 27, 2021, 7:25:47 AM10/27/21
to OCFB Listserve

The Thunderbolt

News — Commentary — Calendar of Activist Events — Dumb Jokes




1) FYI Section:  Solutionary Rail vs. Big Rail

2) Bonus Tip of the Day


A detailed description of all events is located after the News and Commentary section

To go directly to an event description just type the index entry above into a search box





To Vax? Or Not To Vax?





Temporary Reduction in Thunderbolt Production


Hey, People!


So — these days when I wake up Wednesday mornings, rather than being excited about publishing the perfidious perfidy of our politicos and elites, I find myself instead feeling burdened by having to come up with something to publish because it is taking me away from planning and constructing my retirement space.


This production has always been a labour of love, and if I’m not loving it then I’m not doing it.  Therefore, I am temporarily going to seriously reduce the output of my Thunderbolt production machine, probably for the next two or three months.  I will still be listening to the radio all the time and I will still be checking my emails a couple of times a week, and if I come across things that people really need to know about then I will put something out — but otherwise I am temporarily going to place the Thunderbolt on kind of an ‘on demand’ schedule rather than religiously put out something every week — as I have been doing every week since 2012.


I will still be posting radio shows — but after the November 5th show, I’ll be playing reruns until the bus is done.



Minimalist Election News


It is local election time.  I tend to focus on big-issue overarching underlying things — and I must confess that I do not pay nearly as much attention to local politics as I should.  I guess I can take some comfort from the fact that almost no one pays nearly as much attention to local politics as they should — but in another sense that makes it even worse.  Especially since individual people can have much more impact in local politics than they can upon state, federal, or world politics.


Anyway, due to my ignorance of local politics combined with the fact that my bus project is sucking up all of my energy these days, I invited four people whom I know to be very knowledgeable about local politics to share their insights and write guest columns here in the Thunderbolt.


The only one of the four who even responded was Kim Dobson, and Kim responded by inviting me to get together in an email — and since I only check emails very sporadically (and even more sporadically lately) this meant that I didn’t get Kim’s response until about 20 minutes ago.


Therefore, all I know is that I will be voting for Talauna Reed for City Council, and Joel Hansen for Port Commissioner — and I guess I’ll leave the rest blank since I don’t know enough to know what I’m doing.



To Vax? Or Not To Vax?


I got this message from OA:


Simply put, I think this 'vaccine', and its attendant campaign, are highly suspicious. For starters, it doesn't confer immunity nor prevent transmission.  Traditionally, historically a vaccine would provide (in practical effect) those things as a necessary component of it even being called a vaccine.  Also traditionally, a vaccine was made with an attenuated* virus, etc.  The usual process being, after two years of transparent development and testing, an open-to-the-public voluntary trial would be initiated in a cross-section of the population.  Those persons would then be studied, monitoring them closely toward 5 and 10 year assessment points.  Then, after those 2, 5, and 10 year markers, if the vaccine did indeed provide practical immunity and prevent, practically, transmission (with very little to no adverse events nor side-effects) it would be open to the general public, with any potential complications readily and obviously disclosed upon its packaging and during their being administered, in keeping with the medical-ethical principal of informed consent.  And, like I said, all that would have traditionally been done with an attenuated virus, etc.


These vaccines do not stop infection (do not create immunity) and do not prevent transmission.  What's more, they need a "booster".  Tetanus vaccines only require a "booster" after 10 years or so, and even then likely only if one has cut themselves on metal or feels they are at-risk, etc.  Polio, measles, etc. all require only one shot/procedure and provide practical immunity and effectively prevent transmission using attenuated viruses, with years (2, 5, 10+) of real-world post-administered data backing them.  Just because they were testing the "technology" behind the current gene-based vaccines for a number of years prior, obviously does not mean they were testing the real-world administering of the finished "product".  To me, similar to these, vaccines like the flu vaccine are also - perhaps - more about the money.  Those vaccines also do not exactly stop infection nor transmission, which means, to my thinking, they are more of a 'cosmetic' vaccine; meaning, if you as an individual feel like potentially reducing your symptoms if you were to get the flu, then it is up to and only for you - a personal hypothetical benefit of getting the vaccine yearly.  This creates a recurring market for vaccine "manufacturers", hence profit and economic bargaining power.  Also, as I just referred to them, none of these 'hi-tech' vaccines use attenuated virus.  None of them have had the traditionally rigorous and transparent 2, 5, and 10 year study points (literally impossible since its only been 10 months since the "roll-out" began) and informed consent is rarely - if ever - being practiced in their administering.  They are gene-based "products" and that truly does mean they are indeed "gene-therapy" or "gene-editing" adjacent, at the very least.  I believe, with anything related to manipulating genes, using synthetic gene components, or targeting genes directly-intentionally in one/an-other's body in anyway, it should be the informed choice of the person accepting it, with absolutely no coercion, prejudice, nor punishment for not wanting such interventions.  Also, where is the discussion around the 2, 5, and 10 year study of the effects of these gene-influencing "technologies" and why aren't they using an attenuated virus with the rigorously public-transparent and open-to-question procedures traditionally, historically associated with vaccines?  Why don't these vaccines create immunity and stop transmission and why should anyone be pressured to take one if the "product" doesn't do what a vaccine historically did?  Like I said, if an individual chooses to take one, that is their own cosmetic decision - not strictly a medical one - and, again, there should be no punishing, coercion, nor prejudice taking place around the subject at all.


"Full stop."


Below is a link to the largest lawsuit in US history ($2.3 billion) for medical malpractice against none other than Pfizer, for misleading consumers and suppressing safety data, 2009:


Also, if you're wondering if popular media outlets (and their "fact-checkers") could be, would in fact mislead you, I have 3 little letters to remind you of: WMDs (which never were 'found' because it was likely only a piece of propaganda, a bending-of-facts, a narrative-for-utility).  Those 3 little letters eventually led to still-unending imperialist aggression, military-economic occupation, and senseless death in the name of greed and lust-for-control.  Finally, here I shall refer you to a few more related links:


Please take the time to read and listen and consider.



Love y'all,


& Thanks - J



Further important reading/listening (check all the citations): (Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, 9/17/2021; FDA) "





Yes, the whole thing about this whole Covid vaccination thing is that since Big Bucks are involved then that means you cannot believe an official word that comes out of any of their frigging mouths.  The official responses have seemed to be haphazard, uncoordinated, and fueled by politics and economic concerns rather than by the public good — and many of the Covid policies seem to have been pulled directly out of someone’s anus.


Therefore, vaccine skepticism is not nearly as crazy or off-the-wall as the corporate media makes it out to be.


That said, though, one group of people whose word I do believe are the emergency room doctors and nurses — and the emergency room doctors and nurses are all saying that their emergency rooms are being overwhelmed by unvaccinated people who are then dying in droves.


Yes, vaccinated people are still catching Covid and some of them are even dying of it — but in most of those cases there are almost always other underlying health issues involved and they form a highly disproportionately small minority of total hospitalizations and deaths.


This according to the emergency room doctors and nurses


Judging by that evidence, the vaccines do seem to be effective and — so far — they seem to have minimal side effects.


Therefore, I did get vaccinated myself recently — but I waited for several months longer than I had to so I could see what happened before allowing the pandemic profiteers to conduct their medical experiments upon me.


I guess everyone needs to make up their own mind.



It’s time to get to work.





The Olympia Action Alert

Week of October 27th thru November 2nd, 2021




1) FYI Section:


Solutionary Rail vs. Big Rail


I got this message from the Backbone Campaign:


Friend –


Over the last few days, Solutionary Rail delivered the sign on letter to Surface Transportation Board (STB) Chairman Martin Oberman, as well as over 100 copies to key members of Congress, Secretary Buttigieg, and other STB board members. Here's the press release about that letter and the 35 organizations, 100 activists, community leaders and issue experts who signed on in support of this federal rail regulator’s bold statements.


Our unconventional alliance of environmental, labor, and social justice organizations is letting STB Chairman Martin Oberman know that we have his back. We need you to have ours. 


We support Chairman Oberman's critique of the Class 1 railroads' misdirected loyalties to Wall Street rather than the public good. They have most certainly failed to live up to their common carrier obligations.  Together, we are calling for coordinated action between the STB, Congress, and the Biden Administration.


Standing up to the Robber Barons of today and their Wall St. Railroad monopolies can and must be done. Our forebears did so, and now it's our turn. It won't be easy. So, we need you help. Please lock arms with us, lean in, and take action. 


Here's what you can do:


1.    Personalize and submit one of our Letters to the Editor to your local paper

2.    Post our press release and collage of organizations to your social media network. Sample posts are HERE  [Consider using these hashtags: #StandUp2WallStRRs #RRs4PublicGood, #SolutionaryRail]

3.    Contact members of the Senate Commerce Committee and House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee to confirm that they received a copy of the Solutionary Rail sign on letter (from committee staff). Then ask them to support Oberman and collaborate with him on both: Characterizing the External Costs of Freight Transport AND the updating of Common Carrier Obligations to serve 21st Century Public Interests. 

4.    Use our Social Media Toolkit to amplify this effort.


This is a critical moment in the Solutionary Rail campaign. We are deeply grateful and honored that so many excellent people and organizations signed onto the letter to STB Chairman Oberman. 


Your follow through is critical for growing the momentum of this moment.


Forward Together!


Bill Moyer 

Solutionary Rail co-author & campaign lead
c. 206-356-9980


PS Want to help by pitching in with a tax-deductible donation?  Click here to make a donation, or send in a check (made out to Backbone Campaign, our fiscal sponsor) to Solutionary Rail, PO Box 278, Vashon WA 98070


Backbone Campaign · PO Box 278, Vashon, WA 98070, United States




2) Bonus Tip of the Day:


Do some research and then try to do what’s right.










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