Consider a deeply nested structure made up of hashes and arrays,
something like:
o = {
'a' =>,
'b' =>,
'c' => [,,
'a' =>,
'b' =>,
'c => {
'a' =>,
'b' => [,,]
Where is just a placeholder/example for any kind of object which
does not behave like a Enumerable or a Hash (i.e. does not
respond_to :each or :each_pair, it's just "atomic content")
Suppose you want to create another structure were any of such
"content" is replaced by the result of a block call:
o.deep_map {|x| x.object_id}
such deep_map method should return something like:
'a' => 8748340,
'b' => 8746940,
'c' => [
'a' => 8723520,
# and so on...
Is there anything like that in Ruby Facets?
P.S.: in doubt, I have just reinvented-my-wheel ;-)
facets-universal mailing list
No, I don't think so. Facets #recursive method might help though.
Albeit that's in the latest 2.9.0 version that hasn't been release yet
--but it will be within days.
Also, you might ask for some golf to be played on this idea on ruby-
talk. I would not be surprised if someone couldn't figure out how to
knock the code for this down to one to two lines.
Well, I was thinking about contributing my method to Facets, forking
the repo and following the other guidelines (tests, rdoc comments
etc.). It will take some time but looks doable. Or do you think it
would be useless/redundant compared to #recursive?
And I was thinking of adding it to Facets :)
But I need to understand it better to do so. Basically there 's a
weighing between general utility and difficulty to achieve without the
method. Which is why I suggested posting it to ruby-talk for a round
of golf and comments.
I wouldn't be surprised if there were a way for #recursive (or
#recursively) to handle it fairly concisely, but it's not obvious to
me at the moment. The difficulty lies in the fact that it applies to
both Arrays and Hashes.
(side note) I always wondered if it was a mistake that Hash#each did
not just iterate over the values, and a different set of iterators
could have been used to iterate over key,value pairs. This would have
created better polymorphism between Array and Hash.
In any case, I'd be happy to add it to Facets if you test it and vet
it on ruby-talk.
I'm waiting for replies. Hopefully, after some fruitful discussion i
will fork the git repository and do the rest of the work.
Excellent. I'm just about to release 2.9.0 and I will pull this in before I do.
Super Thanks!
Well :-)
...but we still have the problem of implementing "deep_map" and
friends via #recursive or #recursively (although the above patch
*might* help). Right now
I don't have the time to figure this out in a proper and *concise*
way. So I ended up with my original implementation , which also has
the advantage of being more duck-typed.
Two methods: #deep_map_values and #deep_rekey which treat keys and
values separately (unlike Hash#map).
The code is here:
This is the best I can do right now, if there's some interest in the
code as is
I may go on, adding tests&docs, otherwise I'll keep using it hard-
coded in my own project.
In any case, thanks for this awesome project :)