The Thunderbolt 211104 — Irregular Path Forward

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Dana Walker

Nov 4, 2021, 10:59:13 AM11/4/21
to OCFB Listserve

The Thunderbolt

News — Commentary — Calendar of Activist Events — Dumb Jokes




Irregular Path Forward





Irregular Path Forward


Hey, People!


So, I’m a day late — and that is likely to become more common as I’ve decided that rather than sticking to a strict schedule, for the next few months I’m going to just publish important information that I happen to come across and/or information people ask me to share as it comes along.  I still check my emails (if highly irregularly) and I still listen to the radio, though KOWA is off the air more than it’s on the air these days.


(If the new crew at the “New Media Island” doesn’t want their radio station and/or can’t keep it on the air, then I sure wish they would give it back to the people who do and can…)


I don’t have much to say about the election as I’m becoming more and more convinced that elections are utterly useless.


Anyway, here are a few things…



The Supreme Court Case No One is Talking About


I got this information from AZ:


On November 8th, the Federal Bureau of Investigation v. Fazaga case will appear before the U.S. Supreme Court. The plaintiffs in this case, Yassir Fazaga, Ali Uddin Malik, and Yasser Abdelrahim, are challenging the government’s invocation of “state secrets” privilege to dismiss the plaintiffs’ federal class action lawsuit against the FBI for targeting, infiltrating, and surveilling major mosques in Southern California. The “state secrets” privilege has thus far allowed the FBI to escape accountability for discriminating against the American Muslim mosque communities by asserting that whether or not the plaintiffs’ accusations are true is a state secret. Have no doubt, the sacrifice of First Amendment rights in the name of national security should absolutely worry each and every American. And that is exactly why the SCOTUS verdict on this case will be critical for our nation.


Religious freedom is at the heart of FBI v. Fazaga: should the FBI or any government entity be able to target and surveil entire communities on the basis of their faith for the sake of national security? In short, no. But it’s worth exploring the longer answer here. The rights and liberties protected under the U.S. Constitution form the foundation of America. As with any foundation, this, too, must be unshakeable. At no point should the American government violate the Bill of Rights, not even to protect national security. If it does, it must be held accountable. Failure to do so will set a dangerous precedent for government overreach and abuse of power.


In the post-9/11 era, American Muslims have repeatedly become victims of FBI’s discriminatory practices and have seen their First Amendment rights violated time and time again. But American Muslims are not the first group to be targeted under the pretext of national security. Under Executive Order 9066, during World War II, the U.S. government forcibly uprooted Japanese Americans from their homes and put them in internment camps. All in the name of national security. Sooner or later, the normalization of these practices will impact every American.


What will be the likely verdict on this case, then?


With a conservative supermajority amongst our current Supreme Court justices, realistically speaking, the likelihood for the SCOTUS to rule in favor of the three American Muslim plaintiffs is slim. We must also remember the Korematsu v. United States decision, in which the SCOTUS infamously upheld the exclusion of Japanese Americans from the West Coast Military Area (thus justifying the use of Japanese internment camps). The odds are not in our favor. If the court does rule against the plaintiffs, however, the verdict will confirm that Americans are at the mercy of the government when it comes to matters of national security. And that is not a black or white, left or right issue. It’s one that concerns all Americans.


MPAC has dedicated over three decades to protecting the rights and liberties of American Muslims, and our work is guided by the principles of justice and equity. Even if the Supreme Court’s verdict upholds the FBI’s invocation of the “state secrets” principle and dismisses the blatant violation of First Amendment rights, we will not accept defeat or resign our efforts. We will continue our advocacy with the executive and legislative branches of the U.S. government to build meaningful safeguards against government surveillance and targeting.




Feedback on Vaccines


I got this message from DL, who wrote the piece I published last week questioning vaccines:


Thanks for being willing to at least question the covid narrative. Sadly, that's more than most are willing to do on the progressive-left these days. And btw, your choice to get vaccinated is indeed your personal choice. And yet, I'm afraid those that choose not to get vaccinated are not receiving the same respect. I hope you will speak to that issue in a future letter.


I do want to briefly respond to the following excerpt from your newsletter:


That said, though, one group of people whose word I do believe are the emergency room doctors and nurses — and the emergency room doctors and nurses are all saying that their emergency rooms are being overwhelmed by unvaccinated people who are then dying in droves.


Really? ALL the emergency room doctors and nurses are saying this? And just HOW do they all know what these patients died of, and whether or not they were vaccinated or not vaccinated?  


Check out this Nurse/PA report, which I found highly credible:


And just where did this data the ER doctors/nurses tell you about come from? How is it even determined that all these patients indeed have covid-19, let alone died because of it? Was it via the proven fraud of an RT-PCR test, which is known to result in an extremely high rate of false positives? And how are the death certificates handled? How is the cause of death determined, and what is the process involved in reporting this? How can we in the public know whether deceased person A died of covid, pneumonia, the flu, stroke, cancer, heart disease, etc. (from a false positive RT-PCR test??)? You are aware that hospitalized "covid" patients are often comorbid with multiple other life-threatening conditions, right? So the question is, what is the original source that provides the framework for how these emergency healthcare professionals understand "who's dying from what?" I'm not questioning the credibility or integrity of these frontline nurses/doctors you're referring to. And the fact is, they didn't create all the tests they use in their capacity as healthcare professionals, and that includes the PCR test, and they're generally not involved in the death certificate records, or the vax/non-vax hospitalization rates, etc., I suspect.


Anyway, just some thoughts. You raised some great points that correctly, IMO, question the overall covid narrative pushed practically 24/7 by the bought-off corporate media networks and neoliberal democratic establishment figures. It seems odd that you would drop all that just because some frontline hospital folk unsurprisingly buy into the narrative themselves, a narrative that is obviously massaged, manipulated, and administered at the hospital and public health level itself.


I'll leave you with this on the RT-PCR test, from the CDC itself. They are essentially admitting that the test is unpersuasive in detecting the difference between someone that has the flu or covid. Of course, this is likely just to throw people off their hot path, since it is well known that this RT-PCR test can't diagnose either condition with any meaningful accuracy:


After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only. CDC is providing this advance notice for clinical laboratories to have adequate time to select and implement one of the many FDA-authorized alternatives. 


In preparation for this change, CDC recommends clinical laboratories and testing sites that have been using the CDC 2019-nCoV RT-PCR assay select and begin their transition to another FDA-authorized COVID-19 test. CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses. 


A few other sources. I have tons.


PCR was never intended to be used to "diagnose" or detect a virus in a way that has any meaning whatsoever.


The inventor of the RT-PCR Test, Kary Mullis:


The problem of cycle count and false positives:


That's it for now.



Yes, I didn’t literally mean that “all” the doctors and nurses are saying what I said they’re saying about their emergency rooms being overwhelmed by unvaccinated COVID patients, but I’ve heard numerous interviews with dozens of them who are saying what I said they’re saying and I haven’t heard anyone credibly denying what they’re saying.  This is not ‘data’; this is people on the ground reporting what they're seeing.



Then — from the opposite perspective — I got this message from AC:


The pandemic is a common enemy that takes no prisoners anywhere in the world.  Native Americans are 19 times as susceptible to infection and death from it, blacks are 3 times as likely as whites.  So yeah, not getting vaccinated puts innocent Black and Native Americans as orders of magnitude greater risk of dying...a proposition only the KKK could love.


"A good idea acted on immediately is far superior to a brilliant idea acted on 3 days later."  -George Patton-


Patton knew how to deal with the enemy.  We do not have time (years) to come up with the perfect/brilliant vaccine.  Patton knew waiting for a brilliant idea was a death sentence or his men facing the enemy.  We all must have the courage to present a united front against a common enemy.  This is, indeed, an instance of if we don't hang together, we will hang separately.  There was more than 1 polio vaccine.  One turned out to be better than the other.  But this is not why the scourge of children was virtually eliminated from the planet.  It was the availability and acceptance of the vaccine by ALL the world's children, not just those of the wealthier nations.  This pandemic exacts serious retribution on those who don't have their neighbors' back.  We are all connected for better or worse in this.  The net we fashion to protect ourselves will only be as strong as the weakest strands.  It is a well understood principal in law and morality we do not have the right to put our neighbor and family at risk, else we would have no reckless endangerment and drunk driving laws.  We are not allowed to fire guns for kicks in residential neighborhoods just because we haven't hit anybody yet.  Risk, though inchoate, is real.  It is what makes insurance companies fat and fills our mortuaries despite the fact it is odorless, tasteless, and cannot be seen, felt, or heard.  We also know, unopposed, the virus will assume an ever more infectious and lethal form, given the opportunity.  Imagine its potential as a zoonotic disease were it to leap species boundaries to our family dogs?  Would the government kill the dogs to prevent transmission to humans?  Would Americans allow the government to kill Fido?


The arguments advanced by the anti-vax Chicken Little citizen are fatuous and ill informed.  They're rooted in the understanding we had of viruses in its infancy and should remain in the 20th century where they originated in the dawn of virology.  Today, we use virus therapy (polio, believe it or not) to treat malignant brain tumors!


When the dam bursts, we haven't the time to build a moat.  We grab the tools immediately at our disposal and fight like Hell to survive.  This has been true for longer than civilization has existed and is apparent in every legal system in the world.  It is the basis for the Good Samaritan law.  It is certainly lawful to press every citizen into defending the nation against a common enemy, whether human or another lethal threat.  The dead have no rights.



While George Patton is not my favourite person, he did know what he knew, and I’d say he probably had a little more expertise in this area than most of the rest of us.



Anyway, that’s it for now.  I’ll see you when I see you…




Bonus Tip of the Day:


Don’t accept the status quo.









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