post-exam updates

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Alex Railean

Jun 26, 2012, 4:29:56 PM6/26/12
Hi everyone,

I have some news for you.

* after reviewing everybody's work and performance, I concluded that
some results must be re-evaluated. The following students' grades
have changed:
- Vlada //FAF091
- Max //FAF101

You guys have a 10. Vlada's grade is already written as such in
"borderou", I will have to change it in your "matricola" and Bob's
your uncle!

Max - your case is going to be somewhat problematic, because I
submitted the results to doamna Valentina some weeks ago, and I'll
have to deal with some "administrative windmills" to apply the
update. However, I spoke to Mr Bostan and to Mr Ceban, they're aware
of it and I guess everything will work out in the long run.

* the rationale for the update is that I could only see the clear
picture after talking to everybody else, thus harvesting enough
feedback to do a proper comparison of competence. The following
details are taken into account besides the quantity of the labs
themselves (so other people who were surprised by the fact they got
a 10 know what this is about:-)
- the quality of the submitted labs (even if you didn't submit 7/7)
- whether the ones that were submitted, were submitted on time
- how well they were documented
- how well you've dealt with the interviews
- participation in class discussions
- speed of progress (i.e. how the quality of your projects
improved as you moved on to newer assignments); I really enjoyed
observing how some of you turned from "insecure/uncertain folks"
into people who "know what they are talking about"
- cooperation with other students (debating, helping, debugging
sessions, etc)
- debugging sessions in class (yes, when I see you do real work, I
am so deeply touched that I want to sit right next to you and fix
all the bugs, but... no, can't do that :-)
- artistic impression and interesting tricks employed in some of
your projects
- class attendance
- willingness to give it a try.. even if things didn't work out
well, watching you try and fail is still a good reason to offer
bonus points

So, there's no need to thank me for the grades, they're yours because
you've earned them.

I must point out that I really liked some projects, not just the ones
of people whom I told "nice doing business with you". You see, I had
voice issues, so I had to talk less and I couldn't even laugh as often
as I would normally do. :-)

* Friday morning is when I must submit the results to Mr. Ceban. No
delays, or anything of that sort. As you know, we've had troubles
with the dean yesterday, because of the "consultation in the park",
and today we've had troubles with the same people because of the
exam starting time.

All the remaining students from FAF101 can meet me at Dekart at
- 1830 on Thursday

Unfortunately, I have a meeting at 1800 on Wednesday, and it could
take more than an hour, so I am afraid that if you come on
Wednesday, you'll have to wait a lot. So, Wednesday is cancelled,
- you can come at 1900
- you're OK with waiting for some time
- you REALLY PREPARED for the meeting

* The deal with a "minimal number of labs to get a passing grade",
applies to the people who attended classes regularly and tried to
put something together. It does NOT APPLY to people who sent me 3
files "in krushe" on the last day.

I've warned you in the beginning of the semester that failing is
easy, if you try hard ;-) So don't be surprised if you give me no
choice but to fail you.

I'll be your PSI teacher one year from now, if I fail you this year
- we'll have less headache then.

The fact that you're working doesn't change anything. If you chose a
job that turned your life into "study XOR work", you should either
change the job or ditch the university altogether.

* Vadim Tornea, if you had to leave earlier, you should have told me
about it and I could've interviewed you in turbo-mode; I bet none of
your colleagues would mind. You left without saying anything, so at
the moment your grade is 0. Of course, we can sync on Thursday and
address that.

* I am asking the original author of the paragraph below to contact
me. I am so touched by this chunk of text that I want to use it in
my memoirs, but I don't know who should get the credit. The core of
the problem is that I've seen it in several reports; should I divide
the royalties among all of you? ;-)

"By making this laboratory work we understood that what appears to
be complicated is very easy if some knowledge is applied. A task
which seemed hard at the beginning of the course turned out to be
the easiest one."

Yours truly,

Dragos Mocrii

Jun 26, 2012, 4:30:51 PM6/26/12
Awesome teacher is awesome.
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